Chapter 106 Yushan (1)

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  Chapter 106 Yushan (1)

  In fact, Lingxue and Ayong set off a little late. At this time, the wind was so strong that it almost blew Lingxue’s speeding car away.

  Fortunately, Yushan is not far from the base. Ling Xue can get there in about half an hour if he drives at maximum speed.

  Although A Yong and Ling Xue were a little worried, they still gritted their teeth and drove the speeding car forward.

  The wind raged for a while, and finally the rain poured down.

  The pouring down here is really like pouring down with a basin. There is no exaggeration at all. Ling Xue, who is driving the speeding car, can hardly see the road ahead.

  "I can't see the road!" There was only heavy rain in front of her, and Ling Xue was a little anxious.

  Ayong quickly reminded her: "Turn on automatic driving!"

  Ling Xue's eyes lit up, yes, why did I forget automatic driving?
  "Okay!" Ling Xue quickly switched the program to automatic driving.

  Although it was raining heavily at this time, the wind stopped, making it easier for Ling Xue and the others to move on.

  Because the heavy rain did not affect their progress at all, but the strong wind was more harmful to the speeding car.

  Like Ling Xue and others, many people who were on the road at this time also felt a lot more relaxed. As long as there was no strong wind, it was still safe for them to travel in the rain.

  The speeding car can automatically distinguish the speeding cars from the front, rear, left and right, so Lingxue has no worries about the safety of Uncle Yong or herself, and her highly tense nerves have finally relaxed.

  "Uncle Yong, are you going to live with me or go to the Legion of Superpowers?" Ling Xue was finally in the mood to find out what Uncle Yong's next plans were.

  Uncle Yong thought for a while and said: "It's okay, it won't affect anything anyway, they all know your situation, they won't say anything more!"

  After hearing A Yong's words, Ling Xue immediately became dissatisfied: "What's my situation? I'm not Are you all fine? Why don't they believe it?"

  A Yong coughed a few times and didn't know what to say.

  What can I say? The good food she has eaten since she was a child is enough to feed ten people, but she just can't get better, so everyone thinks she can't get better.

  Even if they went out to explain, no one would believe it. A Yong was helpless. Fortunately, this was not a big deal, so he just let others think.

  Ling Xue pouted angrily.

  The two exchanged the situation of the past few days with each other, and then complained about the gossip of some unknown people, and soon arrived at Yushan.

  Of course, most of the conversation between the two of them was made by Ling Xue, while A Yong only responded with "Hmm!" "Huh?" "Oh!"

  Under the official command, the two put away the speedster and walked towards the cave where the survivors gathered.

  A Yong didn't have any objections. Ling Xue could decide whatever he wanted, he just had to obey!
  When they arrived at the cave, they saw that it was really uncomfortable because of the crowds.

  There was nothing she could do if she felt uncomfortable, everyone was like this, so she had no choice but to register with Uncle Yong.

  They arrived late, there were not that many people registered, and the queue quickly reached them.

  The staff member in charge of registration glanced at Ling Xue and said to her: "Optical brain!"

  While Ling Xue was waiting, she already knew what was going on, and immediately handed over her left hand with the optical brain: "Here!" "

  Ding "——" It was registered with just one click, it was really fast!
  They don't need to register manually like before, they just need to scan Ling Xue's optical brain with the small registration machine in their hands.

  After registering, Ling Xue did not move around, but stood aside and waited for A Yong to register. Because the registration speed was very fast, the two people quickly left and checked out.

  (End of chapter)

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