83. Chapter 83 The Real Threat (please order first)

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  Chapter 83 The Real Threat (Please order first)
  The status of the church’s clergy has little to do with force.

  Roja originally subconsciously thought that the Cardinal was such a powerful person.

  But when I further interrogated the mercenary, I learned that the other person was just an ordinary, fat old man who had been taught a lesson by the Amazon female warrior.

  Even if he is in a high position and has a bodyguard to protect him.

  But it is much easier to kill an ordinary person than to save someone.

  Even if they are super-level, the Holy Cross Legion of the Church is not full of cabbages. A group of them can come to serve as guards for Winston!

  Although killing a bishop may not solve the fundamental problem, it can certainly delay time!
  Thinking of this, Roja's burden became much lighter.

  At least, he also has some counter power.

  Then, you just need to continue to focus on improving your own strength.

  After that, he walked deeper into the Undead Mountains.


  On the other side, on the second floor of the hotel.

  The mercenary captains gathered in the conference room, and there was a sparrow singed by lightning on the table.

  Genos the White Eagle said: "It was this little bird that triggered our defensive counterattack spell. Do you have any clues?"

  Anna, the witch of the forest, said: "Obviously, this is a bird that has been cast by the Necromancer. Puppet, the monster deep in the mountains wants to test us.

  "There must have been one of the twelve heroic spirits wandering nearby just now, but we let it run away. "

  Genos crossed his fingers in front of him and said in a deep voice: "But General Skeleton will not allow high-level monsters to escape..." "

  No need to guess anymore.

  Finn suddenly said: "This must be done by the Skeleton Knight, it just came again. " "

  Huh? "
  For a moment, everyone turned to look at him in confusion.

  Witch Anna was the first to ask: "Finn, what's the reason?"

  Finn frowned, "What other reason does this need? Didn't I already say it? Only it will attack us on its own initiative!"

  Ah? ?

  This time, the expressions of others were even more incredible.

  Genos the White Eagle looked at him strangely, "Finn? You and Calvin were attacked by Chris yesterday."

  Anna's face darkened, "And you also said that the ancient lich also appeared in Border Town , it was Cavin and Wolf who repelled it."

  Another deputy captain, the dwarf, also said: "Finn, is your memory confused?"

  "Oh my God..."

  The elf raised his hands and revealed With an incomprehensible expression, he said with some excitement:

  "I have said it before! The Skeleton Knight is different from other undead. It is as smart as a living person! And it grows at an alarming rate!

  "It is not bound by the Skeleton General! The monsters deep in the Undead Mountains wander around looking for it! We must pay enough attention to it just like we do to General Skeleton!

  "If you have to ask me to give you the reason for doubt, it is intuition! If we underestimate that undead spirit, we will pay a heavy price!"

  Anna, the witch, immediately retorted:
  "Four of the seven sentences you said It's a guess without evidence, and the other three sentences are claims based on these guesses, but you try to use these words to change all our plans!" The dwarf hammered the table hard and

  "In order to guard against the so-called Skeleton Knight, you withdrew. Removing most of the manpower in the frontline camp has reduced our revenue efficiency five times!"

  Finn sneered and mocked him directly, "Do dwarves only see money in their eyes?"

  At this time, several other people All the captains remained silent. Unlike Finn, they were not qualified to participate in the debate with the two deputy captains.

  "That's it."

  Finally, Bai Ying stretched out his hand to stop them from continuing to argue.

  He looked at the elf and said in a deep voice:

  "Finn, I know that the monster may have left some shadows on you, but as the captain, you should keep calm and think at all times instead of relying on intuition. I will give you An opportunity to reorganize the language." "Okay, I'll calm down."

  The elf took a deep breath and calmed down. "I apologize for the gaffe just now, but I still have to reiterate my plan!

  "That's how our people are divided into There are two groups, one group is guarding the hotel to prevent the skeleton knight from attacking the warehouse, and the other group is led by me to set a trap in the camp, ambush it, and annihilate it! "

  Bai Ying closed his eyes, "Okay, I understand, we will discuss this matter next time. Finn

  asked without giving up: "Genos, the Skeleton Knight is a more terrifying threat than the Skeleton General. Don't you believe me?" "

  Bai Ying closed his eyes and shook his head, saying no more.

  "Dong dong dong! Boom, boom, boom! "

  At this moment, there was a rapid knock on the door.

  A mercenary walked in and said in a panic: "Captain, captain! The army of monsters from the depths of the Undead Mountains has come out! "

  In an instant, everyone's eyes widened, including Bai Ying's eyes closed!

  "Run out? ! Genos

  's expression changed and he stood up suddenly, "When did it happen?" ! "

  His eyes were extremely solemn at this time,

  and even a black magic halo appeared around his pupils, like the eyes of an eagle, extremely mysterious and sharp! The
  mercenary replied: "Just now! The scouts immediately launched a flare after discovering it, and we got the news immediately!

  "Just an ordinary undead? "

  Anna couldn't sit still anymore and kept asking: "Where is General Skeleton? " Where are the twelve heroic spirits? What about other high-level monsters? "

  "I don't know! I didn't see it!" The mercenary shook his head.

  "Subaru, Kane and Anna stay, let the others go and have a look together!"

  Genos patted Finn on the shoulder,

  "Twenty years ago, Anna, Kane, and I were still members of the Broken Blade Mercenary Group. When I was the captain, I participated in the crusade against General Skeleton." "

  Perhaps, only when you see the Lord of the Undead with your own eyes can you understand what the real threat is to us, and it is not an enemy that can be dealt with with distractions."

  After saying that, he strode out of the door.

  Except for the three people who stayed behind, everyone else hurriedly followed.


  At this time, on a high hillside in the outer area of ​​the Undead Mountains,

  Roja was looking at the undead pouring out of the valley in the distance in surprise.

  Isn't it?
  They were all staying in there yesterday, why did they all come out today?
  Could it be because I "killed" Chris?
  Roja thought it might be because of this.

  Suddenly, his eyes moved, and then he took a breath.

  I saw a huge gray monster flying out from the depths of the valley!

  A real dragon!
  The whole body is covered with gray scales, and the wingspan exceeds 100 meters!
  An extremely huge body, with an aura far beyond that of an ordinary high-level monster!

  Roja was surprised.

  This zombie dragon was obviously stronger than Chris. Why was it not included in the upper-tier heroic spirits?

  In the next second, he guessed the reason.
  On the back of the dragon, there was a steel throne made of countless iron swords.

  A tall figure covered in gray-black armor and exuding a strong aura of death was sitting on the steel throne.

  The master of the Undead Mountains—General Skeleton!
   Sometimes a bout of insomnia can turn day and night upside down.

    Take a nap first, then wake up at noon and continue coding.

  (End of chapter)

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