149. Chapter 148 Leaving

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  Chapter 148 left
  Al and ran away.

  When he saw the mountain falling from his head, he tried his best to give it a try,
  but before he failed to resist and was smashed into the ground by the ice peak, he still activated the high-level teleportation gem left to him by the villain mage. .

  So in Roja's field of vision, purple light flashed deep underground, and the seriously injured and dying elf disappeared.


  Teleportation spells are really convenient.

  Roja touched his chin and felt a pity.

  【mission completed! Experience +800, Freedom Points +5]

  When he completely defeated the elf, the panel also had a prompt to complete the task.

  This was a combat mission he received before the two sides started fighting. It was divided into several levels: escape, defeat, and kill. The difficulty was E, B, and A respectively.

  After allocating the points to the basic attributes, the panel values ​​are as follows:
  [Frost Lord lv23]

  [Strength: 80.9]

  [Physique: 80.9]

  [Agility: 80.9]

  [Experience Value: 1785/5520]

  Thanks to completing the Sage's Gate As a reward for the three levels, he was promoted to level 23 when he came out of the ruins, and he gained a lot of experience.

  Afterwards, Roja landed from the sky, and
  the huge ice peak began to evaporate rapidly, turning back into the invisible power of the undead floating in the air.

  He went underground and got a golden spear from the place where the elf disappeared.

  Although Al was teleported away, his weapon was left behind.

  [Do you want to consume the "Golden Spear" to forge the equipment "Cursed Spear"?

  【Armor Break +84→+91】

  [Demon Destruction +72 → +89]

  Armor breaking increases by 8%, and demon breaking increases by 23%.

  The materials used by adventurers to make weapons should come from powerful monsters in the maze, and their quality far exceeds ordinary metals.

  At this time, the Lich floated over and said: "Lord, the Mountains of the Undead have been noticed by the Adventurer's Guild, and they will definitely send stronger people..." The implication is to tell

  Roja that they should run away. .

  Roja nodded.

  He had no intention of staying here and waiting for enemies to come one after another.

  This time the opponent sent a sixth-level adventurer over, and next time it might be a Holy Magician coming directly, and it would be impossible to defeat them.

  As for the "resurrection point" of the Undead Mountains, it could not restrict Roja's stay.

  As long as the lord is still there, even if the "barren mountains" of the Undead Mountains are temporarily breached by adventurers, they will still be his territory sooner or later.

  Moreover, there is no limit to the number of territories; only one can exist at the same time.


  Roja thought for a moment, condensed the frost horn in his hand, and used it to activate the power of command with all his strength.


  The low horn sound spread far away,

  and Roja used this to establish contact with tens of thousands of frost undead in the mountains.

  Then he gave the order: Turn into invisible wind and snow.

  The next moment, "Puff, puff, puff -"

  all the frost undead forms collapsed and turned into fluffy snowflakes, blown into the air by the wind.

  In an instant, the wind and snow became more violent.

  Of course, the undead have not completely disappeared, they just exist here in a different form, and can still be summoned to re-condensate their bodies.

  If adventurers come again, let's attack the air!
  After doing this, Roja and the Lich left the Mountains of the Dead... ...

  At the same time, in the distant labyrinth city Orario.

  The whole city was in chaos, with countless people standing on the streets and staring at the sky with wide eyes.

  An endless purple magic circle covered the city, dyeing the entire sky purple.

  A few seconds later, a huge building phantom emerged from the magic circle, flickering up and down, as if it was coming from a certain dimensional space.

  "What is that?!"

  "It's a ruins! It's going to be teleported from somewhere else!"

  "Oh my God! If it falls... half the city will be dead..."

  Many mages want to fly there In the air, he found that under the pressure brought by the huge energy of the magic circle, it was very difficult to even fly to the roof.

  In Orario's Academy of the Holy Dawn,
  "..." The young mages stared blankly above their heads, too shocked to speak.

  On the towering Mage Tower,
  Saint Magister Cynthia was standing at the window, looking up at the magnificent building above.

  Her eyes were shocked, and she murmured: "Bird of Fire...The Demon God Copperfield..."

  At this moment, even though she was so powerful, she could not lift into the air under the suppression of the Rubik's Cube in the building, and could only stand on the tower and look up.

  Including her, all the powerful people at the top of the labyrinth city were looking up at the ancient ruins above their heads, feeling extremely excited!
  The ancient demon god Copperfield was a figure who stood at the pinnacle of the magic field, surpassing the limits of mortals and rivaling real gods.

  The treasures and knowledge left behind by this being are something that both sages and legendary mages crave endlessly.

  The last time a new Demon God Dungeon was discovered was decades ago.

  The last time was hundreds of years ago.

  The appearance of this ruins will definitely attract people above the legendary level!
  "It turns out to be Copperfield's dungeon..."

  Cynthia murmured, unable to look away from the building above her head.

  She narrowed her eyes, slowly clenched her fists, and said to the white ghost behind her:

  "Go to the Endless Tower immediately, sort out all the information related to Copperfield, and make a catalog for me. I will be there soon." It will pass."

  "Yes, I understand..."

  Behind Cynthia, Chris felt extremely complicated and bitter.

  She didn't understand at all why the Demonic City suddenly appeared in Orario before she could do anything with the secret of the Rubik's Cube.

  Even if she gives the information she found before to Cynthia now, the value will naturally be greatly reduced.

  A few minutes later,

  the shadow of the ruins in the sky flashed rapidly for a few times, then suddenly disappeared with a "buzz" sound.

  The next moment, a huge sound like a landslide and earth cracking came from deep underground in the labyrinth city!


  The ground began to shake violently, and countless people on the street screamed.


  "It's an underground maze!"

  "Is it related to the ruins just now?!"

  After that, the shaking on the ground gradually subsided, and the Adventurer's Guild immediately sent someone to confirm the situation.

  ——The ruins that appeared above the city, It has been teleported into the lower area of ​​​​the maze, running through the 41st, 42nd, and 43rd floors!
  The underground maze is a mysterious and dangerous monster nest. Under normal circumstances, any changes made to the landscape by adventurers can be automatically restored.

  But this time, the appearance of the ruins was forced in, causing permanent damage to a large area on three floors, making it impossible to restore it to its original state.

  In the next few days,

  all the powerful mages in Orario began to try to get closer to the ruins.

  However, they tried various methods but could not get the door of the building's Rubik's Cube to open.

  (End of chapter)

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