Chapter 72 Strength Ranking and Division

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  Chapter 72 Strength Ranking and Division

  Who is the strongest person in the Eagle Group?
  The mercenary said without hesitation: "The strongest person in the Eagle Group is Captain Wolf after transforming into a beast..." He

  answered so decisively, it seems that Wolf is indeed recognized as the strongest.

  Roja asked again: Who is the second strongest person?

  The mercenary said: "It's Captain Wolf who has not transformed into a beast, but is crazy..."

  Hiss! Wolf is so scary?
  Roja asked again: What about the third one?

  Mercenary: "It's the captain..."

  After that, Roja asked the mercenary one by one and learned from the mercenary a ranking of strength that was less controversial among ordinary mercenaries of the Eagle Regiment: No. 1
  , "Magic Wolf" Wolf.

  Second, "White Eagle" Genos, the leader.

  Third, "Thousand Mage" Kavin.

  Fourth, "Miko of the Forest" Anna, deputy leader.

  Fifth, the "big cut" Oliba.

  Sixth, "Hammer" Dwarf Kane, deputy leader.

  Seventh, "Sword Demon" Subaru.

  Eighth, "Angry Snake" Kaibar.

  Ninth, "King of Killers" Assassin.

  Tenth, "Light Elf" Finn, acting leader.

  It is worth noting that according to the mercenary, the strength of the members of the mercenary group spans four levels:
  ordinary level, limit breaking, super level, and awakening.

  Except for Wolf, who will be promoted to the "awakening" level after transforming into a beast, only the leader Bai Ying's strength is close to the "awakening" level.

  Although there are obvious differences in strength among other captains, they are basically at the same level - super level.

  The elites like Scar and Pig orc who are beyond ordinary people are called "Breaking Limits".

  Further down, those whose physical development is still at the ordinary level can only be collectively referred to as "ordinary level".

  As for his status and influence in the Holy Empire:

  The captain, whose strength is at the super level, is already quite a famous master, enough to serve as the leader and organizational leader of some second-rate mercenary groups.

  And when he reached the level of "White Eagle", the leader of the Eagle Group, he was almost a household name in the imperial capital, a star-like figure. A distinguished guest of the nobles, he was received by the royal family many times and was conferred the title of honorary earl.

  The above is the situation of the Eagle Group. As for the monsters in the Undead Mountains, the mercenaries have also conducted detailed investigations and research:
  the strongest one is undoubtedly the Skeleton General.

  After that, there are the twelve undead monsters under his command. The top six are ranked in order:
  first, the ending blade, Kate.

  Second, the ancient lich, the Clown King.

  Third, the forbidden warrior, Basaka.

  Fourth, Princess Mononoke, Kris.

  The fifth and sixth generation sword ghost, Lu Di.

  Sixth, Spider Queen, Ruth.

  As for the seventh to twelfth ones, their strength is much worse than the previous ones, and because it keeps changing, the information is uncertain.

  General Skeleton and the twelve heroic spirits under him were at least super-level or high-level monsters when they were alive, and very few of them were close to awakening.

  The strength of ordinary people will be greatly reduced after they are transformed into undead, so the seventh to twelfth heroic spirits will be weaker than the average super level.

  But after hundreds of years of accumulation, the Skeleton General and the first six heroic spirits are stronger than the average super level.

  Among them, Skeleton General and the first heroic spirit Kate should be at the awakening level, and the second and third heroic spirits are likely to be close to awakening.


  Roya touched his forehead while carving messages on the ground with the tip of his spear.

  At the beginning, he suspected that this dragon knight ran away and became a high-level monster in the Undead Mountains. He did not expect to be so famous.

  Mortal level, limit breaking, super level, awakening...the four levels are just vertical divisions of personal strength breakthroughs. The awakening of warriors and mages, the breakthrough of ordinary humans and Amazon female warriors, there may be obvious differences in horizontal comparison.

  As for Roja himself,

  he killed a captain without any injuries.

  But the opponent was an older professional assassin who was used to sneak attacks rather than facing the enemy head-on.

  Therefore, he speculated that his current basic attributes, excluding armor protection, would at best be at the super-average level of ordinary humans.

  The question about strength comes to an end.

  Roja asked another question: What is the plan to attack the depths of the Undead Mountains?
  The mercenary said: "The leader and captains will use the Gospel weapons and holy relics of the Church of Light to concentrate their efforts to directly attack the Skeleton General... After it dies, it will be impossible for the twelve heroic spirits to unite to resist. After that, we will slowly clean up the monsters." ..."

  Tsk, it is indeed a beheading operation.

  Roja asked another question: If just killing a skeleton general can solve all the hidden dangers in the Undead Mountains, why did the empire let it exist for hundreds of years and didn't do it earlier?
  The mercenary said: "The monsters in the Undead Mountains... are a barrier to the northern orc tribe. Under the restraint of General Skeleton, they will not come out to cause trouble. "Furthermore, General Skeleton

  was a hero of the empire during his lifetime, and the empire will not treat the royal family as We crusade against it in the name of... But now, I am a little afraid that it will become stronger and stronger and difficult to control..."

  Roja: So, the Eagle Group that wants to behead General Skeleton has the support of the imperial family behind it?
  Mercenary: " Maybe it's just a member of the royal family. I don't know which grand duke specifically commissioned it..."

  Well, this involves a bit complicated...

  Roja asked again: "What is the church's attitude towards this? "

  The Church of Light is the state religion of the Holy Empire. It has huge power and far-reaching influence within the empire.

  They have a very high status and have a powerful army of their own, the "Holy Cross Legion", and every emperor of the empire must be crowned by the Pope, who even has the power to punish the emperor.

  The mercenary said: "I don't know... maybe, they don't care much about it. I heard that the cardinals are vying for the position of the next pope..."


  Roja nodded thoughtfully.

  Although many things are not directly related to him now, they can help him judge the situation of his environment.

  Then, he put away the young dragon and the skeleton moose, took off his armor, and waited quietly for the mercenary to wake up.

  "Uh, ah..."

  The young mercenary named Silver gradually woke up, feeling that his head was dizzy and painful.

  He opened his eyes and turned over to sit up. When he saw Roja, he exclaimed, "Skeleton monster? No..."

  The skeleton in front of him was wearing ordinary clothes and sitting quietly on the ground. There was no undead breath coming from his body.

  Except that it was a little too clean, it looked like just an ordinary skeleton.

  "Where am I?"

  He stood up in a panic, looked around cautiously, and ignored Roja.

  However, before the mercenary could do anything more,
  Roja suddenly stood up, slapped him unconscious again, and asked the young dragon to pull him into a deep sleep.

  This is "Aura Convergence",
  the stunt used by Assassin, the King of Assassins, a

  top assassination technique that paralyzes even Roja's perception and intuition!

  If the old man had dealt with a target without armor, and if his position and timing were better, he might even be able to kill someone who was much stronger than him.

  At least with Roja now using it, ordinary people can't feel any power of the undead at close range.

  If this ability is well developed, it will have many uses...

  After that, Roja didn't do anything else.

  He just sat at the entrance of the cave and looked at the sky quietly,

  waiting from day to night and then to the sun rising the next day.

  [Successfully evade for one day, experience +10, strength +0.1]

  [Skeleton Knight lv14 → lv15 (to be changed)]

  (End of this chapter)

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