Chapter 447 Blue Star 2

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  Chapter 447 Blue Star 2
  Ling Xue and the others walked to the conference room. It’s not that they don’t have transportation tools, it’s Ling Xue who refused. She still prefers to take a few steps with Uncle Yong after dinner, which can be regarded as a way to maintain health. .

  There were still the same few high-level officials attending the meeting at the base. When Ling Xue came to the conference room, she greeted them one by one skillfully. Everyone was very happy to see Ling Xue's condition.

  Ling Xue's state of mind was considered a normal one. The one a few days ago was completely useless. What's ridiculous is that he and his family thought he had made much contribution to the base. They simply had no idea!
  Having seen Ling Xue in the state he was in when he came back, their eyesight has become much higher.

  This is the state that missionaries should be in!

  The original base director has retired, and now the former base director's deputy, Zhao Guosen, has taken up the post.

  Zhao Guosen is also an old acquaintance of Ling Xue. He is Zhao Xin's father and has had many dealings with Ling Xue before.

  Ling Xue was happy when she saw Zhao Guosen. His promotion to the supreme ruler of the base was also very beneficial to Ling Xue.

  Ling Xue saw him coming and said hello quickly: "Hello, base manager Zhao! Congratulations on your promotion!"

  Zhao Guosen is also a very interesting person. He likes Ling Xue very much. He has also dealt with several problems after he was promoted to base manager. Everything about the mission's return to Blue Star was not very pleasant.

  This time Ling Xue came back and he was extremely happy. Now he could finally have a change of luck.

  The two chatted happily, and Ling Xue even cared about the condition of her old friend Zhao Xin.

  "Chief Zhao, I wonder if Zhao Xin has been back recently?"

  Zhao Guosen looked unhappy when he mentioned his precious son Zhao Xin: "Don't mention that kid, he is far worse than you. He didn't even bring him with him. How many things come back. When he comes back, you must let him learn more from you!"

  Ling Xue looked at Zhao Guosen, who said something disparaging about Zhao Xin, but had a proud look on his face. It seemed a little funny. It seems that, in this world, Fathers are all the same.

  "No, Zhao Xin is still very good. Don't ask for too much!"

  Indeed, although Zhao Xin is not as good as Ling Xue, he can be regarded as the most powerful one among the missionaries. Of course, it's not as good as Ling Xue, but it's more than enough compared to others.

  The two chatted for a few more words before everyone arrived.

  Ling Xue took out the pearl storage device she brought back and explained it to the participants: "I brought back a lot of things this time, many of which have research value. Because of my luck, I caught up with a first-evolved We got a lot of good things from Ocean World."

  After saying that, Ling Xue handed the things in her hand to Zhao Guosen, "Let's take a look at it first!"

  Zhao Guosen took it over with a happy face. As expected, the mission leader still wanted to see Ling Xue. Ah, with her, their base is a treasure.

  After he put his mental power into the storage pearl, he found that Ling Xue had brought back a lot of supplies in the storage space, and he couldn't help laughing.

  When the other leaders saw Zhao Guosen's appearance, they knew that Ling Xue had brought back a lot of good things, and everyone was very itchy.

  However, everyone became anxious when they saw Zhao Guosen occupying the storage space and not letting go.

  "Old Zhao, it's almost done, let us have a look!"

  "That's right, Old Zhao, you are just not good at it. How can you act so domineeringly?"

  "Boy Zhao, show me the old man first!"

  Until one of the base's age The biggest old leader spoke, and Zhao Guosen reluctantly handed over the storage pearl in his hand.

  (End of chapter)

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