Chapter 89 Prospecting

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  Chapter 89 Prospecting
  The freshwater fish that Zhang Qiao took out were indeed very big. Zhang Qiao placed these fish into oversized storage boxes one by one. Each one was full of vitality and lovable.

  Ling Xue and Li Xiao each divided five large boxes, and then each gave Zhang Qiao some small fish and shrimps. Zhang Qiao did not refuse and accepted happily.

  After the two parties exchanged the harvest of the past few days, they went back to rest.

  Because they have to go mining the next day, they need to take a good rest. Fishing these days is really tiring.

  After Ling Xue separated from the two of them, she returned to her flying car. She did not go to rest immediately, but organized her own backpack compartments and storage space.

  She sorted and sorted out her gains over the past few days, and a lot of space was suddenly freed up.

  Now it's better, she doesn't have to worry about having no place to put things when she collects them.

  Early the next morning, Ling Xue got up at six o'clock and washed up.

  Normally she wouldn't get up so early, but she got up early because she had to go mining that day.

  Knowing that they might not see this place again after leaving here, Ling Xue planned to collect some more useful things.

  Even though these are just some not-so-precious energy ingredients, they are also very precious things in Ling Xue's eyes. She thought that since she was leaving anyway, she might as well ruffle the wool from this grassland again!
  Zhang Qiao and Li Xiao were still sleeping at this time and had no intention of waking up at all.

  Ling Xue did not disturb them and quietly left the camp alone.

  She didn't have a specific destination, she just collected things as she walked. Ling Xue did not let go of anything useful, and collected everything and put it in the storage space.

  This time, she didn't even let go of the hay.

  Hay is also a good thing. It can be used to feed livestock and light fires. It is very useful.

  It was almost eight o'clock when Ling Xue received yesterday's location. She felt that Li Xiao and the others had already gotten up, so she used gathering skills all the way back to the camp.

  This wave allowed Ling Xue to harvest a lot of energy ingredients, so she was in a good mood and almost returned to her own speed car with a smile.

  The corners of Ling Xue's raised lips didn't even come down during breakfast, which made Li Xiao and Zhang Qiao quite nervous.

  However, they were not talkative people. Even if they were curious in their hearts, they did not say anything.

  We are all people who know what is right, who doesn’t have a few secrets?

  After breakfast, the three of them drove their flying cars and left the pond.

  However, before leaving, the three of them informed their elders so that they would have an idea.

  Because it was close, it only took them ten minutes to get there.

  The three people parked the flying car on a flat land halfway up the mountain, put the flying car away and stopped.

  The rest of the journey can only be done on foot.

  Ling Xue and the others didn't know the specific location of the energy mine, so they had to move forward tentatively while searching.

  Zhang Qiao has an energy detector in his hand, and it is easy to find energy mines. Therefore, Ling Xue and Li Xiao still trust Zhang Qiao's ability.

  The three of them each had a mining pick that had been refined by Ling Xue, and they were ready to start digging when Zhang Qiao found a place.

  It was almost noon, and Ling Xue and the others finally found the location of the ore.

  It is said that the energy mine that the lucky guy dug up a few days ago was a red stone. It was full of energy at first glance, but the stone was very small. But it doesn’t matter. I’m lucky to have found the energy stone. What kind of bicycle do I want?

  Since the energy mine has been found here, it means that the energy mine is nearby.

  After careful investigation, the three finally found the location of the energy ore.

  (End of chapter)

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