151. Chapter 150 Student Hal and [Magic] Entry (2-in-1)

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  Chapter 150 Student Hal and [Magic] Entry (2-in-1)

  Southern Commonwealth, a remote coastal town.

  The sky was clear, the sun was shining brightly, and people were coming and going in front of the tavern.

  "I'm so hungry!" A young man walked in quickly, holding his stomach.

  He looks young and has neat short black hair. He is dressed in simple cloth and has a long sword hanging on his waist.

  "Boss! I want two portions of beef, two portions of potatoes, one portion of bread and one bowl of soup!"

  The young man said to the bearded man behind the counter, and then ejected a few copper coins.

  "Hal, you have a good appetite."

  After a while, the tavern owner placed the tray with food on the boy's table.

  "I have to learn swordsmanship from the teacher every day. It consumes too much physical energy."

  Hal took a big bite of beef, grabbed bread, dipped it in vegetable soup and stuffed it into his mouth, looking like he was gobbling it down.

  The boss wiped his hands with a towel and asked, "What? Are you planning to become an Orario adventurer?"

  The young man nodded with something stuffed in his mouth.

  The boss sighed: "New ruins have appeared in the maze. For this reason, there have been so many people becoming adventurers recently..." "

  Relics?" Hal looked confused.

  The boss was a little surprised:

  "So you don't know? It is said that it flew from the distant Mountains of the Undead, and contained the demon's treasures. Unfortunately, no one can get in." "Oh." Hal nodded slightly, although he was a little moved,


  still I feel that things like ruins are too far away from me.

  I'm not even an official adventurer.

  At this time, there was some noise outside, and
  several men and women wearing leather armor and carrying bows and arrows could be seen riding through the streets, surrounded by many small town residents.

  "Who are they?" Hal asked curiously, feeling that the residents were very enthusiastic towards those people.

  "It's the Gale Team."

  The boss said: "Their team leader is a level three adventurer. He heard that a bipedal dragon appeared in the nearby mountains and forests, so the mayor paid a lot of money to invite them to fight against it." Level three or above is considered

  . He is a high-level adventurer, and can be regarded as a powerful master in most areas of the Southern Federation.

  As for the bipedal dragon, the average rating is level three. Ordinary people cannot kill it simply by relying on numbers. They can only find adventurers of the same strength.

  The boss smiled and said: "Little Hal, work hard and try to join an elite team like the Gale Team one day." After the

  young man finished his meal quickly, he chatted with the boss for a few more words, then left the tavern and headed towards the town. Go outside.

  Finally, he came to a dilapidated church in the wilderness.

  Hal walked into the church and greeted a figure who was reading a book in the shadow under the statue,
  "Teacher, I'm back!"


  In the shadow, the figure closed the book in his hand and slowly He raised his head and said in a low voice:

  "It's too noisy, please lower your voice."

  Roja stood up and walked out of the shadows.

  At this time, he was not wearing the ferocious armor, but instead put on leather clothes and boots dressed like a businessman, and a felt hat on his head.

  The frame under the clothes was covered with a thick layer of spider silk, and the outermost part was covered with white bandage strips, leaving no gaps exposed.

  Coupled with the effect of the "aura convergence" ability, he just looks like a strange man dressed in a strange way, and will not be associated with the undead and monsters.

  This boy named "Hal" is the demigod child brought out from the ruins.

  But for some reason, he seemed to have lost all his memory, leaving only some common sense and literacy skills. He didn't even know his original name.

  But what surprised Roja was that

  the first thing the child said after waking up was:

  - Where is the underground maze? I'm going there to be an adventurer.

  Although he couldn't even remember his name or origin, he seemed to have no doubt about this goal, and was extremely certain and convinced.

  And have a clear idea of ​​what the Underground Labyrinth and Adventurers are.

  Roja guessed: It was the Demon God who erased his memory of not belonging to this era, retaining only his common sense and the goal he was determined to pursue.

  This saved him a lot of trouble.

  Based on many considerations, Roja did not reveal his undead identity to him, but only showed his current disguised appearance.

  The fabricated identity was that of a traveler from the Holy Empire who mastered superb swordsmanship and some minor spells.

