Chapter 37 The dead are armor, a hundred-armed giant!

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  Chapter 37 The dead are armor, a hundred-armed giant!

  [Collect 100/100 bones, mission completed!

  【Meet the conditions of "colonial equipment" and you can complete the first basic form - the dead are armor, the hundred-armed giant!

  Roja was delighted.

  At this moment, the bipedal bone dragon flying out of the valley flapped its huge gray wings and swooped over here.

  It was extremely fast and flew to Roja's head in the blink of an eye. Its broad wings blocked the moonlight and a large shadow enveloped it.

  Then, the bone dragon opened its big mouth full of sharp teeth and aimed at the many undead below, while its chest lit up with a blazing blue light.

  not good!

  Roja realized the danger and quickly ordered the skeleton moose to run away with all his strength!


  Following a long cry, a huge wave of blue flames spurted out from the bone dragon's mouth, rushing towards the undead on the ground indiscriminately.


  Some ghosts flying in the air shrieked and turned into nothingness as soon as they touched the flames.

  The remaining more than a hundred skeleton soldiers struggled feebly in the sea of ​​​​fire, and the soul fire in their eyes was completely extinguished in an instant.

  Is this kid so terrifying?
  But he even kills his own people!

  There must be something wrong with this bone dragon’s IQ!
  Roja looked back at the tragic scene behind him, then fled wildly on the back of the moose.

  He vaguely felt that the reason why the skull dragon came out now was related to his killing of the skeleton warlock.


  He killed all the undead defenders with one breath. The bone dragon let out a loud chirp, flapped its wings and chased the only surviving Roja.

  Moose are fast, but no matter how fast they run on the ground, they can't compare to those flying in the sky.

  In just a few breaths, the shadow once again shrouded Roja's head, and an invisible pressure locked tightly on him from above.

  Damn it!

  Roya had an idea, put away the cursed gun, and jumped off the back of the moose.

  Boom! The body hit the ground hard and rolled seven or eight times under the huge inertia before stopping.

  He jumped up like a carp, immediately got up from the ground, and ran away from the moose in two completely opposite directions.

  Sure enough, the target was divided into two, which made the bone dragon hesitate for a moment and stopped in place.

  But who knows what it was thinking, it turned around and chased Roja.

  How unlucky I am!

  Roja quickly called the moose back to attract the attention of the bone dragon.

  He himself stretched out his hand and summoned a huge bone pile that grew horizontally from the cliff. Several slender spider threads shot out and stuck to it.

  The moment the bone dragon swooped down and bit, Roja controlled the spider silk on his arm to shrink, and flew out quickly like Spider-Man.


  Gravel splattered.

  The bone dragon jumped into the air, its powerful feet sinking deeply into the ground.

  The heavy and strong body hit the cliff on one side under the inertia, breaking a large piece of hard rock, showing a powerful destructive power. "Boom!"

  At this time, the moose finally arrived.
  It kicked off its hooves vigorously, jumped up high, and landed on the back of the bone dragon!

  Sensing the enemy behind him, the bone dragon roared and turned over, trying to throw the moose down.

  Fortunately, the moose's body is extremely flexible. It jumped down at the last moment and started running at full speed on the steep cliff!

  Sure enough, the bone dragon was so filled with hatred that
  it gave up chasing Roja who ran away and began to attack the moose crazily with its claws and mouth.

  Under the fierce attack of the bone dragon, a large piece of the stone wall turned into fragments and fell down.

  However, the moose's strength and speed surpassed Roja's, and it dodged the bone dragon's attack again!
  It doesn't need any tools, its slender body can flexibly jump left and right on the cliff like a big ape, as if it were walking on flat ground!
  Yes, that's it, Snakeskin moves and slips it away!

  Under Roja's remote control command, the moose will not be caught by the bone dragon for a while.

  Bone Dragon, just wait for me!
  At the same time, Roja himself did not stop, summoning bone piles one after another from the cliff.

  He used these bone piles as hanging points and spider silk as a "three-dimensional maneuvering device" to enable him to move quickly like a swing.

  Soon, he returned to the battlefield where he had just fought with the skeleton soldiers.

  Looking at the skeletons all over the place, Roja finally activated the new ability of the Demon Spider Bone Armor - the reproductive armor!
  More than a dozen blue arc-shaped energy shot out from the white bone armor, and an energy field enveloped the surroundings. The white bones scattered on the ground gradually lifted off the ground.

  Blah blah blah!

  This was the sound of bones being spliced ​​onto the armor.
  Soon, Roja's entire body was wrapped in countless bones, forming a big ball.

  Then, more corpses moved,

  and the bodies of skeleton soldiers were attracted to the big ball of bones and quickly spliced ​​to it,

  first the torso, then the head, limbs, hands and feet...the splicing speed became faster and faster!

  In the blink of an eye, a giant composed of hundreds of skeletons stood up and let out a thundering roar!
  Its body is bloated, its limbs are thick, and it is more than fifteen meters tall. Its entire body is covered with skulls and arms of skeleton soldiers!
  The mouths of dozens of skulls opened and closed, and the upper and lower rows of teeth kept colliding, making a dense sound of rattling!

  And there are hundreds of arms covering the body, holding knives, swords, guns, hammers and other weapons and waving them around! There was a crisp metal clashing sound during the collision!

  This is the first basic form of colonial clothing - the dead is armor, a hundred-armed giant!

  It's like a hell demon walking out of a mural of ghosts and gods. It looks terrifying and extremely scary! The body plays the music of death!
  This is the power of colonial clothing!

  Luo Ya, who was deep in the giant's chest, felt excited.

  He felt as if he was infinitely powerful now. He could attack a city and sweep away thousands of armies with just a wave of his hand!
  At this time, the Bone Dragon also noticed the sudden appearance of the giant. He no longer chased the skeleton moose, but leaned down and roared menacingly at Roja.

  Unlike killing other undead at will, it also became very wary when faced with a hundred-armed giant that was as big as itself.

  However, even if it wants a truce, Roja is not going to let it go.

  The giant took heavy steps, his bloated and thick body like a sumo wrestler, and rushed towards the bone dragon!


  The bone dragon was also enraged, opened its huge gray wings, and kicked out its sharp feet like a fighting cock.

  The two behemoths collided together.

  The giant's two big hands strangled the bone dragon's neck tightly, and the bone dragon's two sharp claws also dug deeply into its chest.

  Hurrah! This was the sound of a large skull on the giant's chest being crushed.

  However, the bloated body is the thickest armor. Roja is hidden deep inside, and the bone dragon does not cause effective damage to this core.

  Your bones are nice, but they will soon be mine!
  Roja controlled the giant's arms to exert force and pressed the bone dragon's head into the rock wall!
  (End of chapter)

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