Chapter 386 Ocean Survival 70

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  Chapter 386 Ocean Survival 70
  "Sister Ling has prepared a feast for you, waiting for you to come back!"

  Shitou happily told Li Mu about Ling Xue's arrangement, and asked him if he had any taboos.

  It is impossible to avoid taboos. Even if there were taboos in the past, they are not so pretentious now. In this strange world, being able to have a full stomach is a big deal, so why choose?

  The fleet that had been following them gradually approached, and General Minggu saw the girl who was talking nonstop to Li Mu at a glance.

  finally found you!

  General Minggu's usually calm heart also beat rapidly.

  Lan Huahua and Shi Shi also saw the fleet approaching from behind, and asked Li Mu: "Is the fleet following you behind? It doesn't look like a robbery!" Shi Shi also agreed with

  Lan Huahua's view: "Yeah, look. Looks very friendly!"

  Li Mu also nodded and said to Lan Huahua and Shi Shi, "Sister Ling said the same thing. Sister Ling thought they might have recognized me and wanted to follow me to meet Mr. Ling Xue. She might also change Some supplies."

  "That's good!"

  Lan Huahua said and looked at the first boat behind Li Mu. Oh my God, why does the person standing on the bow look so familiar?
  General Ming Gu? !
  "General Minggu - General Minggu -" Li Mu and Shitou watched as Lan Huahua suddenly shouted enthusiastically and waved excitedly to the fleet behind.

  what happened? Shitou and Li Mu both looked confused. Did they meet an acquaintance?
  More than just acquaintances, they can be considered a family!
  Minggu's mood became cheerful when he saw the familiar person jumping up and down in front of him.

  Lan Huahua watched Ming Gu's boat approaching gradually. She jumped onto Ming Gu's boat and hugged Ming Gu tightly.

  Seeing this scene, Shitou asked Li Mu in confusion: "Is Sister Lan trying to be a gangster?"

  Li Mu retorted sourly: "What nonsense are you talking about? He looks like an acquaintance. Maybe he's Sister Lan's brother?" But he

  added in his heart: It could also be Brother Qing. Look at that slimy look, it's almost impossible. See!

  Their opinions were not listened to, and they could only watch Lan Huahua stay behind and not get off the boat.

  The two of them could only drive the boat and lead the way, and Minggu's boat followed behind at Lan Huahua's signal.

  "Follow quickly and ask the brothers behind to follow quickly. Sister Ling's safety is not far ahead."

  Of course, Ming Gu had no objection to Lan Huahua's words and immediately directed the ships behind to follow.

  "What happened before? Why did that beautiful woman throw herself into the general's arms all of a sudden?"

  "Maybe the general used a beauty trick to break into the safe island of Boss Lingxue!"

  "The general is really willing to give up!"

  "Everyone What are you talking about? This beauty is the general's fiancée, her name is Lan Ling!"

  "She is Miss Lan Ling, she is so beautiful!"

  "Of course, this is a little princess from a top family, she is amazing!"

  Lan Ling's name on the forum was Lan Huahua. She didn't use her real name for fear of being discovered by her family's enemies.

  Lan Ling and Ming Gu talked loudly. Shitou and Li Mu also heard it. Based on the content of their words, they also roughly understood Lan Ling's family background. Both of them secretly smacked their lips.

  Unexpectedly, Sister Lan actually came from a top-notch family, and they were lucky enough to become friends. Oh my god, what a legendary story!

  In the past, they would have never had the chance to meet Lan Ling. Both of them were filled with emotion.

  With so many people here, they must be entertained for dinner. Lan Ling quickly contacted Ling Xue to report the number of people and order meals to avoid running out of food!

  (End of chapter)

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