Chapter 528 Natural disasters and wars disrupt the world 76

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  Chapter 528 Natural Disaster and War-torn World 76
  The people who came out to escape were basically people from the same village or clan who moved together, so they basically moved together when they signed up.

  When encountering such people, the team leader and team leader will not break them up, but will group them into their own groups.

  "Clan leader, which group should we sign up for?" The new group of people were also discussing registration in private.

  The clan leader doesn’t understand either, but no matter which group he signs up for, he means that everyone should sign up for one group as much as possible. If it doesn’t work, they can sign up for two groups, but they must not be broken up.

  "Let's see which group recruits the fewest people. Let's go to that group. If it doesn't work, we can find two groups that are close to each other. But we can't spread them out. Otherwise, if we get bullied, we won't be able to find help." "That's that

  . , the clan leader has arranged it well!"

  "Listen to the clan leader!"

  "Have the boys who inquired about the news come back?" The clan leader was also very anxious, seeing that there were already long queues in front of the tables of the recruitment groups, If they don't go, they will really be dispersed.

  "I'm back, I'm back!"

  "Erdan, come here, the clan leader is here!"

  Erdan and Sanwang walked towards this side, and the clansmen all moved out of the way.

  "How is it?" the clan leader asked eagerly.

  "The conditions are almost the same. The difference is that the benefits we get when we sign up are different. These benefits are given to us by the team leaders and captains out of their own pockets. All other conditions are the same." The clan leader touched the beard on his chin, nodded and said to the clan

  members : "Welfare is a trivial matter, it's only a little bit close. We are mainly afraid of being separated."

  Erdan is still very smart and has already found out about this matter. He knew that the clan leader was worried about this issue and asked him specifically. .

  "Clan leader Fang Xin, the team leader and team leader don't care about this. If they want to stick together, they can stick together, but they can't gather in groups to cause trouble."

  The patriarch laughed when he heard that they would not be dispersed: "Our Zou family has always been a family of farming and studying. How can we gather together to make trouble? We are just afraid of being bullied!" As soon as the patriarch spoke, the tone was set

  . The tribesmen knew how to answer the question and said one after another:
  "Yes, we are all honest people."

  "We have never done anything extraordinary!"

  "That is, we have been accustomed to being honest all our lives."

  The tribesmen expressed their opinions one after another, No one wants to be treated as a thorn in the side, and it would be bad if they were targeted by the squad leader.

  A few people who were usually irritated immediately hung up their necks and cursed and swore, for fear that the clan leader would kick them out. If they were kicked away at this time, it would be difficult for them to survive.

  The clan leader was too lazy to listen to their repeated assurances, so he asked Erdan and Sanwang about the status of their respective groups.

  Erdan and Sanwang immediately reported the suitable groups they had discovered:

  "Group 39 to Group 42 have just begun to recruit people. The number of people in these groups is still far behind. We can go there." , you can just choose two groups."

  "Okay, let's hurry up early instead of late, let's go and line up first!" The clan leader directed his clansmen to go to the thirty-nine group.

  Needless to say, there are really not many people in these thirty-nine groups. It is probably enough for the people of their clan to only choose this one group.

  There are quite a lot of people from clans like the Zou family. There are also some people who are not from the same clan but came from the same village. They are willing to report to the same team, and the team leader does not object. For them, this is On the contrary, it is easier to manage.

  (End of chapter)

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