106. Chapter 106 Execution Platform

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  Chapter 106 The execution platform

  The next day, it was early morning.

  Border Town, market area.

  At the intersection of the central street that originally had many vendors' stalls.

  A large group of mercenaries were clearing the road, demolishing the residents' shacks and stalls, piling them up like garbage, burning them, and shoveling them away.

  This is where the judgment seat and the stake will be built.

  It was the location that the Bishop personally selected after riding a carriage around the town yesterday afternoon.

  According to him, it was based on divine guidance.

  But Genos and Finn guessed: Mainly because the houses nearby are the cleanest, and the judgment images recorded by the church using magic crystals will look better.

  "Hurry up! Two of you go push the garbage away! Others go shovel..."

  An old mercenary was directing others to work.

  In order to ensure efficiency, Genos did not use a single local laborer, and the strong mercenaries quickly cleared out a large open space.

  Then they began to drive stakes and lay the floor and steps of the judgment seat.

  These construction materials had been prepared by Genos a long time ago, so the platform was built very quickly. Half of it was completed before noon, and it looked impressive.

  "This is where the Lord Bishop will judge the Necromancer..."

  In the distance, many small town residents gathered around and discussed.

  Especially for them, if the person who is going to be burned to death is an unsociable and unpopular "acquaintance" in the town, then there will be more to talk about: "I just

  saw that boy Phillip is sneaking around all day long. Hiding in the house and locking the door, it turned out that he was studying necromancy!" "

  He actually enslaved the corpses of the dead. He should go to hell for doing such a thing!"

  "These mercenaries of the Eagle Group usually do all kinds of bad things. This is a good thing!"

  "I hope the Cardinal will purify Philip's soul with the holy fire as soon as possible, so that he will not harm others again..." ...


  the crowd, Chrissy and Roya hid in the ghost curtain, watching the mercenaries from a distance. The execution platform they built.

  The location here is far away from the center of the hotel's magic circle, so they don't have to worry about being noticed.

  "Maybe the platform can be set up tomorrow."

  Chris asked: "If you want to continue to delay time, why don't I take action to get rid of those mercenaries and destroy the platform at the same time..."

  It He raised his hand, as if he would launch a terrifying red thunder at any time.

  As an ancient ghost that has survived for hundreds of years and a senior archmage,
  it probably only needs one or two attacks to kill these hundreds of mercenaries.

  Moreover, it has the fastest speed in the entire Undead Mountains and can escape more than ten kilometers before Genos and others can react.

  'No need, it will only make the other party alert. '

  Roya shook his head and rejected Chris's proposal.

  Chris couldn't help but curiously asked: "What is the relationship between the necromancer you want to save and you? Is he your descendant?" In addition to

  knowing Roja's name, it now knows Roja's origins and even his life. No idea about age.

  Among Chris's many conjectures, Roja was at least a famous warrior in the history of the empire when he was alive, and his strength started at a super level.

  What is the relationship between Philip and me?

  Roja touched his chin and did not answer in the end.

  Chris also wisely asked no more questions.

  It has become accustomed to it. It would be nice to get a positive answer once out of ten times when asking Roja a question...

  The day passes and night falls.

  As time went into the night, all the lights in the hotel gradually went out.

  There were snores in the darkness, and most people fell asleep.

  On the second floor of the hotel, in the werewolf's room.

  "Ho-ho, ho, ho! Ho-ho, ho! Ho..."

  Wolf was naked, lying on the messy bed, with his mouth wide open, drooling, and snoring loudly.

  "Uh huh..." She smacked her lips twice in her sleep, sucked in the saliva, and turned over with the quilt in her arms. She seemed to be sleeping very comfortably.


  At this time, a pair of green eyes suddenly opened in the darkness.

  Meili, who was making the floor in the corner of the room, turned to look at Wolf, who was sleeping soundly on the bed.

  She observed carefully for a while, confirming that the werewolf would not wake up easily, and then climbed up gently.


  After putting on her shoes, Meili gently opened the door, came to the corridor, and walked forward slowly.

  "Da, da, da..."

  The sound of subtle footsteps was particularly clear in the silent hotel.

  This caused the girl's legs to tremble more due to nervousness with every step she took, as if she felt like there were countless eyes staring at her in the darkness.


  When she came to the fork in the corridor, she gasped slightly and stopped.

  In front of her was the hotel's newly installed toilet.

  As long as she didn't run around, walked to the toilet normally, and then returned to the room and lay down, nothing would happen.

  To her left, the corridor led to the room where Philip was imprisoned.

  Meili once asked the boy if he wanted to live and escape.

  Philip questioned her madness and said that was simply impossible.

  Meili didn't know why she said those words at the time, and even thought it was very funny afterwards.

  But no matter what, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow,
  the innocent and pitiful Philip who once spent time with him learning magic will die.

  He is about to be put on a high platform, accept the unfair trial of the church, bear the blame for sins that have nothing to do with him, and endure everyone's accusations and curses.

  Then he was tied to the stake by the church members, doused with holy water and pine oil, and burned alive in the scorching flames with the cheers of others in extreme pain.

  Mellie wasn't sure what she could do,
  but one thing she certainly couldn't do was do nothing.

  Even if...

  if Philip agrees, even if it helps him to be released in advance...

  After swallowing and making up her mind, Melly first went to the toilet, and then slowly walked towards the room where Philip was imprisoned.

  "Da, da..."

  She stopped in front of the door and found that the door was locked from the outside.

  This is good news, which means that Philip is most likely alone in the room, and the person responsible for guarding him is not inside.


  Meili was so nervous that she couldn't help but let out a small moan, and reached for the door lock with trembling hands.

  As long as you touch this lock, it will be too late to regret anything.

  No matter what the outcome is, she will definitely be discovered by Genos, Calvin, Finn and others.

  If you make such a serious mistake, it is almost equivalent to betrayal, and you will be severely beaten by Wolf, and maybe even killed...

  Unlocking Technique.


  The door lock was easily opened by the girl's little magic.


  Merry's eyes couldn't help but moisten, and she wanted to cry.

  However, as soon as her palm touched the door,

  her whole body trembled as if she was struck by lightning!

  Without even a scream, the girl fell heavily to the ground and became motionless.

  (End of chapter)

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