158. Chapter 157 Entering the underground labyrinth for the first time

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  Chapter 157 Entering the Underground Labyrinth for the First Time
  . After adding Cyril as a contact, Roja found that he could communicate with him freely.

  He did not ask the other party's identity, but directly input text with his mind and asked: Do you know the answer to that question?

  Cyril: Give me a minute.

  However, Luo Ya waited for more than an hour before the other party sent another message.

  It was a long string of magical words that he couldn't understand at all.

  Every magical text is very abstract and unfamiliar, and does not belong to any type known to Roja.

  It is followed by a quote from Cyril - this is the answer to that question.

  Did you just write it out directly?

  Roja couldn't help but have a suspicion.

  Moreover, the other party seemed not to say anything more after this, as if it was really just an "enthusiastic netizen" who answered a math question.

  This man...is at least a sage.

  It was difficult to guess the identity of this mysterious existence, and Roja was not prepared to take the initiative to test anything.

  He did not immediately test whether the answer was correct or not, but chose to wait and see if there were any other replies.

  In this way, he waited until the sun rose the next day.

  During this period, Cyril sent no further messages.

  Roja also received some responses from other beings, but most of them were "I don't know" and "Who are you?"

  There were also some texts sent that he couldn't understand at all, they were not general texts.

  There are even things that appear to be “gibberish” that are not words at all.

  Roja did not choose to reply to these existences.

  So be it, go try that "Cyrillic" answer.

  'Lich. '

  At Roya's call, the skeleton mage walked out of the portal.

  Roja wrote a message on the ground that he was going out, and then he and the Lich entered the portal leading to the undersea tunnel.

  A few minutes later, he came to the statue of the Sage of the Sea again.

  The statue made a voice: "This time, are you ready for the answer?"

  Roja did not speak, but used ice to condense Cyril's line of magic words in the water.

  There is no effect at all when he writes this thing, it is just a copy. Only those who truly understand these symbols use magic to engrave them can trigger the secret power of the spell.


  The statue fell into silence, seeming to be thinking about the meaning of this line of text.

  After a while, it said: "Whether it is the answer to the question or not, the person who can write this line of text is an admirable scholar." "Please wait for some time,

  I need to verify this constituted magic." "


  In the dim forest under the bloody sky,

  a dozen black-robed skeletons sat together, with a burning fire in the middle.

  Suddenly, they stretched out a finger at the same time and began to carve in the void in front of them. The magic words, connected together, were exactly that line of formula.


  Finally, all the words were strung together in a circle, gathered in the middle, and disappeared into the fire.

  "Boom! "

  The flame turned into a blurry figure, and then extinguished instantly.

  "This is just a guessed technique.

  "It is impossible for anyone to create the conditions for the magic to be established and verify it. " "

  "A prototype that we worked together to simulate can only exist for less than a tenth of a second. "

  After a moment of silence, the leading man in black robe said:
  "Although it is impossible to practice, Fels, you can still wait for an amazing answer..."...


  few hours passed.

  In the tunnel, the statue emitted another sound. Voice:

  "Even if it is difficult to verify, this is the highest level answer for thousands of years. "To express gratitude and respect, Sage Fels believes that he should make way for you.

  "Although I don't know why you entered the labyrinth from here, he can open and close all blocks in the labyrinth's waterways with this knife. The key to the barrier as a gift should help you. "

  After saying that, the statue cracked open and turned into rubble.

  A simple golden key flew out from it and fell into Roja's hands.

  It can open and close all waterway blocks...

  Roja held this key Holding the key, I felt that I had established a spiritual connection with it.

  As the statue shattered, the invisible barrier disappeared.

  Roja moved forward for several kilometers and finally came to the end of the tunnel.

  [Map: Sea Beast Corridor 100%, experience +1000]

  [Mission completed! Experience +2000, freedom points +10]

  [Frost Lord lv23 → lv24]

  [Freedom points +4, strength +2, constitution +2, agility +2]

  All points Assigned to three attributes, the basic values ​​on the panel are as follows:
  [Strength: 87.7]

  [Physique: 87.5]

  [Agility: 87.5]

  [Experience Value: 1265/6720]

  Silently, Roja's aura strengthened a little. .

  [Number of item exchanges +5, upper limit of territory +1]

  [Number of current item exchanges: 6] [Current upper limit of territory: 2]

  [Current optional territory: Sea Beast Corridor]

  After Roya chooses to convert the territory, the panel shows that he needs one Months of time.

  Then he looked up.

  At the end of the undersea tunnel, there was a wider space, with a slight light above his head, and it seemed not far from the water.

  The place where Roya was, looked like the bottom of a large lake. .

  He did not float up immediately, but ordered a fish dragon to go up and check.

  Finding no one around, Luo Yacai and the Lich flew up, suspended above the water.

  "This is... the underground maze! "

  The Lich felt a little emotional. Although he knew something about the maze, he had never been there before. He

  saw that this place was like a vast mountain wilderness, with grasslands, forests, rivers, and waterfalls. It was a lush and vibrant scene. The

  only one Different from the outside world, the top of the head is not the sky, clouds and sun,

  but a white crystal wall, only a few hundred meters above the ground, emitting a faint light, bringing illumination to the world.

  It was now clear that they had emerged from a pool beneath a huge waterfall.

  Water flows down from the upper layer of the crystal wall, forming pools and wide rivers here, spreading into the distance.

  The river flows underground at the end, seemingly leading to the next floor.

  The Lich said: "This river in the labyrinth is called the River of Sages.

  " It is said that it connects 90% of the floors in the entire labyrinth, but there are magic barriers set up by ancient sages between each floor.

  "If that statue is right, we can use that key to go to almost all floors through this river."

  How many floors is this now?
  Roja shook his hands and frowned inwardly.

  On this floor, he felt obviously restrained and uncomfortable.

  It was as if there was an invisible force surrounding him, making it difficult for him to exert half of his magic power.

  According to the information collected previously, this is a way for the maze to deal with intruders.
  - In order to prevent a powerful adventurer from killing all ten floors with one spell, there are too many monsters in the floor whose strength exceeds that, and the physical and The magic power will be suppressed to a certain extent.

  Therefore, only the endless army of monsters in the maze can pose a threat to adventurers, and the number of monsters will be meaningful.

  The current floor is too weak for Roja, and the average strength of monsters may be two levels weaker.

  (End of chapter)

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