Chapter 445 Ocean Survival 130

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  Chapter 445 Ocean Survival 130
  Ling Xue left this world long ago, but her virtual figure did not slowly disappear from everyone's eyes until the speech was finished.

  Everyone knew that Ling Xue had left.

  It turns out that the improvement of strength can really allow one to return to the original world. Although there are many pessimistic arguments against Ling Xue's departure this time, they have been ignored by everyone.

  They only listen to what they want to hear. As for these pessimistic arguments, no matter whether they are real survivors or not, they are not willing to listen.

  Life is already so difficult, so they willfully choose to hear only the opinions they want to hear.

  In this way, they can continue to persevere!
  Gradually, those pessimistic views disappeared.

  Later, everyone devoted themselves to active cultivation, and many people entered the ranks of world-class masters.

  Of course, the strongest part still comes from Lingxue's fortress and safe island.

  The survivors accepted this situation well. Lingxue's Ocean Fortress had a relatively high starting point, so it was easy to accept that they couldn't compare with it.

  But now the safe fortress of Ling Xue has fallen into the hands of that boy Ming Gu, which is very unconvincing!
  It is a pity that Miss Lanling, who has the ability to compete, has no interest in power at all. It is really a pity!
  After Ling Xue left, Ling Xue's ocean fortress was well managed by Ming Gu and the others, and it was still a first-class existence among the first-class in the ocean world.

  When Ming Gu and Lan Ling got together later, he was still very proud. He had lived up to the expectations of Boss Ling Xue. look! How well he manages Boss Lingxue's safe fortress!

  Lanling, Shitou, and Li Mu always supported Minggu's work until the three of them left this world.

  Ling Xue left this world during the speech and returned to Blue Star.

  She didn't feel any discomfort at all when she came back this time, which made Ling Xue very satisfied!

  Of course, the biggest reason why Ling Xue is so satisfied is because her gains this time are greater than ever before.

  Ling Xue's face was filled with a confident smile, and this scene fell into the eyes of Assistant Xiao Wang and his group who had just walked in.

  Seeing Ling Xue like this, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: Miss Ling Xue's momentum has become even stronger. It seems that her gains this time will definitely not be small.

  This is something beyond doubt, and it is also the common intention of people on Blue Star.

  Following the same process, the alarms placed around Ling Xue went off as soon as she woke up, and all the waiting staff came in with a huff.

  Although there were many people coming in, their actions were silent, each doing their own work quickly and effectively.

  Ling Xue quietly closed her eyes and rested her mind, letting them check her body and record various data. There are also staff who are dedicated to taking care of her, who treat her with tender care, like they would a cute little baby.

  Ling Xue has experienced this kind of treatment several times, and she has to do it every time she comes back from another world, so she no longer feels as shameful as the first time she experienced it.

  After some testing, Ling Xue was taken care of properly.

  In order to have a better rest, Ling Xue returned to her home.

  Uncle Yong had been waiting for Ling Xue to come back. The first time he saw Ling Xue's figure, Uncle Yong's eyes were red.

  This child doesn't know how much hardship she has suffered outside, but she always reports good things but not bad things, and she is so sensible that it makes people feel heartbroken!
  (End of chapter)

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