Chapter 29 Inquiry

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  Chapter 29:
  Some people are like that. They always look at the things in other people's hands that taste better, as if snatching things from other people's hands is more enjoyable.

  Sister-in-law Wu saw that Xiao Luo and Ling Xue were a little wary of her and Li Shuanghua, and knew that it was impossible to get any news from them. That's all, I didn't expect to get any benefit from these two people anyway.

  "Okay, you guys get busy!" Sister-in-law Wu called Li Shuanghua and walked back together. Although Li Shuanghua was reluctant, he did not dare to refute Sister-in-law Wu, so he had to follow her back!

  Liu Hui and Wang Yun, who were waiting in front, were urging them impatiently, so she had no choice but to put down her thoughts.

  Sister-in-law Wu is quite kind-hearted. She feels pity for the unhealthy brother and sister, and she doesn't hesitate to remind them. Of course, this is when her own interests are not touched.

  "You two, stop hanging around behind. The good things are all up front. Hurry up and get to the front. Otherwise, those people will be like locusts crossing the border and not even a hair will be left behind!" Sister-in-law Wu walked a few steps and turned back. Remind Ling Xue and the others.

  Ling Xue and Xiao Luo would not refuse her kindness. Occasional kindness like this is rare these days. It was quite refreshing for them to be suddenly exposed by Sister-in-law Wu.

  Ling Xue and Xiao Luo expressed their gratitude to Sister-in-law Wu with grateful faces: "Thank you for reminding us, we will go there soon!"

  Sister-in-law Wu was very happy to see the brother and sister accepting her kindness. In today's world, if you can help me, please help me! Life is hard!

  Li Shuanghua on the side curled her lips and complained to Sister-in-law Wu: "You don't need to remind me, maybe people don't care about these three melons and two dates!" Sister-in-law Wu knew

  Li Shuanghua's temper and said to her: "There is nothing wrong with these days. Those who care about these things, even those in the rich areas still come out to grab food from us! It doesn’t matter if we help a little more. Besides, there are many people grabbing things, and there will be others without them!"

  Two The man and Aunt Liu Hui met and hurried forward!
  They can't waste too much time on the road, otherwise they won't know how much they will lose! This time I went back to the camp to store supplies, but I paid a lot of expenses. I need to collect more things to make up for it!

  Looking at the backs of several people walking away, Ling Xue and Xiao Luo also discussed and moved forward.

  Ling Xue and Xiao Luo still moved separately. Different directions represented different materials, but the general direction was forward. They don't dare to stay too far away from the main force. It would be terrible if those mutated animals come back and kill them!

  "Then you should be more careful. You would rather get less than to ensure your own safety!" Xiao Luo told Ling Xue.

  Ling Xue's big eyes were as endearing as a pool of autumn water on her thin little face. She nodded repeatedly: "I know, there is a problem with the optical-brain connection!"

  Her family knew about her family affairs. She was now equipped with a lot of equipment. Even if she encountered danger, she could hold on until rescue came. This was also the basis for her to dare to act alone.

  Seeing his well-behaved look, Ronaldinho turned around and walked away with satisfaction!

  Thinking of Ling Xue's pitiful look, Xiao Luo finally understood why he felt so awkward with Li Shuanghua. Isn't it the feeling of a pirated product meeting a genuine one?

  Xiao Luo has known Ling Xue since she was a child, and Xiao Luo has already deeply remembered her unique temperament. Because Ling Xue has been like this since he was a child, he often sees him and doesn't notice anything. If someone suddenly comes and imitates someone else, it's no wonder that he feels awkward!
  Ronaldinho thought to himself that this kind of person must not be a very decent person, and it would be better for them to have less contact with such people in the future. Moreover, a simple person like Xiaoxue will definitely suffer against her.

  Li Shuanghua must not have known that her behavior this time not only did not take advantage, but actually made people disgusted. However, a character like her wouldn't take it to heart even if she knew about it. All she cares about is whether she can take advantage.

  (End of chapter)

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