Chapter 63 The Heroic Spirit of Zero

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  Chapter 63 The Heroic Spirit of Zero
  "Ka, ka, ka..."

  In the dark and lightless cave, a skeleton soldier walked at the front.

  Roja followed far behind.

  If there is any danger, he will immediately use "landform change" to block the passage and evacuate.

  The cave is mostly made of large rocks and should be fairly solid.

  But because they were all chopped out with knives, the internal structure is very irregular.

  Some places are wide, some are extremely narrow, and some places have landslides of earth and rocks, directly blocking the road ahead.

  So Roja's progress is not fast.

  Even at the back, deep water began to appear in the cave, which made Roja wonder if there was an underground river leading to the cave.


  The water got deeper and deeper, even submerging Roja's waist.

  The young dragon squatted on his shoulder, gnawing on a skeleton soldier's soul crystal.


  Roya suddenly realized a problem.

  If I really encounter a river, I don’t seem to be able to swim!

  Because the whole body is made of bones, plus the armor, can it just sink to the bottom?
  Well, it seems that nothing will happen if I sink to the bottom, but my movements will be restricted in the water...

  I walked for a while, and the water reached my chest.

  Roja was fine, but the skeleton soldier in front couldn't walk anymore and fell down continuously.


  The young dragon on the shoulder finished eating the soul crystal and burped.

  [Lich Dragon lv2→lv3]

  [Awakening Ability—Ghost Shield]

  [Remarks: Active ability, maintains an energy shield for a long time, which can resist minor physical collisions and elemental damage such as flowing arrows, wind blades, water, fireballs, arcs, etc. It can be stacked up to 3 times, with a cooling time of 2 seconds] Luo Ya was stunned for a

  moment ,
  isn’t this an ability that he felt was useless when the armor was fused with magic stones last time?
  Although it is still a bit useless, the effect of the baby dragon's awakening seems to be stronger than the option he had at the time, with a shorter cooldown and the ability to stack three times.

  "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!"

  The young dragon's body formed three layers of invisible shields within four seconds, wrapping itself up.

  Then it jumped from Roja's shoulder, causing a splash of water, and floated easily on the water under the influence of the shield.


  It lay on the water like a water sloth and screamed happily.

  Roja took a look and felt that the shield was so weak that he could explode it with just one finger.

  In fact, this ability is equivalent to an air shield, which can prevent acid rain, magma, flames, and poisonous gas from directly contacting the armor and body.

  But the defensive effect against direct power attacks is very poor.

  Soon, the water was above his head.
  Roja asked the young dragon to make a "water shelter" for himself, floated in the water, and then used the power of the undead to push the shield and swim in the water.

  After an unknown amount of time, Luo Ya and the young dragon finally crossed the water area and "landed ashore" again.

  How long is this passage? !

  Luo Ya felt that he had walked dozens of kilometers, but he still couldn't see the end!
  Moreover, the mountain is full of large rocks and hard soil. Kate used a knife to cut a road?
  If it were an ordinary weapon, thousands of them would have been scrapped long ago!
  At this moment, Roja's eyes moved and he saw something on the ground.

  That is……

  He quickly bent down, picked up the gravel on the ground, and picked up an "iron piece."

  ——It was a small broken and twisted bright red tip.


  On the other side, the central area of ​​the Undead Mountains.

  The rich undead power gathered into a dark cloud, erupting into rumbling thunder and bloody lightning.

  Under the clouds, the black palace was carved out of the entire mountain, like a giant palace in mythology, with long stairs spiraling upward from the foot of the mountain.

  This is the residence of General Skeleton, known as the "Hall of Valor".

  Wearing a black star-striped robe and a jeweled crown, the skeleton mage walked step by step on the long black stairs, slowly heading towards the main hall on the top of the mountain.

  The twelve heroic spirits ranked second, the ancient lich—the Clown King. It and other high-ranking heroic spirits received the summons from General Skeleton, so they came to see him.

  "Praise the Holy Light, praise the Holy Light, praise the Holy Light..."

  On the waist of the Skeleton Mage, there was a skull painted to look like a clown. The
  skull's mouth opened and closed, and a faint voice came from it. He came out and kept repeating the same prayer, which was very strange.

  Wallace did not lose his life,

  he was just ordered by his "new master" to recite "Praise to the Holy Light" 86,400 times a day, otherwise his soul would suffer terrible torture.

  86,400 times, which means that you have to recite it at least once every second of every day, and there is no time to stop.

  Although he is not dead yet, the former high priest's spirit has reached the edge of collapse, or it can be said that he has become completely numb and has lost the meaning of his existence.

  The only reason why he is still alive is that he cannot commit suicide.

  "Thum, thump, thump..."

  At this time, from behind the corner of the stairs above, there was the sound of downward footsteps.

  Knowing who was coming, the Clown Emperor stopped and turned sideways to make way.

  "Thum, thump, thump—"

  A slender black figure appeared from above.

  It wore black tights, a black round crystal helmet, and held a bright red long and narrow scimitar in its hand.

  Notably, it's an orc.

  On the top of the crystal helmet, a pair of triangular gray-black animal ears protrude, and there is also a furry slender tail behind it with a white tip.

  The gorgeous blood-colored scimitar looked badly damaged. The blade was covered with pits and gaps, and even the tip of the blade was broken and missing.

  "Hello, Lord Kate..."

  Facing the figure walking down, the Clown Emperor not only gave way to the way, but also bowed slightly to greet him.

  The Ending Blade - Kate, has been the strongest monster among the twelve heroic spirits for hundreds of years.

  Although he is a famous dragon knight in ancient legends, after being resurrected as a monster, he has forgotten and abandoned everything in his life.

  "Joker, you're late."

  Kate said without any fluctuations in her tone.
  In an instant, a pair of golden vertical pupils lit up in the helmet, reflecting through the ink-colored crystal material.

  Being illuminated by those two golden gazes,
  the mysterious and powerful ancient lich couldn't help but lower its crowned head lower.

  The order of the twelve heroic spirits represents the strict hierarchical status. It is not only the level of different military ranks, but also the best proof of their respective strengths.

  Kate continued:

  "I already know the general's order, and it's up to you to convey it to the others below." "

  Yes... I understand..."

  "Tell all the monsters to find an undead, which uses a dead moose. As a mount, holding a spear with a cursed aura, wearing armor made of white bones..."

  After relaying the order verbatim, Kate finally said indifferently:

  "If you don't bring its head and fire within three months, you will all suffer the punishment of purgatory!"

  The skeleton mage covered his chest and bent deeply, accepting the task. "Yes... I obey the order..."

  Kate went down the mountain . He left and disappeared into the dense forest.


  After he left, the ancient lich still stood motionless, as if thinking.

  "The uncontrollable... codename... the Heroic Spirit of Zero..."

  After standing still for a long time, it opened a portal and disappeared inside.


  Dragon-killing Blade!
  Roja looked at the red iron piece in his hand and felt a little excited.

  [A tip of the Dragon-Slaying Blade, treasure +1, experience +400, freedom points +2]

  [Do you want to consume the Dragon-Slaying Blade fragment × 1 to forge the "Cursed Spear"?

   Additional update today, there will be more later

  (end of this chapter)

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