108. Chapter 108 The Final Judgment

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  Chapter 108 The Final Judgment
  [The contractor "Philip the Necromancer" used a summoning spell on you. Because the summoning and teleportation restrictions in the hotel are temporarily lifted, and the distance between the two parties is close enough, this summons can be successful] [Mission: Sudden

  Summoning ]

  [Option 1: Teleport directly into the hotel...]


  [Mission completed! Experience +100, Strength +0.5]

  Roja looked at the text that appeared on the panel and fell into thinking.

  Just now, Philip's summoning mission appeared. The three options were: teleport directly, ignore and teleport a low-level monster.

  Direct transmission was too risky, so after some thought, he chose the third option.

  At this time, the judgment stand in the market has been set up.

  Roja had a hunch that maybe the execution date would be tomorrow!

  That night, in the cell.

  "Here you go, the necromancer's last supper."

  Scar placed a bowl of vegetable soup on the table in front of the boy, chuckled twice and left.

  After closing the door, the room fell into darkness and silence again.

  Philip could not eat anything and spent his last night in the hotel sitting in a chair.

  In the early morning of the next day,
  when a ray of light lit up from the horizon, the final moment came.

  "Dong, dong, dong, dong..."

  The continuous ringing of the bell echoed in the town,

  calling people in the town to come together to watch the trial and execution of heretics.

  "It's so early?"

  "Let's go, let's go..."

  The residents yawned and walked out of the house and walked towards the market.

  Whether it is necromancers, cardinals or heresy trials, they are all very new to the people here.

  So in border towns, everyone, whether they are wealthy businessmen, landowners, laborers, farmers, or even vagrants and beggars, come to join in the fun at this time.

  "Everyone move back! Make way for the road to the east!"

  Some mercenaries came here early to plan the site and maintain order.

  In less than an hour, large crowds of people gathered on three main roads around the execution platform at the crossroads.

  "Ta! Ta! Ta..."

  These were the footsteps of fully armed mercenaries.

  In order to support the Cardinal, Genos transferred more than half of the Eagle Group out this morning.

  Wearing shiny armor and holding weapons in their hands, they formed a neat queue and surrounded the execution platform in circles.

  "The Necromancer is coming!"

  Someone suddenly shouted.

  Everyone turned to look and saw another group of mercenaries slowly walking from the end of the road.

  Walking at the front
  were the leader of the Eagle Group, "White Eagle" Genos, the deputy leader, "Miko of the Forest" Anna, and the dwarf "Hammer" Kane.

  In addition to the mage Cavin, the other captains: Finn the elf, Wolf the werewolf, the Amazon sisters and Subaru the sword demon walked later.

  There were a total of eight masters who were famous in the empire.
  The one they surrounded and escorted was a thin figure.

  Philip's face was thin, pale and bleak, and his eyes had thick dark circles.

  He was wearing silver handcuffs, his feet were bare, his slender ankles were also tied with silver anklets, and he was wearing a dark robe.

  After a simple make-up and change of clothes, the boy has been completely transformed into an evil mage that matches people's imagination.

  Where is Mr. Cavan? Where is Mellie? Am I going to die...

  Phillip stared blankly at the ground as he walked.

  Fear and uneasiness kept pouring out of my heart like black spring water.

  He didn't have weak legs and couldn't walk, or lose control of his emotions and burst into tears. It was all the result of the "sedation spell" cast on him by Genos.

  "Are you sure? He is the Necromancer? Why is he a child?"

  "It turns out that we are going to judge a child..."

  "Shh! Keep your voice down, do you want your life?"

  Not everyone in the crowd of onlookers knew Phillip. Some people find it incredible when they see his age. "Shut up!"

  The mercenary who was maintaining order shouted loudly, and the crowd suddenly fell silent.

  "Da, da, da..."

  Behind the mercenaries escorting Philip was the church's team, more than twenty knights in silver-white armor, escorting the red carriage slowly.

  "It's the Bishop..." someone whispered.

  The group of people came to the judgment seat, and

  Philip was escorted to the judgment seat by two church knights.

  Later, Cardinal Winston, who had an extremely serious face, also got off the carriage and slowly climbed onto the high platform.


  Two knights held his arms and shoulders,

  stepped on the wooden floor of the high platform, and looked down at the crowd around him...

  - Only then did Philip suddenly realize that his trial had begun. .


  He looked down and finally found the figure of the girl with short brown hair.

  ——She stood in front of the high platform, and the werewolf grabbed her shoulders and held her in front of her.

  "Uh-huh! Uh-huh..."

  Meili shook her head, as if she wanted to open her mouth to say something, but Wolf covered her mouth tightly, making it difficult to even breathe.

  Ah...will Wolf really let her go?

  Phillip felt sad in his heart and moved his lips,
  but he felt that all his strength had been drained from his body, and he was too desperate to say a word.


  At this moment, Winston hit the table hard with a wooden hammer!
  He sat behind a table like a judge, with a gavel and a thick and large church book in front of him, and two super-level guards standing behind him.

  Winston asked sharply: "Philip! Do you admit that you are a necromancer?"

  On this high platform, his voice was amplified by the spells arranged here. It was very loud and could be heard clearly even from far away.


  The crowd below who were still talking quietly now became completely silent.

  Everyone's eyes were fixed on the young man on the high platform, waiting for the criminal to confess his crime.

  "...Yes, I am a necromancer."

  After a few seconds of silence, the young man replied in a low voice.


  Many small town residents below whispered and sighed at the same time, as if they were surprised that someone would do such an incomprehensible behavior.

  Genos, Finn and others standing in the audience all showed faint smiles.

  In their opinion, Philip had resigned himself to his fate, so the heresy trial was more than half successful.

  In addition to being able to successfully obtain the church's holy relics and gospel weapons,

  the Eagle Group captured the evil necromancer. This matter is neither big nor small, and it is itself a feat and honor worthy of being recorded.


  Winston's face was gloomy, he hit it with his gavel again, and asked sternly:

  "Philippe! Do you admit that you turned your uncle Jules into an undead?" "

  ...Yes, I admit it."

  The boy replied softly again.

  Now the crowd of people watching was even more uproar, with curses everywhere.

  "Damn it! Did he really turn Yule into an undead?"

  "Go to hell!"

  "Burn him to death!"


  (End of this chapter)

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