Chapter 610 Little Ice World 67

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  Chapter 610 Little Ice World 67
  Little Trumpet tentatively approached Big and Little Tiger, hoping to join in their fun.

  When Ling Xue's round of training was over, she realized something had happened.

  When she opened her eyes, she saw Big Tiger and Little Trumpet playing enthusiastically together. From time to time, she could hear Big Tiger's loud laughter.

  Ling Xue was stunned for a moment.

  She didn't plan to let the trumpet matter go out so early, did she?

  Forget it, just take it one step at a time!

  "Little Trumpet, come here!"

  Ling Xue shouted, and Big Tiger and Little Trumpet froze immediately.

  Seeing that Ling Xue's expression was not good, Xiao Xiao slowly moved towards the side of Lingxiao Hall.

  It secretly regretted: It was careless, it was supposed to be kept secret, but now it was suddenly discovered by Ling Xue.

  The big and small tigers looked at each other and secretly regretted it. They had agreed not to let outsiders know when their brothers were playing with the little petunia, but they didn't expect that they got a little carried away while playing, and ended up being caught off guard and letting Sister Xiaoxue find out. .

  "Sister, don't blame Xiao Xiao, it's all our fault!" Dahu quickly stepped forward to plead.

  Ling Xue remained calm on her face, but in her heart she still affirmed Dahu's performance. At least she didn't shirk responsibility.

  Little Tiger also hurriedly stepped forward to plead for mercy: "Little Trumpet is very good, it is not a monster, it is our friend!"

  Little Tiger's performance shocked the still somewhat ignorant Little Trumpet. It turns out that its friend is so kind to it. To actually go to such lengths to plead for him.

  It was so moved that I almost wanted to cry!

  In the end, Big and Little Tigers were given a scolding by Ling Xue. She warned Big and Little Tigers that not all mutant animals and plants were kind, and some were very lethal, and they could lose their lives if they were not careful.

  Big and small tigers nodded quickly to show that they had been taught. They didn't dare to disobey Ling Xue. It would be bad if Ling Xue got angry and drove them home. They haven't played enough with the trumpet yet!
  By noon, Ling Xue got off the kang and started preparing lunch.

  However, she had no chance to prepare meals in the past few days, because Fatty Wu and his wife came over to deliver meals to Big and Little Tigers. There was a lot of food delivered, and Ling Xue knew at a glance that it was for her share.

  "That's great. There are braised pork ribs that I love!" Dahu jumped up on the kang.

  As soon as Xiaohu heard what Dahu said, he hurried forward to check. There was his favorite spicy chicken. He immediately imitated Dahu and jumped up: "That's great. There is

  also my favorite spicy chicken!"

  When he saw the two brothers, Looking alive and kicking, the smiles on Fatty Wu and his wife's lips never faded.

  "Hurry up and wash your hands before eating!"

  Ling Xue greeted the big and small tigers on the kang.

  The two-faced boy also listened to Ling Xue's words. As soon as Ling Xue greeted him, he immediately got off the kang and washed his hands.

  Fatty Wu couldn't believe his eyes. When did his little brat become so sensible?

  It seems that Ling Xue’s teaching is better! ,,

  Lingxue took the big and small tigers to have a sumptuous lunch. Everyone was very satisfied. Lingxue took them to play in the yard for a while before entering the house.

  It's really cold outside, but it's still warm inside the Lingxue House.

  Due to Ling Xue's strict requirements, even though Big and Little Tigers didn't have enough fun, they still obeyed Ling Xue's words and entered the house.

  After Fatty Wu and his wife delivered the meal, they packed up and went home.

  Big and small tigers had no intention of following them home, which made Fatty Wu feel sour.

  My son stopped kissing them!

  (End of chapter)

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