Chapter 265 Arid World 67

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  Chapter 265 A Dry World 67
  Aunt Zhang and Uncle Zhang stayed at home. They also wanted to go out for a walk, but they did not argue with the young people. Besides, there can't be no one at home, so they have no choice but to stay and look after the house.

  But they were not idle either. The two of them took the tools to repair the path.

  The visibility was not good at night, there was no light at all, and everyone was wearing miner's lamps for lighting.

  In fact, they didn't go very far, they just chose a random direction and drove forward aimlessly, but stopped after five or six minutes.

  Then he parked the tricycle on the side of the road and went to find Huaquan in the open field next to it.

  Everyone was spread out, but not too far apart, just far enough for each other to chat.

  The lights were turned off so that we could better see the fluorescence emitted by the flower spring. Everyone was working hard.

  They searched all over this large area, but no one found the existence of Huaquan.

  The tall corn stalks in the field next to them were still standing there. Ling Xue and the others did not go in. They were still willing to search in an open area.

  Occasionally, Ling Xue could still see lights in the distance. She thought it was probably those well-informed people who were also looking for Huaquan.

  Unexpectedly, Wang Bo also had the same opinion as her: "Brother Kai, look at the lights in the distance that are dimming. Are there people looking for Huaquan?" Zhou Kai also thought so: "It's very possible. It

  seems There are a lot of well-informed people!"

  Zhang Enhui also realized that these people were also looking for Huaquan, which made her very upset. How could she have been so closed-minded in her previous life, otherwise she would not have lost her life so early.

  After looking at the sky, Zhou Kai decided to go back.

  "Let's go, come back tomorrow!"

  After working for so long but with no results, everyone was still a little unfinished. Wang Bo reluctantly suggested: "How about we just walk back and search as we go, maybe we can find a few more. It’s a flower spring!”

  The little BMW agreed: "Okay, I agree!"

  Zhang Enhui and Xie Yunyun were also excited and agreed in unison: "Okay, let's walk back!"

  Since everyone was so positive, Zhou Kai didn't object anymore. Anyway, this is far away from home. It’s not too close, I’ll be back soon!

  Ling Xue reluctantly agreed. She also wanted to walk back, but someone had to ride the tricycle back, so she and Zhou Kai took over the responsibility of riding the tricycle.

  The two of them drove back slowly on both sides of the road, looking at the fields on both sides of the road. She also hoped to find another flower spring.

  Of course, she didn't dare to say it, because among these people, she was the only one who found a flower spring, and the others had not yet touched the shadow of the flower spring. If she disliked the small flower spring in her hand, she would definitely be hated.

  "Ah - ah - I found a flower spring! I found it!" Wang Bo jumped three feet high and shouted.

  People looking for him immediately gathered around.

  Wang Bo eagerly raised his hands to show off: "Look, look, it's still glowing faintly!"

  Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was indeed a flower spring, but it was smaller than Ling Xue's one.

  This is very good. Many people may not be able to find the smallest one after searching for several years. The flower spring in Wang Bo's hand is enough for him even if he saves it.

  Seeing everyone's envious eyes, Wang Bo became even more proud.

  No one found it, but he found it. What does this mean? It can only mean that he is lucky and has good character!

  Haha, haha, on the way back, Wang Bo would laugh a few times from time to time, which was really heartbreaking. Fortunately there are a lot of people here, otherwise it wouldn't scare anyone to death?

  (End of chapter)

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