118.Chapter 117 Separation

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  Chapter 117 Respective
  [Gospel Holy Sword, cannot be recycled]

  Looking at the prompt on the panel, Roja frowned slightly in his heart.

  Although he had no intention of selling the holy relics and gospel weapons for money, it was still a bit unpleasant to see "not recyclable" displayed directly on the panel.

  I don't know if these things are special because they are contaminated with "divine power",
  or if they are simply similar to the level limit of "equipment level ≤ own level + 5"... Roja is more inclined to the latter.

  However, although he is unable to use the holy sword now, the shield can still be used as a trump card for him to defend against fatal attacks.

  When his strength continues to improve, he might be able to hold the Holy Sword of Light one day in the future.

  After thinking about the plan, Roja called the young dragon over through telepathy.


  The little thing flapped its wings and flew into the house.


  Roja took out the huge crystal block of the frozen dwarf and placed it on the ground. With a thought, half of the crystal block melted, exposing the dwarf's chest and mouth.

  Baby dragon, try hypnotizing him.

  Although there is a huge gap in strength between the young dragon and the dwarf, the latter is in a coma due to severe injuries and should have some chance of success.

  "Uh... uh!"

  After more than ten seconds, the dwarf opened his mouth and groaned unconsciously.

  It worked.

  Roja asked through the young dragon: Where are the supplies, treasures, and coins of the Eagle Group hidden?

  The dwarf spoke intermittently: "In... the warehouse, with Genos and the others... our money is placed..."

  Roja learned from him that all the treasures of the Eagle Group should have been looted by him. .

  So he asked the second question: If the cardinal died in Border Town, what would be the consequences?
  Dwarf: "This is a very serious matter..."

  According to him, maybe Winston's death is not considered an actual loss, and even those who compete with him for the position of Pope will applaud him,
  but in order to maintain their reputation , gain merit, even if it is just a show, the church and the royal family will definitely send troops to attack the Undead Mountains.

  In addition, they will definitely try their best to recover the holy relics and gospel weapons,

  and want the Necromancer Philip across the country and even abroad.

  Well...it basically doesn't affect me.

  Roja nodded and asked a third question:
  What are the names, origins, functions and methods of use of the holy relics and gospel weapons you borrowed from the church?
  The dwarf said: "The holy relic is called the 'Time Recalling Hourglass', and the gospel weapons are the 'Bright Holy Sword' and the 'Guardian Holy Shield'..." After that

  , Roja learned the origin and characteristics of the three pieces of equipment:
  Made by the ancient great sage. The prop of the game - the time-traveling hourglass, as the name suggests, can go back in time.

  The specific effect is: consume decades of the user's life, rewind the time of a certain living body for several seconds, and even directly resurrect the dead.

  But the limitation is that the hourglass can go back up to 10 seconds per day, the single backtracking limit is only 3 seconds, and it can only take effect once per day for each target.

  Even though there are many restrictions, this ability is a bit incredible.

  Resurrecting the dead, instantly healing serious injuries, and resetting the number limits of some secret techniques are all things that can be done easily.

  The only price is the user's lifespan and the memory that is lost in retrospect.

  It sounds like the cost is extremely serious, but it is still acceptable for some immortal species such as elves. The person who the Eagle Group is planning to use this holy relic is probably Finn.

  If the undead and other undead creatures could also use it... that would be a bummer.

  Roja thought for a while and instinctively felt that it wouldn't be that simple, but he still didn't dare to try it first.

  The weapons used by the ancient legendary knights - the Holy Sword of Light and the Shield of Protection - have less complicated functions, but they are said to be one of the most powerful gospel weapons of the church.

  Especially the holy sword, which can cut out a five-meter-long sharp sword light. The lethality is extremely terrifying, and ordinary people can only avoid its sharp edge.

  The counting of the trophies finally came to an end, and Roja sat in a chair and fell into deep thought:
  The next thing to do is to deal with Philip's matter...


  noon, Meili was found by Chris.

