Chapter 26 Equip the "Ring of Royal Power"!

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  Chapter 26 Equip the "Ring of Royal Power"!
  [Unlock the achievement "Explorer (Elementary → Intermediate)"]

  [Note: Perception and intuition in unfamiliar environments are increased by 300%; turn on "Breathing Vision"]

  Looking at the text in front of him, Roja was very happy.

  The map exploration progress of the Undead Mountains has reached 10%, and the explorer achievement has been upgraded again! Also gained advanced perception abilities!

  Breath Vision!

  In just the next second, he felt that his awareness of the surrounding environment had become stronger.

  Even the subtle flow of undead power in the air can be vaguely seen with "eyes".

  For example, the corpses of the monsters on the ground are all exuding weak undead power.

  These energies gradually dissipated, merged with the "torrent" in the air, and slowly flowed deep into the Undead Mountains.

  Roja looked at himself.

  I saw traces of invisible energy floating out of the body and spreading into the air, while at the same time energy poured into the body from the air.

  All life has its own breath and energy.

  What he sees now is the process of cyclic exchange between his own "small source" of undead power and the "big source" from the outside world.

  Then he looked around again.

  As long as you observe carefully, the flow of undead power in the dark dense forest is not irregular.

  By observing these auras, he can detect monsters hiding in the grass in advance, and even determine their number and strength.

  Roya drove the moose forward a few steps, and suddenly stretched out his arm towards the treetops nearby, and a white spider silk shot out quickly!

  A strange cry came from the canopy of the tree, and another snake-bird monster was stuck to the spider silk and pulled out.

  Roja grabbed its body and crushed it into pieces.

  This monster was hidden in a hidden tree hole, but he still discovered it by observing the surrounding aura.

  Let’s call this monster a snake-bone bird for now.

  With this thought in his mind, Roja took out the magic stone and put it into the storage space.

  [Snake Bone Bird Magic Stone, estimated at 50 copper coins, recyclable]

  Then, he looked into the distance again.

  I saw that in the distant mountains and forests ahead, the aura of death was extremely strong and terrifying.

  If the undead power outside the mountain range is a river, undead monsters and animals live together in it.

  Then the depths of the mountains are simply hot magma, enough to wipe out ordinary life, leaving only the undead resurrected from the dead.

  Even though monsters like snake-bone birds are not big in size, the aura of death on their bodies is extremely strong, and they even dare to attack Roja.

  It goes without saying how dangerous and aggressive monsters we will encounter ahead.

  Roya watched from a distance for a while, then continued to drive the moose forward.

  After a while, he came to a huge valley.

  As long as you pass through this valley, you will completely leave the outer area of ​​the Undead Mountains.

  Roja stopped and was blocked by two skeletons.

  There were blazing blue flames burning in their eye sockets, and their bodies were covered with tattered clothes and leather armor, and they were wearing damaged boots.

  Each held an iron sword and a round shield in their hands, but they were polished to a cold light and were as bright as new.

  This is not a skeleton monster, but a skeleton soldier like Roja.

  The difference from the former is that this kind of monster is usually transformed from the corpses of mercenaries and soldiers. Not only do they have the same strength as living humans, but they also retain their fighting instincts.

  Coupled with the characteristics of being tireless and not afraid of death, it is usually the basic unit driven by the necromancer.

  And now it seems that these skeleton soldiers actually polish their weapons regularly. This level of intelligence is even more surprising.

  Roja noticed that there was a cross mark on their shields and leather armor.

  Cross mercenary group?
  In Yule's memory, there used to be such a powerful mercenary group, and its name at that time was even louder than the current Eagle Group.

  But ten years ago, this mercenary group went deep into the Undead Mountains to attack General Skeleton, and died.

  It is said that only a few powerful leaders escaped, while hundreds of mercenaries were buried deep in the mountains and became the subordinates of General Skeleton forever.

  At this time, the two skeleton soldiers were spreading their legs apart, assuming a posture to face the enemy.

  It seemed that if Roja took another step forward, they would immediately attack.

  At this time, a few lines of text appeared in front of Roja:

  [The Skeleton Knight wanted to enter the depths of the Undead Mountains, but was blocked by the Skeleton General's men. He could only choose to fight or surrender! ]

  [Mission: Crossing the valley!

  【Option 1: If I don’t give up, I would like to be my adoptive father! Note: Put down your weapons and surrender, follow the skeleton soldiers to meet the skeleton general, surrender and fight for him. Difficulty: E, Reward: Obtain the achievement "Eagle Dog"]

  [Option 2: A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live in depression for a long time? Notes: Kill two skeleton soldiers and fight through the valley and deep into the mountains. Difficulty: C, Reward: Experience +100, Strength +0.5, forging equipment "Ring of Royal Power"] [

  Note: Killing the undead who mastered martial arts can obtain their martial arts experience during their lifetime]

  Surrender is impossible.

  What is the Ring of Royal Power? Sounds awesome? And it can also absorb the martial arts experience of the skeleton soldiers...

  Roja took a deep breath and pointed the gun at the two skeleton soldiers.

  After killing them, kill the other monsters in the valley.

  It’s a C-level mission, and what you have to do is that simple!

  The carrion moose roared, carrying Roja and launching a charge.

  The two skeleton soldiers also opened their mouths and roared silently. They raised their iron swords and bucklers and charged towards Roja.

  However, even if they are also skeleton soldiers, how can they be Roja's opponents?
  The distance between the two sides was close, and Roja stabbed out two spears like lightning.

  The tip of the spear instantly shattered the shield and pierced the skulls of the two skeleton soldiers, completely extinguishing the fire of their souls.

  The skeleton soldier's magic stone looks similar to the skeleton monster. It is also a blue crystal, but the cold atmosphere it emits is stronger.

  [Soul crystal, valued at 50 copper coins, recyclable]

  [Old iron sword, valued at 15 copper coins, recyclable]

  Using spider silk to pick up the loot scattered on the ground and put it into the storage space, Roja discovered that the monsters deep in the mountains were indeed Much more valuable than outside.

  No wonder the mercenaries want to attack General Skeleton!
  As long as it grows deep in the mountains for a period of time, it is estimated that a large number of copper coins can be obtained to upgrade the level of the Cursed Spear and Demonic Spider Armor!
  At the same time, the remaining martial arts experience of the two skeleton soldiers was also absorbed by Roja, and a prompt appeared on the panel:
  [Kill the skeleton soldier, sword skill +5, fighting +2]

  [Kill the skeleton soldier, sword skill +7, fighting +3, Archery +1]

  [Martial Arts: Spearmanship (Elite 0/1000)

  Swordsmanship (Apprentice 12/100)

  Fighting (Apprentice 5/100)

  Archery (Apprentice 1/100)]

  (End of this chapter)

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