  On the way to the Confederate States, a young man was found sleeping in the grass in the wilderness.

  The next thing happened naturally.

  A child who wanted to be an adventurer but was unfamiliar with the world and didn't even know a little swordsmanship or magic met a kind-hearted person who was willing to be his teacher.

  The two sides naturally developed a teacher-student relationship.

  Roya named him "Hal" and took him all the way to the Southern Federation, where he settled temporarily in this small town and began to teach him swordsmanship.


  The young man suddenly said: "I heard something in the tavern. Recently, a high-level adventurer is planning to hunt a bipedal dragon!"

  Roja glanced at Hal.

  You don’t want to watch the excitement, do you?
  He said quietly: "Don't think about it. With your current strength, you will die if you are affected by the magic power of high-level monsters and high-level adventurers."

  Hal blinked and asked, "Teacher Roja, when can I become an official adventurer?" "

  I don't know."

  Roja took out a long sword, pointed it at the boy, and spoke in a low voice. The voice said:

  "Stop thinking so wildly and keep practicing swordsmanship. When you can beat me in swordsmanship, maybe you will be a qualified adventurer."

  He would not teach Hal for too long, only a few months at most.

  But it will require the boy to break the limit at least once before he officially enters the dungeon to grind.

  From a teacher's perspective, he is definitely not the gentle, tolerant and considerate type.

  Hal has his own clear goals, so he doesn't know how to talk about life principles. All he communicates with his students is sword practice, sword practice, sword practice!
  "Then here I come!"

  Hal shouted softly, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and suddenly attacked forward.

  Roja put one hand behind his back, and held a sword in the other hand to fight with the boy.

  "Ding, ding, ding, ding..."

  Hal looked only thirteen or fourteen years old, but his physical fitness was quite amazing.

  There are no signs of training on his limbs, but he can easily strangle a snow leopard with his natural strength. This is something that really happened on the road.

  In other words, Hal's underage body is close to the limit-breaking level of ordinary humans. This is probably the function of the divine blood in his body. His learning ability is also excellent. After practicing for just over a month, the young man's swordsmanship looks impressive.

  But with this talent, he still has a long way to go before he can reach the highest level of a warrior and become a "hero".

  "Clang, ping, pong, clang..."

  The two iron swords collided one after another, making a crisp metallic trembling sound and sparks flying everywhere.

  "Pa!" Roja slapped the young man's hand with the spine of his sword, knocking his long sword off, and then kicked him away!

  "Pay attention to the breathing method!"

  Hal fell to the ground hard, then got up immediately, picked up the sword and stabbed Roja.

  Although Roja usually uses a spear, under the influence of the "Mastery of Hundred Arts" achievement, his swordsmanship and spearmanship are at the same level, reaching the legendary level.

  Under his guidance, Hal's swordsmanship growth path was combined with the "breathing method", leading directly to the highest level of martial arts without any detours in the middle.


  Two hours later, the sword in the young man's hand was knocked away again.

  Roja put the blade on his neck and the practice stopped.

  At this time, Hal was covered in bruises, and his waist, abdomen and limbs were all bruised and purple.

  He panted violently, sweat dripped from his forehead, and his physical strength reached its limit.


  Roja said: "That's it for today. You can rest and go back and think."

  After saying that, a dark green branch-like staff appeared in his hand and was placed on the young man's shoulder.

  A burst of green light surged out, carrying a strong breath of life, slowly healing Hal's fatigue and pain.

  This staff is a trophy from the past. It is made of special material and has a constant healing spell on it, which allows the mage to cast spells directly without having to recite a spell or consume his own magic power.

  "Thank you, teacher, I'm going back!"

  The boy walked out of the abandoned church, waved goodbye to Roja, and turned around to walk towards the town.

  He would only come here to see Roya during "school time" every day, and he would go back to the hotel in the town to sleep.

  Although Roja was strict, he would not let the boy sleep in the wilderness every day for no reason.

  After Hal left, Roja continued to open the book and read.   During the time he

  left the Mountain of the Undead, in addition to teaching swordsmanship to young people every day, he spent his free time reading books and various magic books.