  She suffered only a few scratches and was fine.

  After meeting, the two children hugged each other and cried, feeling grateful to have survived the disaster. ...

  Night, second floor of the hotel.

  The candlelight flickered in the dim room. Roya, Philip and Mellie sat together at the dining table. There

  was a candle on the table. The dinner for several people was very simple: beef stew with potatoes, vegetable soup and bread.

  "Tsk!" Roja picked up a piece of beef with a fork and put it into his mouth. It was instantly burned to ashes.

  Sure enough, it has no taste...

  Even though it is just a formal meal, I still feel a little bit regretful.

  This was the last dinner before we parted. No one at the table spoke. Philip and Mellie lowered their heads and finished the meal quickly.

  'Are you ready to go to the Confederacy? '

  After the meal, a line of small words of frost appeared in front of the young man.

  Phillip nodded, "Well, Mr. Cavin once said that there is no Church of Light there, and there is no ban on necromancy. Meili and I both want to go there to learn magic." After saying that, he sighed, "What a pity

  . I don’t know where Mr. Kavin went, if something happened..."

  He had already told Roja about Kavin helping him and asked about the whereabouts of Master Qian, but Roja's answer was: I don't know, I didn't see it.

  Lines of small frost words appeared in the void again:

  'Remember, you will be wanted by the empire and the church. You must hide your name and identity on the road, and do not expose necromancy to strangers. Philip

  nodded. He and Mellie both thought of pseudonyms to hide their identities on the road
  - "Lawrence" and "Holo", which are names from the bard's stories. It is said that he was a traveler. The story of the merchant and the harvest god.

  'Also, you are here to study, not to attract attention and get into trouble. Don't tell anyone what happened in Border Town, let alone expose that I, the Skeleton Knight, the Frost Giant and you are related. '

  'If you really meet the mage Cavin again one day, you must deny this to your best, do you understand?

  Philip nodded vigorously again.

  'Finally, when the distance between you and me becomes longer, you can't summon me, so don't think that I will appear in danger. From now on, the only thing you and Meili can rely on is yourselves. Philip

  's eyes gradually became moist, because this sentence meant a long separation.

  Roja took out a storage ring and placed it on the table,

  which contained 10,000 copper coins, a mage robe, a staff, a dozen magic gems, daggers, shields and spears.

  There are also the notes of the undead mentor Roland that were found in Chris's mansion, some other high-level magic books, and some warm clothes and daily necessities from the mercenary warehouse.

  This was his last grant.

  Philip and Mellie traveled to the Southern Commonwealth and had to cross several countries on the way. In order to avoid being wanted, they had to pass through uninhabited wilderness mountains and forests and trek through mountains and rivers.

  But Roja will not accompany him, nor will he send Chris to escort him.

  If you help the boy completely eliminate even preventable dangers, what will he do if he encounters sudden dangers in the future?

  If people don't have the opportunity to make mistakes, they won't grow. Philip needs to experience his own adventure in order to be able to stand alone in the future... ...


  the next morning, the boy and his companions left the border town and set off in the direction of the Southern Federation.

  Roja watched them disappear into the horizon and returned to the mountains.

  [Successfully evaded for one day, experience +10, strength +0.1]

  [Experience value: 2435/3360]

  Philip's matter is over, and he can spend time slowly with General Skeleton.


   1. Thanks to "catkins make a fortune", "blackdown", "Master who can't brush flash drops is not a good baboon", "Star Army sergeant", "stormy rice and flower fragrance", "book friend 20230719101752347", "forever deep" Rewards from "Love Joshua", "Book Friends 20220512234445122", "Book Friends 08a", "Readers from all walks of life",

    2. It's finally coming to an end. Let's sort out the transition plot. There are only two chapters today, and there will be more in the evening. Chapter 1, Chapter 4 tomorrow

  (end of this chapter)

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