Chapter 58: Entering the Dragon's Lair Again (please follow up)

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  Chapter 58: Re-entering the Dragon's Lair (seeking for follow-up reading)

  After the mage Calvin cast a silent spell, the gray bird possessed by the young dragon could no longer hear the slightest sound.

  Sure enough, it's not that simple to steal the secrets of such a top mercenary group.

  Roja got on the moose and rushed towards the nearest Eagle Group camp...

  After that, he entered a camp by relying on the hiding ability of the ghost curtain.

  Roja found a tent that should be a warehouse, but he used his breath vision to detect in advance that a strong magic trap was set in the tent.

  It was probably the work of Finn and the Thousand Wizards.

  If he breaks in rashly, he will not only trigger the alarm, but also suffer an extremely terrifying attack.

  Roja hesitated again and again,

  considering that the Eagle Group had such powerful magical abilities and unpredictable methods,
  and the truly valuable magic stones and coins were probably not piled in warehouses in the wild, so he gave up without even testing.

  It's just that when he left, he took away a book of legendary stories on the table in a certain tent, which can be regarded as "the thief did not fail".

  As for Scar, Roja walked back and forth for several times without seeing him, so he had to give up for the time being.

  He still has a lot of things planned to do, and this task can be done later.

  Riding a moose through the undead defense line, Roja returned to the depths of the mountains and came to the entrance of Triss' dragon lair.

  After gaining the ability to hide, the first thing he thought of was five things:
  first, to visit Philip; second, to explore the unknown map area; third, to sneak attack on stronger monsters; fourth, to obtain information about the Eagle Group; Fifth, go back to the Dragon's Nest to see if the Minotaur is still here.

  [30% exploration progress of the map "Dragon's Lair"]

  Luo Yake has never forgotten that he only explored 30% of this rare "B-level mission copy map" before he was driven out by the Minotaur!

  Maybe there is nothing left in Triss's former residence, but there is a dwarf mine under this dragon's nest!

  Is the Minotaur still there?
  In the dense forest opposite the Dragon's Cave, Roja hid here and watched carefully.


  He stretched out his arm, and the baby dragon flapped its wings and landed on his wrist.

  Possess a skeleton and go in and take a look.

  Roja took out the skeleton of a skeleton soldier from the storage space, and the young dragon immediately allocated part of its energy to possess it.

  "Bang, bang, bang..."

  It did not use its hiding ability, and controlled the skeleton to move forward step by step and disappear into the cave.

  In the shared audio-visual senses, Roja saw that nothing seemed to have changed in the cave, which was quiet and dim.

  Well, it seems that the skeleton monster that Philip contracted has disappeared...

  maybe it was accidentally trampled to death by a large monster during the undead parade some time ago - Roja thought with some wickedness.

  The young dragon controlled the skeleton monster and continued walking inside,

  past the abandoned traps and the pile of rocks that once blocked the cave, until it came to the place where Roya once found the dragon egg and the minotaur.

  At this time, the baby dragon has reached its limit control distance.

  It even closed its eyes tightly and its whole body began to tremble slightly, obviously it couldn't hold on for much longer.

  Roja asked him to control the skeleton to pick up a stone and hit it hard on the rock wall.

  "Dong, dong, dong..."

  The clear sound of hitting echoed dozens of times in the cave, but no monster was drawn out.


  The young dragon let out a long breath and let go of its control over the skeleton, looking very tired.

  Roja touched his chin,
  At present, it seems that there should be no monsters in this cave, and the Minotaur he is most wary of is not there either.

  The Minotaur was definitely not dead at that time.

  Roja had just gone to the valley to have a look, and the mound he had created using changes in the landform had been ripped open from the inside.

  Could it be that the Minotaur doesn't want to come back? Or was he killed by another monster?

  However, it is not ruled out that the Minotaur went out and did not return.

  So Roja decided: just to be on the safe side, let’s observe it here for two days! Then, he took out his spear and started stabbing it.


  [Gunmanship (Elite 724/1000)]

  The young dragon looked at it with wide eyes, wondering if it recalled any memories from the womb...

  - Two days later,

  After confirming that the Minotaur was not hiding in the cave and that it would most likely not come back, Roja walked in again.


  Finally no longer needed to hide behind the ghost curtain, the young dragon flew around in the empty cave excitedly.


  At the entrance of the cave, large swaths of sand surged like ocean waves, and countless huge rocks fell, cutting off the skylight outside bit by bit.

  Roja is using landform changes to completely seal the entrance to the dragon's nest.

  Rather than escaping from here when he encountered danger, he was more afraid of the Minotaur or other powerful monsters, so he blocked himself in a narrow cave from the outside.

  In the blink of an eye, the entrance to the cave disappeared, leaving only a thick rock wall.



  After greeting the excited young dragon, Roja turned and walked deeper into the cave.

  He first came to a large pile of bones,
  These were the hundreds of skeleton soldier bodies that he had discarded in order to delay time.

  However, now these dead skeletons are somewhat looked down upon by Roya.

  After some research some time ago, he
  found out that the first basic form of colonial equipment, the so-called "hundred-armed giant", was really weak and had been officially eliminated by him.

  However, Roja still recovered all the bones based on the principle of not wasting, and also recovered the bone piles and the corpses of other guardian monsters.

  Finally, he came to Kate and Tris's former home - an abandoned castle deep in the cave.

  From the outside, the castle appears to be entirely made of melted rock that has been re-solidified, blending in with the surrounding rock walls, making it very majestic.

  Roja suspected that Triss used her own fire breath to melt the sand and rocks inside the cave, and then used earth element magic to shape it all at once.

  Thinking about it this way, although she claims to be a mixed dragon, she is the weakest among the dragons.

  But I am afraid that those who are recognized by her as a member of the dragon family will definitely not include various sub-dragons, but giant dragons that are extremely terrifying physically and magically.

  “Plop, plop, plop—”

  The young dragon flew around here freely, and even landed on its own small tombstone. It tilted its head and looked at Roja with a pair of big golden eyes.

  It has no idea of ​​the relationship between this place and itself, and it probably doesn't understand that it also had parents before it was alive.


  Roja hesitated and put the tombstone belonging to the young dragon into the storage space.

  Apart from the dragon egg, this may be the only thing Triss and Kate left for the young dragon, so they should put it away first.

  Although it will occupy an item grid, every time he upgrades, the storage grid on the panel will increase, so there is almost no need to worry about insufficient space.

  Walking into the interior of the castle, the space inside is huge, and the dome of the hall is more than ten meters high.

  It can be seen that this place was once very luxurious, and there should be a lot of furniture, decorative flowers and murals, but now they have been moved away.

  Only the small crystal stones embedded in the dome shone with a faint blue light.

  Um? Crystal?

  Roja's heart moved. He raised his head and looked at the glittering dome.
  Could that be...

  He shot out a few strands of spider silk, hoisted himself up, then took out the cursed gun and pried a crystal stone off from above.

  [Treasure +1, Experience +2]

  [A kind of magic ore that can be used to forge equipment]

   Thanks to "Mo De Emotional Jia Dou" for the reward
  (end of this chapter)

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