130. Chapter 130 Reunion after a long separation

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  Chapter 130 Reunion after a long separation

  In another room next to it, Richard and Sassi sat facing each other.

  Saas also poured a cup of Saka black tea for Richard, and the fragrant tea fragrance floated in the room.

  This is of course for the sake of Richard's reputation as the last freshman chief. Otherwise, even an ordinary second-level wizard apprentice would not be able to get a cup of tea when he comes to Sass.

  Moreover, Sass also clearly noticed that Richard's aura seemed to be deeper and more concise, and it seemed that it was not far behind him.

  This made him pay more attention to the young man who had disappeared for half a year.

  He was very curious about what Richard had gone through to grow so fast in strength. He was also there to watch when the other party won the top spot among the freshmen half a year ago.

  At that time, Richard still felt a little immature to him. Although Richard's strength had reached the level of a second-level wizard apprentice at that time, he was only the first to enter the second level.

  But the Richard in front of him was already a bit hard for him to see through.

  "Richard, I heard the news of your death half a year ago. At that time, I didn't believe it at all. It's hard to say anything about your strength as the freshman chief. You are definitely more than enough to protect yourself." The Sars man is mature and sophisticated, and his speech is quite favorable. .

  "Haha, thank you, Senior Sasse, for your concern. In the past six months, I have also experienced dangers along the way, and I almost couldn't come back."

  Richard deleted what he said to Tutor Seles again, and then He told it to the curious Sasse.

  After all, I have to trouble others with things later, and since they are deliberately making friends, I can't be cold-faced.

  After hearing Richard's twists and turns and bizarre plot, Sasse was also stunned, exclaiming that Richard could come back safely like this, it was really the blessing of the goddess of luck!
  "Richard, although you have experienced many difficulties in the past six months, I feel that your current aura seems to be the top one among the second-level wizard apprentices. I believe you will soon be able to enter the third-level wizard apprenticeship." "Yes.

  " Yes, I almost forgot about the business, you came here this time probably for your student status, right?"

  "Yes, please excuse me, Senior Sasse. By the way, I also want to take the test for the second-level wizard apprentice." "

  Haha, Richard, do you still need to take the test? I don't think so! I believe you must have The strength of a second-level wizard apprentice."

  "Well, let's test it." Richard thought it would be better to follow the school's regulations.

  "Okay, I also want to see how much mental power you have."

  Sass said with a smile.

  In fact, according to the school's regulations, promotion to a second-level wizard apprentice requires the presence of an official wizard of the school for testing.

  But Sass wanted to give Richard some convenience, which was regarded as a good friend, and he was quite familiar with the official wizard in charge of this student work, so he made some decisions on his own.

  A few minutes later, while praising him, Sass recorded the mental power that Richard had deliberately controlled, which was shown to be 17.9 standard units.

  "Richard, here are the apprentice robes of the second-level wizard apprentice, the key to the dormitory, and the fee-based course schedule for this semester. The second-level wizard apprentice enjoys a 20% discount on points and magic stones. In the mission area, those marked "Only

  for Now you can take on the tasks that only second-level wizard apprentices can take on.

  By the way, the most common ones now are the tasks in the secret realm of Norman." "

  Hey! Shouldn't these task schools have been released a long time ago? "Li Cha couldn't help but asked curiously.

  Sass shook his head and said: "It's different. The first batch of tasks were indeed released by the school.

  But now there are many more tasks because many instructors in the school have also released some tasks, mainly to collect some tasks that are different from the school. Conflicting resources, such as the organs of some monsters unique to the secret realm, etc. You can find out the details by looking at them. The rewards are very generous." "Senior Sass, can the

  second-level wizard apprentice issue a mission?" Richard asked.

  "Yes, but it is only accessible to first-level wizard apprentices, and there are area restrictions. The scope of the task is limited to the mud swamp. Only after both conditions are met, can you apply to release the task at the trading area counter." Sass said.

  When Richard heard this, he was a little disappointed. Although the permissions of the second-level wizard apprentice were greatly improved, it was not enough. For example, the tasks issued were limited to the swamp, and the practicality was greatly reduced.

  Otherwise, he can use his rapidly improving pharmacy skills to ask his apprentices to help him collect raw materials.

  But a third-level wizard apprentice? When the time comes, just handle it.

  A group of freshmen waited at the door eagerly for a long time, but the bald man in charge of the new wizard qualification test did not come out. At this time, they were also a little restless waiting.

  Suddenly, the door creaked open, and the bald man walked out with the young man with a smile on his face.

  Suddenly, dozens of freshmen fell silent.

