Chapter 365 Ocean Survival 49

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  Chapter 365 Ocean Survival 49
  "Who is he?"

  "Who is he?"

  "It doesn't look like a big boss, either?"

  The boss Li Yu then gave his subordinates some popular science: "This guy is amazing, he is just stable. Li Mu, who is the second most powerful person under Boss Lingxue, can't you tell?"

  The fat man said in surprise: "You can't tell, why are you so cowardly?"

  Huang Mao also echoed: "Yes, there's no limit to how cowardly you can be. !"

  Li Yu continued to explain impatiently: "Why are you so cowardly? They just don't want to get to know each other like us. This is all the boss Lingxue has? They have storage props, how can they be as shabby as us?" The fat man was a little embarrassed

  . He didn’t believe it: “Is he acting with us? Why not for this little thing?”

  Li Yu thought for a while and said to a few people: “I guess he is not willing to bother with us. In other words, he doesn’t like us. We are too lazy to do anything with us!"

  "It's too much. He actually looks down on us?"

  Li Yu said seriously: "Isn't it normal to look down on us? He killed a few of us and there was no gain. Why did he Do you want to waste this strength?"

  Several robbers heard this and said nothing. Only Huang Mao muttered: "Then these things are considered to be Li Mu's poverty alleviation?"

  Li Yu gritted his teeth in anger and wanted to beat Huang Mao, but later I endured it for a while and then let it go.

  Save it first, and settle the accounts with this guy next time.

  Huang Mao, who was pulling supplies, suddenly felt a chill on his back, was it windy? He raised his head and looked in all directions, but found nothing unusual, then lowered his head and continued to pull supplies.

  The fat man next to him kept asking Li Yu, "Boss, how do you know Li Mu? Tell us brothers!"

  Li Yu said perfunctorily: "I just met him at the market. He followed Ling Xue. I’ve seen some handymen working behind the boss’s back.”

  The fat man was dissatisfied with Li Yu's dry explanation and continued to ask: "Boss, do you think we can go and join the boss Lingxue? I heard that she has all kinds of good things planted on the safety island, but I don't know if she can harvest them. Accept us!"

  Li Yu glared at the fat man and said mockingly: "Then find a fire crystal and I guarantee that Boss Lingxue will accept you! Maybe even us brothers can accept you all at once." Upon hearing this, the fat

  man , he took it seriously, but he didn't hear Li Yu's sarcasm at all. "Okay, the next step is to rob a fire crystal stone."

  Li Yu was really speechless this time. Seeing the fat man's excitement, Li Yu silently comforted himself, forget it, let's just do it! What else could he do with such a subordinate?
  I kind of regret dragging this fat guy on board!

  After Li Mu encountered the robbery by Li Yu and others, things went smoothly. He didn't even encounter a shark on the road behind. There was something wrong with this situation.

  How could someone with his average luck be so successful all the time? Isn't there something wrong?
  In fact, Li Mu's boat happened to be behind the group. People had cleaned it up in front, and the new marine life had not come over yet. Li Mu just happened to get through. Of course, there was no hair on the boat in a calm situation!

  The scouts from the front team discovered Li Mu and quickly reported to their commander: "General, there is a boat following us. It seems to be traveling the same way as us, but he did not notice us!" General Minggu observed the surroundings with sharp eyes

  . "Ignore him, stay alert!"

  "Yes, general!"

  "Is there any news about Miss Lanling?" Ming Gu asked.

  "Not yet. I got news before that Miss Lanling seems to be on her way to find Boss Lingxue."

  (End of Chapter)

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