Chapter 144 Semi-gamified world 3

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  Chapter 144 Semi-Gamified World 3
  Ling Xue looked at the time and it was already past three in the afternoon. She was very hungry, so she went back to the safe house to rest for a while, and then took out a steaming portion of braised pork with rice. Start eating.

  The amount of activity in the afternoon will be relatively large, so Ling Xue specially chose a high-calorie meal for this meal, which can just replenish the excess energy consumed.

  After finishing her meal, Ling Xue took out a large cup of pearl milk tea and drank it.

  Because it is pearl milk tea and a special food processed by Ling Xue, the water consumed by Ling Xue's body is instantly replenished after a cup of pearl milk tea is consumed.

  After eating and drinking, Ling Xue was ready to go out to cut wood.

  The target is on the opposite side of the mountain!

  The top of the mountain opposite was very close, and Ling Xue reached the foot of the mountain in five or six minutes.

  Ling Xue looked around and found no small animals. It was probably due to the novice protection period.

  Since there is no danger, Ling Xue can let go and start collecting!

  Ling Xue only stopped collecting wood when it got dark. The trees on the side facing Ling Xue had basically been collected, about a thousand cubic meters of wood.

  Because collecting wood on the mountain top will be affected by the terrain, Ling Xue's collection speed is not fast. This is why Ling Xue desperately looks for small woods with flat terrain.

  The night in the game world is more dangerous. There may be some ferocious animals hidden in places she doesn't know about, so Ling Xue doesn't plan to work overnight.

  Ling Xue took one last look at this side of the bare mountain and turned around to leave. She planned to collect the other side of the mountain tomorrow.

  After returning to the cabin, Ling Xue first closed the door of the safe house tightly, and then started to clean it up.

  Ling Xue washed the clothes after taking a shower. There was a washing machine in the safe house, so washing clothes was not troublesome.

  After cleaning herself up, Ling Xue took out a piece of spicy hotpot and had a delicious meal with beer. There really is no time to stop this day, I’m tired!
  Although Ling Xue wanted to sleep, she held back and planned to record today's experience.

  In this way, it will be valuable information for herself or for novice taskers. She doesn't know what others will do. After all, it is just her own idea.

  Taking out a notebook and a pen, Ling Xue began to record it carefully, from the moment she woke up in this world to the time she returned to the safe house after dark.

  After recording, Ling Xue checked it again in detail, and then solemnly put the notebook away.

  After finishing the last thing, Ling Xue lay down on the bed and started to sleep.

  However, when she was getting sleepy, she checked the messages of other players on the game world forum. Since private email and chat software had not yet been opened, she could only read them from the forum.

  Basically, they are all complaining about the unfairness of the game. There are also those who like the game world and praise it. Some are just following the crowd, some are being lousy. Anyway, there are all kinds of complaints.

  Because there is water provided by the novice gift package, no one is short of food and drink now. That's why these players have the energy to dominate the forum. If they are really hungry and have no energy left, will they still be in the mood to talk here?

  Anyone else wants to know who Ling Xue belongs to? Because every player can see the system announcements and rewards for Ling Xue, they really want to know how Ling Xue built such an exquisite cabin when no one had cut down a single tree.
  (End of chapter)

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