Chapter 575 Little Ice World 32

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  Chapter 575 Little Ice World 32
  The two of them moved the fishing rods and the water tanks and buckets containing the catch into Ling Xue's van, and then they took out the bait they thought was the best.

  "Is this okay for you? Just use mine!" Liao Er stretched his neck to look at the bait prepared by Ling Xue and curled his lips disdainfully.

  He also knew that Ling Xue had prepared secret fish food, so he thought it was something good? Is this the result?

  Isn't it just sweet potato cubes?
  Ling Xue also glanced at Liao Er's fish food, curled her lips and retorted: "That's it? But I'm going to screw you up. Whether the bait is good or not doesn't depend on who boasts the most, it still depends on the catch. How's the catch?"

  "Bibi?" Liao Er doesn't look down on Ling Xue, it's not that he's boasting. How many people have been able to match Liao Er in fishing since childhood?
  Did he think that the reputation he gained by the reservoir was in vain?
  "Just a competition? Whoever wins will listen to whoever wins!" Ling Xue sneered.

  Xiao Guapi still wants to chat with her? Dream on!
  "No problem!" Liao Er seemed to have seen the scene where Ling Xue was being manipulated by him. This guy, he couldn't help but laugh out loud!
  Ling Xue glanced at Liao Er and got into the van with a cold snort.

  Liao Er also followed with great pride.

  After putting away their respective fishing baits, Ling Xue started the car and rushed towards the reservoir.

  "These two bastards!"

  Uncle Liao looked at the open door and cursed with a smile, thinking in his mind that they would have to clean up well when they came back. How could they go out without closing the door?
  Ling Xue and Liao Zhan looked down on each other with great satisfaction, not knowing that there would be an educational conference waiting for them when they returned home today.

  Ling Xue increased the speed to a new level this time, making Liao Er even more excited.

  It is indeed a high-tech customized RV!
  Liao Er sighed, wondering when he would be able to get into such a luxury car!
  Before he could finish his emotion, he arrived at the reservoir.

  They didn't park the car in the parking lot, but drove straight in.

  The old man who was guarding the gate and collecting tickets saw that it was Liao Er, and let them in after charging them ten yuan.

  In the distance, Ling Xue heard the old man's voice: "Liao Er, you little bastard can't cause any damage!"

  Ling Xue sat in the driver's seat without making a sound, relying on Liao Er to operate the whole process.

  Liao Er shouted back: "That can't be done!"

  I don't know if the old man heard it.

  "Why did you just pay ten yuan?" Ling Xue asked curiously.

  Liao Er's face turned a little red and he said sheepishly: "We never paid when we came here before. The ten yuan we give you today is considered as cigarette money for the old man. It's not good to give too much." "Isn't it good to give too much?

  " Ling Xue was a little confused.

  Liao Er simply broke the pot and replied: "If I give too much, do those people come over and want to give it? How much? It's all troublesome, otherwise it will be difficult to talk to each other when we meet in the future. If you ask me, just don't give it!"

  "You guys?" Ling Xue shook her head with a smile and didn't say much.

  In fact, people in the village also watch people when they come to fish. Those who have money in their pockets can pay for a pack of cigarettes, or give them a pack of cigarettes. If an old man has no money in his pocket, he doesn't have to catch him and ask for money.

  Of course, there are absolutely no shortage of people coming to fish from outside.

  To put it bluntly, their reservoir collects money from outsiders.

  The two found a remote place to park the car, and each found a site to set the hook.

  One person and one person, they both sat down quietly and waited for the fish to take the bait.

  Lingxue was certainly better here. Several big fish came over that could be seen with the naked eye, and Lingxue's heart calmed down instantly.

  Her magic weapon for fishing bait still works in this world!
  (End of chapter)

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