  Fire, water, earth, wind... learn magic almost from scratch, starting from the simplest apprentice-level spells.

  Because [Martial Arts] has reached the highest legendary level, he now wants to start studying the field of magic a little bit.

  A month ago, when Roja tried to learn the simplest fireball technique, a new column of information appeared on the panel:
  [Magic: Fire System (Apprentice Level 1%)]

  This column of information is very similar to [Martial Arts] , about magic proficiency appears.

  However, this time there is no such thing as being able to continuously brush up proficiency with one action. You must read and practice down-to-earth to improve your progress.

  But the good news is that after his martial arts reached the legendary level, his control over his own energy reached a state of "freedom and ease".

  For Roja, his own energy is the power of the undead and magic power.

  He can perfectly control his own magic power, which means that as long as he can understand the composition of a certain spell, he can master it immediately without practicing.

  This allows him to master various spells much faster than ordinary mages.

  [Magic: Space System (Apprentice Level 50%)]

  In just one month, the space system spells he mainly studied have achieved some results, and the space system is far more difficult than ordinary elemental spells.

  What Roja can do now is to temporarily create an extra-dimensional pocket with a capacity of about the size of a school bag, and put some things in it to hide it.

  Although it seems useless now,

  I believe that if he continues to study like this, he should be able to open teleportation arrays by himself when he reaches the "official mage level". When he reaches the "arch mage level", he will be able to open space channels in the blink of an eye when in danger. Run away.

  Going up to a higher level, you may even be able to cast spells such as "Space Confinement" and "Space Splitting Slash".

  Of course, in order to reach the level of Holy Magister and Legendary spells, it will take many years of study.

  Researching magic is only done in my free time when there are no panel tasks. If I really want to become stronger quickly, I still have to do tasks to increase my attributes.

  "Buzz -"

  At this moment, a portal with a black vortex opened in front of Roja, and a skeleton mage wearing a black robe floated out.

  "Lord." The

  Lich bowed slightly and said respectfully: "I have already obtained detailed information on the things you asked me to investigate."

  The Lich is a great mage close to the awakened state.
  As long as he does not get close to Euler Li, a labyrinth city where powerful people gather, can still walk sideways in the Southern Federation, and its activities will not be easily discovered.

  So it now becomes Roya's intelligence agent.

  Roja nodded and motioned for it to continue.

  "The first thing is that a new student named Philip appeared in Holy Dawn College a few months ago. He studied with a water magician and seemed to show great talent." Philip successfully entered the college

  . ? good.

  Roja nodded slightly.

  The Lich continued: "The second thing is that the guild's final announcement on the events related to the Undead Mountains is that all monsters have been eliminated and the hidden dangers have been completely resolved." '

  Haha, is that what you said? 'Roja was not surprised by this.

  It is worth mentioning that more than a month has passed, and the Undead Mountains are still his territory and have not been dealt with in the sense of "capture" by the Adventurer's Guild.

  In other words, the "resurrection point" still exists, the undead army has not been affected, everything remains the same.

  The Lich continued:

  "The third thing is that Copperfield's ruins appeared in the middle area of ​​the underground labyrinth. The news currently circulating is that several legendary mages tried to communicate with the spirit of the ruins, but they still can't seem to enter." Legend

  . Mage...How many powerful men have Orario gathered now?
  Roja was not surprised that the ruins were closed. What he was concerned about was - how should he enter the underground maze?

  Whether he is hunting stronger monsters or entering the Rubik's Cube in the building again, he needs to advance through the maze.

  The entrance to the underground labyrinth is located in the center of Orario, beneath the Tower of the Gods, and is sealed by countless layers of spells.

  To enter the maze, ordinary people need to register as an adventurer and hold a special voucher to pass through the magic barrier and enter under layers of surveillance.

  How can I get in as a "black house" undead?

  Not to mention entering the underground maze, even entering Orario, he was at risk of being discovered by high-level adventurers all over the street.

  For a longer-term plan, in order to obtain a fixed passage that can be freely entered and exited,

  Roja is looking for a small natural tunnel hidden under the sea that connects the legendary underground maze to the outside world.

  This is also the reason why he came to this coastal town.

  (End of chapter)

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