  Sass watched Richard go away, then shouted: "Continue the test!"

  After saying that, he turned around and entered the room.
  dormitory area for first-level wizard apprentices, where the co-associations of each principality recruit new members.

  In one place, there were large words written: Green Kingdom Mutual Aid Association, and there was a long table and a lounge chair next to it.

  Lying on the recliner was a gray-robed apprentice, flipping through a book leisurely.

  "Senior Otis! Senior Otis!"

  Upon hearing this voice, the gray-robed apprentice visibly frowned and raised his eyelids. It turned out to be Jacob. If not for the fact that he was also from the Kingdom of Green, and happened to be Being from the same county as myself, I really couldn't be bothered to talk to him.

  Any wizard apprentice who was interrupted when he was watching with great interest must have been angry. He immediately said angrily: "

  Jacob, what are you doing in such a hurry? Remember, you are a noble now. If you are a wizard apprentice outside, your status is already higher than that of a formal knight, so you must always pay attention to your words and deeds!"

  Jacob was stunned after what he said. When Otis saw this, he obviously felt much more comfortable. He lay down on the recliner leisurely and started to rock slowly.

  "Tell me, what's going on?"

  The boy named Jacob looked at Senior Otis's expression carefully this time, reorganized the language in his mind, and said, "Thank
  you, Senior Otis, for your teachings. , I want to ask you if there is a first-level wizard apprentice named Richard in our school. I was just at the talent test."

  But just in the middle of the sentence, Otis interrupted.

  "Richard? Who did you just say you saw, Richard? Is he still alive?" Otis stood up immediately after hearing this, and said in shock.

  No matter how stupid the boy was, he instantly understood that the man named Richard was definitely not simple.

  What's more, as a selected wizard apprentice and future wizard seed, he is by no means dull.

  "Yes, Senior Otis. The bald man in charge of the test called him Richard, and he seemed to be surprised." The boy told Otis exactly what he saw at that time.

  "Where is the man named Richard now?" Otis asked.

  "It's right over the two-story building where wizard qualifications are tested."

  Otis was silent for a moment, and after pacing back and forth a few times, he murmured: "That's right. After Richard disappeared, the school They have canceled all his student status information, and now that he is back, he must apply for reinstatement first." "

  Well done, Jacob, next time you hear such news, remember to tell me as soon as possible. A piece of magic stone as a reward for providing timely information!" After saying that, the old student hurried away.

  This immediately made the boy a little confused. Looking at Otis's hurried away figure, he couldn't help but whisper: "Senior Otis, I'm not here to tell you this. I just want to ask this Li Find out what the origin is."

  "However, the income from a magic stone is quite good. I should be able to treat Lina to the second floor for a big meal." When the boy first came to the school, he heard that there were rare dishes for sale on the second floor of the cafeteria, but they were expensive. .

  In less than half a day, the news that the previous freshman chief had come back from the dead spread throughout the Ignis School.
  this time, Richard came to his new room, which was located behind the original dormitory. The people who lived here were all the second-level wizard apprentices of the school.

  As soon as Richard entered the room, he found that the room was more than twice as big as when he was a first-level wizard apprentice.

  It is about seventy or eighty square meters, with a bathroom, a bedroom and a living room. There is also a long red desk in the living room. The material and grade are better than those of the first-level wizard apprentice. It seems that the overall treatment of the second-level wizard apprentice is better than that of the first-level wizard apprentice. When I was a first-level apprentice, I got better.

  To give a simple analogy, it is like being upgraded from a single standard room in a hotel to a business suite in the previous life.

  This is also normal. Second-level wizard apprentices are considered to have entered the backbone of the school. Although third-level wizard apprentices are much stronger, their number is much smaller than that of second-level wizard apprentices. Therefore, many tasks are for second-level wizard apprentices. The advanced wizard apprentices are completing the task in teams.

  In this regard, the school certainly does not hesitate to improve the treatment of second-level wizard apprentices.

  This can be regarded as a disguised way to encourage the first-level wizard apprentices to work hard to break through and strive to be promoted to the second level as soon as possible.

  After Richard rested for a while, he carefully sorted out his next study plan. One was to search for information about Rodrigo, see if he could find relevant clues, and seek to obtain follow-up meditation methods. This was a top priority.

  The second thing is that Richard plans to find a zero-level witchcraft that increases movement speed. This is still his shortcoming. He relies on drugs to escape. Although he has basically not escaped in the past six months. Pass.

  But it’s always better to be prepared.

  The third thing is to follow Tutor Seles and learn pharmacy.

