102. Chapter 102 The executioner arrives early!

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  Chapter 102 The executioner arrives early!
  Just as Roja and Chris left the deep area, Kate also returned to the Hall of Valor and reported the situation to General Skeleton.

  "So Chris is not dead... Is it finally going to betray me?"

  General Skeleton was not surprised by the ghost's rebellion. It did not "conquer people with virtue" to regain its subordinates, but relied on its ability to force it.

  However, in the face of such betrayal, it naturally has countermeasures.

  "Ruth is dead, Ludy is dead, and my dragon is dead..."

  "The betrayer must pay the price!"

  General Skeleton stood up from his seat as he spoke, took out the command horn, and blew it hard. !
  "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo of on on."

  The deep horn sound spread out from the hall and spread rapidly to the entire Undead Mountain Range. All the monsters who heard the horn sound began to gather towards the center of the mountain range...

  At the same time, in the cave.


  Chris suddenly covered her forehead with one hand and groaned.

  General Skeleton's commanding horn?
  Roja glanced at it and heard the magical horn sound.

  "No, I still can't resist its control!"

  Chris quickly said to Roja: "Don't you have a way to resist the control? I can't hold on much longer! Tell me what to do!" '

  Don't resist. '

  After writing this line, Roya waved his hand and sealed Chris in ice, put it into the storage space, and left the cave.

  In fact, with his current strength, Chris basically can't resist.

  "Kris... was with the Zero Heroic Spirit, but it disappeared again."

  In the main hall, the Skeleton General whispered in confusion.

  Below it, the forbidden warrior, Kate, and the ancient lich who had changed his body and wore a red robe were waiting below.

  Further away, the remaining high-level monsters in the Undead Mountains all gathered.


  General Skeleton silently looked at his last subordinates, slowly sat back on the steel throne, and implanted instructions in their minds:

  - All monsters, guard the Hall of Valor.


  are they all together?
  Roja stood on the top of the mountain, observing the movements of the undead army in the distance.
  He found that this time the monsters no longer returned the same way, but "stationed" together.

  This decision was consistent with Roja's previous speculation, and basically cut off his chance to continue killing monsters.

  Chris asked: "You can no longer kill monsters, will you be unable to continue to become stronger?"

  The sound of the command horn has ended, so it was released again.

  Roja shook his head and didn't explain much.

  Even if you don't kill high-level monsters, there are other ways to become stronger.

  Afterwards, he returned to a new cave, took out his spear and started practicing.

  ...997, 998, 999, 1000...

  [Lancery (Grandmaster 132/5000)]


  On the second day, Roja found that the daily "sign-in reward" still existed:
  [Successfully evaded for one day, experience +10, strength +0.1]

  It stands to reason that the monster army is no longer searching for him, but this "hide and seek" mission has not yet ended.

  Perhaps the way to determine whether the mission is over is not only the actions of the monsters, but also the attitude and tendency of the Skeleton General himself.

  Another day passed and Roja was upgraded.

  [Frost Knight lv18 → lv19]

  [Freedom Points +2, Strength +1, Constitution +1, Agility +1]

  Waves of cold energy surged from the void, turning into his own power, and his aura grew, and then increase!

  Chrissy on the side said in shock: "You just practiced spear skills with one movement for two days, and your undead power increased a little?"

  Roja shook his head and did not answer it.

  After allocating the points to the three basic attributes, his basic values ​​on the panel are as follows:
  [Strength: 33.9] [Physique: 34.5]

  [Agility: 34.5]

  [Experience value: 5/3360]

  Before you know it, the experience required for the next upgrade It has exceeded 3,000!
  Roja touched his chin,
  - Based on his current mission situation, if he wants to get so many experience points, he must directly attack the Skeleton General's Hall of Valor!

  This is a bit unrealistic!

  It is worth mentioning that, based on the experience feedback from his two recent upgrades, the moose finally reached level 16.

  As for the baby dragon...

  this guy relies on eating to level up. If you don't give it time to eat, digest, and develop, it really won't be able to grow.

  Although Roja requires the young dragon to devour a large number of monsters every day, after all, it has only been a few days since the last upgrade, so its level is still lv4.

  Roja himself doesn't care much about time.

  The only thing he needs to pay attention to is Philip's life!

  So while he continued to practice his gun every day, he arranged for Chris to monitor the Eagle Group during the day and monitor the movements of General Skeleton and the monsters at night.

  If there is any opportunity to sneak attack and weaken both parties, be sure to report it to him in time!

  Especially the Eagle Group!

  If they have many more people riding the giant eagle to go out for reconnaissance,
  With Roja's current strength, he would consider raiding the hotel directly to rescue Philip!

  However, somehow,
  two or three days passed in the blink of an eye, and everyone in the Eagle Group was holed up in the hotel. The giant white eagle seemed to have disappeared...


  week later, in the early morning.

  The season is gradually entering late autumn, and the climate in border areas is even colder.

  The vegetation on both sides of the road had all withered, and the ground was covered with a layer of withered yellow leaves, with a thin layer of hoarfrost forming on top.

  "Thum, thump, thump..."

  The brisk sound of horse hooves came closer and closer, and a group of people appeared from the end of the road.

  More than twenty knights wearing bright silver armor rode pure white horses, with serious and upright expressions, and scanned the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

  Their strength is very strong. A total of ten of them have been trained beyond ordinary people and have reached the limit-breaking level, and there are two super-level masters.

  And on their armor, the logo of the Church of Light is engraved, which shows their identity - the knights of the Holy Cross Legion.

  The knights walked on the road covered with frost-white leaves, guarding a gorgeous crimson carriage in the middle, seeming to be escorting the church's dignitaries.

  The carriage drove slowly into Border Town and finally stopped in front of the hotel where the Eagle Group was located.

  "Lord Winston, we are here."

  The coachman said respectfully.

  A knight dismounted and opened the carriage door.

  Several others spread a red carpet on the dirt road between the carriage and the hotel door.

  In the hotel, the many mercenaries who usually drank, ate, chatted and had fun here had already been cleared out.

  "Lord Winston!" Genos the white eagle, Finn the elf and others who had been waiting for a long time came out to greet him with warm smiles on their faces.

  Then, under the gaze of everyone,

  A fat, white-haired old man wearing a red robe slowly stepped out of the carriage with the help of the knight.

  His eyes were solemn and his expression was majestic. After he stood up straight, he had the aura of having been in a high position for a long time. He seemed not to regard everyone present as his equal.

  The old man spoke and said in a deep voice: "Genos! Long time no see!"

  Genos and Finn, who were standing at the front, showed a smile on their faces, covered their chests and bowed to him.

  This old man is none other than Winston, the Cardinal Archbishop of the Church of Light, who came to judge heretics!

  After Genos wrote a letter, urging and promising more benefits, he came to Border Town in advance with the holy relics and gospel weapons!
  "There are actually people from the church coming..."

  Chrissy, who saw this scene in the sky, murmured, feeling extremely worried.

  Until everyone entered the hotel, she turned around and flew away, eager to report the incident to Roja.

   Thanks to "MrCoffee" for the reward
  (end of this chapter)

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