Chapter 69 Ability "Psychic Hypnosis"

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  Chapter 69 Ability "Psychic Hypnosis"

  [Understanding the ultimate move: Thunder Beam Meteor Gun]

  I have learned a new skill!

  Roja was a little excited and immediately tried to use it.


  He mobilized all the power of the undead, and his body emitted violent energy fluctuations, and his voice was like bursts of thunder!
  The spear in his hand lit up with dazzling light and turned into a blue comet!
  So far, this is the "starting position" of the Thunder Beam Comet Gun.

  The next second, Roja stabbed out with a spear.

  "Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

  The shining gun light lit up one after another, turning into a large area of ​​invisible pale blue light and shadow, covering the cone-shaped area in front.

  In the blink of an eye, Roya stabbed dozens of shots!
  And each of these shots has the power to kill a bipedal bone dragon!
  In the past, every shot of the thunder beam gun consumed a small part of his undead power, and it was not a move that could be used continuously.

  But now, the power of the undead in the void is continuously gathering and turning into new spear lights, as many as a shining meteor shower!


  The surrounding air and energy surged violently like ocean waves, making a sound like thunder!


  The young dragon on the side even hid in the innermost part of the cave, watching from a distance with some fear.


  Finally, Roja breathed away and stopped.

  But the gun barrel in his hand still vibrated violently and made a buzzing sound.

  This is the unique skill after the fusion and sublimation of the first two killing moves!

  With both attack speed and power, the lethality has been raised to a new level!
  [You have completed the third spearmanship advancement, experience +300, freedom points +3]

  Roja allocated the points to three basic attributes. The current panel values ​​are as follows:
  [Strength: 12.4]

  [Physique: 12.3]

  [Agility: 12.3]

  [Experience value: 1350/1360]

  There are still 10 experience points left!
  There is only one step left to upgrade to lv15 and change jobs for the third time!
  He doesn't need to do anything, he just needs to wait quietly until he "checks in" tomorrow!
  Roja put away his spear.

  No more shooting!

  I haven’t stopped practicing for five or six days!
  I'm in a good mood today, let's go for a walk!
  He summoned the moose, turned over and mounted it.

  As the saying goes: "Before you break through a realm, you should travel around and feel the way of nature."


  The young dragon flew onto his shoulder, showing great excitement.


  Roya slapped the moose on the neck.

  The moose raised its head and roared silently, running directly down the steep cliff along the diagonal line.

  The kestrel possessed by the young dragon spread its wings overhead and observed all the movements around it with its sharp eyes.

  "Swiss, rustle..."

  The cool breeze gradually began to rise, dark clouds gradually gathered in the sky, and light rain fell.

  Three undead souls, far away from all groups, just wandered leisurely in the forest in the rain.

  This is freedom!

  Roya opened his arms and enjoyed the rare moment of relaxation.

  I think it was a rainy day when he first came to the Mountains of the Dead, and he couldn't even stand firm in the wind.

  When I went out to explore for the first time, I carefully avoided all the monsters and spent half a day going back and forth to the cave.

  But now, he can almost do whatever he wants and ignore the threats of all the monsters in this large outer forest!

  The young dragon looked at Roja strangely, unable to understand the complex emotions conveyed from his master's heart.

  Let's go and visit the old place.

  According to the map on the panel that he had explored piece by piece in the past, Roja came to a forest.

  This was once the territory of the Dead Bird, and the first time he passed through it he crawled in fear. Later, he changed his job to a skeleton soldier, so he was no longer afraid of these weak monsters. After becoming an elite spearman, he killed several sacrificial spearmen.

  But at this time, there was not a single dead bird left here, and it was probably at the hands of the mercenaries.

  Afterwards, he came to the foot of a bare cliff.

  This place used to be the territory of a family of three ghosts, and he was once frightened by them and ran away.

  But now there is no breath of the undead here, and there is a high probability that they have already turned into ghost magic stones.

  Roja wandered in the empty forest and found that the former monster territory was now only dead silence.

  Only occasionally one or two scouts from the Eagle Regiment were found, hiding in very secluded places, acting as vigilant sentries.

  He sighed in his heart:
  The Eagle Group killed all the monsters in the outer area, and he was the only one who survived!

  From this we can draw a truth: monsters will die if they are weak!
  At this moment, he saw a trace of the undead aura from a distance.

  Are there any living monsters?
  But it seemed to be of average strength...

  Roja went over to check and found that it was a huge underground demon spider that had completely buried itself in the soil, without even a hole being exposed.

  Perhaps it was because of this almost unnatural hiding method that he was not discovered and killed by the mercenary group.

  Old man from the land, come out quickly!

  He made the moose stamp its feet vigorously, trying to lure the monster out.

  A few seconds later,


  A pair of thick and ferocious forelimbs stabbed out of the soil, covered with brown bristles.

  The strong forelimbs stirred, and the ground was separated by the huge force. Cracks extended in all directions, and the earth and rocks collapsed downwards.


  A huge spider with a body diameter of more than three meters crawled out of the ground and roared.

  But it couldn't see the enemy in front of it within the ghost curtain, and its huge head looked around in panic and confusion.

  Luo Ya quietly looked at the Crypt Demon Spider. He couldn't call it hostile,
  but the subtle mental intimidation from his subconscious was enough to make this top predator in the outer area feel extremely uneasy, as if he was being watched by the God of Death.


  Finally, as if the demon spider couldn't bear the pressure, it opened its big mouth and spit out large pieces of spider silk in all directions.

  Thousands of snow-white silk threads were intertwined and intertwined, forming a huge spider web that covered all sides.


  However, the blue wave of fire flashed away, and the scorching heat turned all the cobwebs into nothingness.


  The next second, with the sound of a chainsaw turning, the moose fired a series of energy cannons and hit the spider.

  "Boom, boom, boom, boom -"

  The demon spider's head disappeared instantly, and then its huge, hard body was blasted open with cracks and torn into pieces.


  Finally, with a violent explosion,
  the demon spider's body exploded, and large pieces of brown hard shell and eroded bright red flesh flew out, crackling and scattered on the surrounding ground.

  The last monster overlord in this outer forest has not escaped the fate of being hunted.

  The monster that once felt extremely powerful can now be easily defeated by Roja's mount without even having to take action.

  Well, the magic stone was blown to pieces...

  Speaking of which, this was the first time Roja saw the magic stone of the magic spider.

  It looks like an ordinary colorless crystal, but there are multiple crystal silver tracks faintly flashing inside, like spider threads.

  He collected the scattered magic stone fragments and handed them to the young dragon's mouth.

  "Gaba Gaba!"

  The young dragon swallowed all the magic stones and burped.

  [Lich Dragon lv3 → lv4]

  [Awakening Ability - Mental Hypnosis]

   Thanks to "K2 Metallic Paint" and "psycho" for the reward
  (end of this chapter)

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