Chapter 146 Semi-gamified world 5

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  Chapter 146 Semi-Gamified World 5
  It is a good thing that the water quality is high. Ling Xue will not be short of drinking water in the future.

  Although she carries a lot of drinking water and domestic water in her own game space, in the game world she plans to use it as long as she can. Why should she take advantage of the game's loopholes when she can do it?

  The game also awarded a 1-ton large kettle. She first collected a ton of water and filled the large kettle for later use. Who knows how long the water resources in the upper layer of the pool will last?
  A person without long-term worries will always have immediate worries, so she should be on guard in advance!

  I don't know if these resource points will be refreshed, Ling Xue is also a little worried.

  It would be better if the resource points can be refreshed. If they cannot be refreshed, she will actively explore around.

  Ling Xue discovered that there were two stone mountains around, but she didn't know if she could find ore!
  It doesn't matter if she can't find ore, at least she can collect stone, which is also an important building material and is much more valuable than wood!

  Ling Xue looked at the sky and saw that it would be dark for a while. She planned to collect some stones to see if she could find any ore.

  In order to comply with the size standards in the game, Ling Xue collected stones one cubic meter at a time.

  After being busy for a long time, Ling Xue unfortunately did not discover any mines in this stone mountain.

  Of course, it might also be because she dug shallowly.

  Although she didn't dig any useful ore, Ling Xue didn't mind. The stones she got were already a fruitful harvest.

  What kind of bike do you want?

  Ling Xue returned to the safe house before dark. She felt like there was a layer of mist outside the safe house, which was a bit cold!

  We had to have something hot for dinner, so Ling Xue decided to have hot pot!

  Take out a small charcoal-burning stove and some coal. The coal is filled half of the stove, and then mixed with some alcohol and put in, so that it is easier to ignite.

  Ling Xue remembered that she had stocked up on a box of matches when she was preparing supplies, so she found a box, and with a sound of "Stab-", the match rubbed against the gunpowder skin and burned, and Ling Xue threw it into the small stove.

  "Coax-" The solid alcohol in the stove ignited, and ignited the coal in the stove bit by bit.

  Putting the copper pot on, pouring in the big bone soup base that had been prepared in advance, Ling Xue began to take out the meat rolls, meatballs and various vegetables that she wanted to eat, and there were seven or eight items on the table.

  The goods are relatively busy, but the soup base is boiling after a while.

  Began to eat!
  First, she cooked half a plate of fat lamb rolls, and Ling Xue felt a little drooling.

  First, she picked a bowl of sesame sauce and garlic dipping sauce. The fat lamb rolls had changed color due to the boiling soup at the bottom of the pot. Ling Xue used a slotted spoon to take out the meat rolls, and then put down a plate of fat beef rolls.

  The thin meat rolls covered with sesame sauce and garlic looked very tempting. The wonderful taste of the meat rolls mixed with the dipping sauce immediately invaded Ling Xue's taste buds.

  Another sip of cold beer, it feels so refreshing!

  I never thought hotpot was so delicious before!

  It took Ling Xue half an hour to finish the meal!

  After putting away the dishes, the coals in the stove were still burning brightly. Ling Xue didn't want to waste it, so she boiled another pot of water to make tea.

  Opening the player panel of the game world, she found that there was new information!
  "On the third day of the game, regional channels will be opened, and players can trade excess items privately! Players please pay special attention!"

  Can items be traded? Great, the supplies Ling Xue has on hand should be able to be exchanged for many useful things!

  The third day of the game is tomorrow. Ling Xue secretly remembered this in her heart, and she also planned to use the extra wood and water resources on hand to trade other items.

  Ling Xue needs to upgrade the drawings of the cabin, but there is no place to put the vegetable garden and warehouse she got!

  (End of chapter)

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