Chapter 333 Ocean Survival 17

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  Chapter 333 Ocean Survival 17
  Not only the survivors on the permanent forum knew about Ling Xue’s situation in the market, but also the survivors who had some ideas in the market also leaned towards Ling Xue intentionally or unintentionally, which made her a little bored. .

  Originally, Ling Xue was not a person who particularly liked liveliness, but now she is better. She was too high-profile on the forum before, which made her feel particularly uncomfortable now.

  Ling Xue not only sells high-end ingredients, she also recycles all kinds of weird materials.

  There are many rare materials in the hands of survivors in this version, but there are also many people who like to hoard them, always thinking that the materials in their hands will one day make them a lot of money.

  It's different for some people. They don't even know what the materials in their hands are, so what's the use of keeping them? It's better to exchange them for some food and drink!

  What Lingxue wants to collect is the rare materials in the hands of these survivors. The survivors have the final say on what they want to exchange for, and Lingxue will make a deal with them based on the value of the rare materials.

  If both parties are interested, Ling Xue will most likely agree to the deal. Now, while everyone is not paying enough attention to the materials, she plans to stock up on more materials, which may be used when upgrading the ocean fortress.

  Lan Huahua heard that Boss Lingxue also came to the market, and immediately wanted to meet her to talk about her situation: "Boss, I heard that you also came to the market, and I am also at the market. , can we meet and chat?"

  Ling Xue thought it was okay to meet in person. She also wanted to see what kind of person this Lan Huahua was, so she readily agreed: "Okay, come here. ! I am now in the 17th berth in the third alley of the West District Market!"

  Seeing that the boss agreed to meet, Lan Huahua beamed happily: "Great, I will come right away!"

  Because she was far away, Lan Huahua came here It's not fast.

  Ling Xue contacted Lan Huahua and continued her business. Now in Ling Xue's eyes, nothing is more important than earning gold coins.

  We are only opening the market now, and the role of gold coins will be even greater when the mall is opened later.

  Not all survivors have a favorable impression of Ling Xue. Some survivors particularly hate Ling Xue, thinking that she has stolen the limelight from all the strongest survivors.

  Not to mention that Ling Xue didn't like this kind of limelight at all, the maliciousness of this small group of people still couldn't affect Ling Xue's normal life.

  But those people also didn't care what Ling Xue thought. What they cared about was how to pull Ling Xue off the top spot among the strong.

  The conflict between the two sides is irreconcilable.

  On average, Ling Xue had to deal with three to five survivors looking for trouble every day. Although they couldn't fight in the market, their behavior was indeed offensive to Ling Xue.

  Since they insist on finding trouble, Ling Xue is not scared.

  "You're the one who said you were the number one survivor? That's not a small statement!" A two-meter-tall man came to Ling Xue with a few followers.

  Ling Xue glanced at him impatiently, "I don't know what it means to be the number one survivor."

  There were many survivors discussing in low voices next to him, "This is Boss Ling Xue, he is so majestic!" "

  Look! He looked majestic, and he thought she was really the number one survivor!"

  Ling Xue rolled her eyes speechlessly in her heart: "I never thought about it that way, first place is not the first place. What's the use of it, as long as you have the strength to lock yourself up?" "

  Just wait, you will see something good in the future!".

  (End of chapter)

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