  So, starting from the next day, Richard followed his mentor Seles and studied elementary pharmacy seriously.

  Basically, as long as Seles demonstrated and explained the actual operation of a medicine, Richard could basically memorize it, and after thinking about it for a while, he could basically complete it independently.

  This made Seles very excited, and he repeatedly praised Richard's talent in pharmacy.

  "Richard, compared to your wizard qualifications, your talent in pharmacy is simply unparalleled. I am convinced that in just two or three years, you will be able to become a master of pharmacy." "Thank you for your compliments, mentor. It mainly relies

  on Your advice."

  In fact, what Richard was thinking in his heart was, mentor, two or three years is too long, I am seizing the day!

  Richard had carefully thought about how much talent he would reveal in pharmacy. Since he already had a complete foundation of murloc pharmacy, he could be considered a half-master of pharmacy.

  Therefore, Richard has a relatively solid foundation in both practical operations and theory.

  If you still hide it and make yourself look like a novice, it will do no good to you if you want to learn some subsequent pharmacy content.

  Only by showing excellent pharmacy talent can one quickly learn subsequent advanced pharmacy knowledge.

  Therefore, after making up his mind, Richard did not overly conceal his pharmacy strength and showed half of it generously.

  But this also made Seles so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear for a long time, shouting that he had found a treasure!

  After half a day, Richard learned the techniques and principles of making two new potions.

  At the same time, Richard also directly rented a junior alchemy room downstairs for three months.

  For him now, the usage fee of two magic stones a day is really a small sum.

  After all, in the past six months, Richard had accumulated countless rare herbs, and just a few of them would earn him hundreds of magic stones.

  If the space in his package hadn't been so limited, he could have brought back a bunch more.

  Second-level wizard apprentice dormitory area.

  "Dong dong dong!" There was a regular knock on the door.

  Richard couldn't help but be confused. He had just moved here a few days ago, and who would come to his door.

  But Richard opened the door without any hesitation. After all, this was within the school's residence, and the possibility of enemies was basically non-existent.

  With a "squeak" sound, the door was opened.

  A familiar and slightly crying "Richard!" was like the cry of a kingfisher.

  At the same time, a fiery body rushed into Richard's arms and collided with Richard's strong body, making him even more weak and boneless.

  Of course, Richard saw clearly who the other party was.

  Just because he saw clearly who it was, he couldn't push away or dodge.

  A pleasant fragrance kept rushing into Richard's nostrils. Relying on the foundation laid by practicing fish-man pharmacy in the past six months, Richard could easily tell that one of the fragrances was the faint scent of violet flowers.

  And the other one
  seems to be a girl's body fragrance.
  Well, it seems that the latter smells better than the former!
  After being stunned for a moment, Richard slowly put his hands around Mei Luo's slender but surprisingly elastic waist. As soon as he put his hands on it, he found that it was so hot and soft.

  The two of them maintained this state for a full seven or eight seconds.

  At this time, Richard suddenly felt hot and wet on his shoulders, as if some liquid was flowing down.

  Gently lifting the senior in his arms upright, and looking at Mei Luo's red and slightly swollen almond-shaped eyes, Richard realized that those were senior's tears.

  This made Richard feel like a warm current had been injected into his heart, and he was immediately moved.

  "Senior, don't cry, I'm not doing well." As he spoke, he gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

  Meiluo stared at Richard blankly and didn't speak for a long time, but suddenly she started crying loudly like a flash flood: "Richard, when I heard the news that you were killed in battle, I really regretted it at that time. Why didn't I stay with you?" Team!"

  Looking at the senior who suddenly cried, Richard panicked for a moment and didn't know how to comfort him.

  He found that he was really not good at dealing with emotional problems, and it would be easier to face those monsters directly.

  But he instinctively pulled the senior sister into his arms, feeling that this might make the other party feel better.

  Sure enough, Meiluo's sobs became much quieter.

  But the girl's cry had already caused other second-level wizard apprentices with keen senses to open the door and poke their heads out.

  When they saw the charming girl in Richard's arms, most of them had expressions of understanding, and some of them even said hello to Richard, with expressions that everyone understood.

  This made Richard feel a little embarrassed, and he quickly pulled his senior sister into his room.

  When Mei Luo saw Richard hurriedly pulling her into the room and closing the door hurriedly, her pretty face turned red, but she didn't say anything. She just lowered her head shyly and clasped her fingers together, looking slightly nervous.

   Starting today, there will be updates for three consecutive days, all of which are 4,000+.

    Starting from next Tuesday, 8,000+ will be added for three consecutive days. I hope you will know, thank you.

  (End of chapter)

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