Chapter 23 23 "Would you like to join us?"

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  Chapter 23 23. "Would you like to join us?"

  At 5 o'clock in the morning, after arranging the two families, Xu Zhi opened the warehouse again and clicked on the stacked [Cup] attribute cores, and a selection interface popped up.

  [Do you have a simple understanding of this attribute? ]

  Xu Zhi clicked Yes, and then, the knowledge about [Cup] appeared on the screen.

  [Cup: Principles of Fertility and Feasting]

  [It includes sensual desires, fertility, temptation, pain, blood and thirst. Its focus is on satisfying desires, so thirst and hunger are derived. It usually has inhuman desires and Irresistible charm, occasionally inclined to greed, intoxication, dizzy aroma and spiritual pleasure. ]

  ". Doesn't look like a good thing."

  Compared to [Moth]'s chaos and ego, [Cup] looks more crazy and evil.

  After reading a brief understanding of the attributes of [Cup], Xu Zhi somewhat understood why the group of fanatical believers were like that. They were just captives of desire, unable to suppress the influence of [Cup], and became low-level walking zombies.

  As for the sensible man with glasses, he is still a believer in [Cup], but he can control himself better and will not be completely lost in desire, but his code of conduct still seems to be to satisfy the thirst and desires in his heart.

  "But the owners of this attribute seem to be a little different from other attributes."

  Xu Zhi hasn't known too many extraordinary people who have attributes. Judging from the current situation, at least, other attributes will not be so obvious externally. Nor will they naturally gather together.

  As for whether there would be a hierarchical division and "overall consciousness" like theirs, Xu Zhi felt that she would have to meet other extraordinary beings to confirm this.

  However, she was certain that she had no thoughts of surrendering to a transcendent being who was more powerful than herself.

  The more she learned, the more Xu Zhi discovered that she actually knew very little, and she was curious about more and more things. It seemed that she still had too much to go when it came to extraordinary abilities.

  "I hope I can meet some living extraordinary beings this time."

  Thinking like this, Xu Zhi clicked on the interface of the spiritual body, put the four [Cup] attribute cores into the coin box and clicked OK.

  [The number of cores you invested is: 4]

  [The sustainable existence time of the spiritual body: 20 minutes]

  [Attributes are being randomly generated.]

  [Random generation completed]

  [Spiritual body

  spirit: 200
  Physical: 100
  Traits: Bloodthirsty Lv2, Thirst Lv3 】

  Xu Zhi frowned when he looked at this unexpected attribute. Only 4 cores could randomly get 200 points of mental power?

  It also has two qualities, but she knows [bloodthirsty], but [thirst] doesn't give her a good feeling.

  But now that the matter has come to this, she cannot give up, and the game will not give her a chance to regret it.

  [Looking for a random delivery location.]

  [Successfully delivered.

  The next second, Xu Zhi's vision went dark. She knew that when she opened her eyes again, she was already in her spiritual body.

  Xu Zhi was not in a hurry. She first tried to feel her surroundings, such as the sound or the temperature, but she couldn't feel anything. It seemed that she couldn't "cheat" through this. In desperation, she could only open her eyes and solidify her spiritual body.

  During the 2 seconds of invincibility, Xu Zhi quickly glanced around. Fortunately, this time she was not so unlucky and was randomly dropped into an extremely dangerous place.

  She stood in a small alley, surrounded by thick fog, but her vision was extremely clear, at least, much clearer than her own body.

  In addition, Xu Zhi could feel that there was always a vague restlessness in her thoughts. She wanted to do something, but she didn't know what to do. She always felt that she shouldn't just stand there like this. .

  This inexplicable restlessness made Xu Zhi feel a little restless. Fortunately, she had been accustomed to suppressing her emotions due to long-term illness, and she was able to suppress this restlessness in her heart at this moment, so as not to let it affect her.

  "Is it because of the cup?"

  After thinking about it, this is the only way.

  She now somewhat understood those fanatical believers. Perhaps their minds had more intense restlessness that could not be suppressed, making them irritable and unable to think, and could only act impulsively.

  Xu Zhi did not stay where she was for long. After she suppressed the restlessness in her heart, she walked out of the alley.

  She didn't know where this place was. After all, Yuncheng was very big and there were many places she had never seen before.

  Xu Zhi randomly chose a direction and started looking for black fruits on the ground. She was not careful to hide her traces. After all, this was only a spiritual body that existed for 20 minutes. Being too careful would only slow down the progress. Moreover, she also wanted to try Let's see if anyone finds me.

  The 100-point body seemed to be just a foundation. Xu Zhi could feel that this body made her feel more relaxed than the original body. It was as if all the shackles that had imprisoned her in the past had disappeared, but that was all. This body had no power. , does not have any defense, let alone endurance. It is estimated that at most it can be regarded as an ordinary person's body that does not exercise much and is a bit weak.

  The kind that would be too strenuous to climb five floors.

  Xu Zhi's luck has always been good since the black mist descended, except for being abandoned by her family. Of course, she doesn't think that is because of her bad luck.

  And now this was confirmed. In less than ten minutes, she found a living person.

  No, maybe it should be said that the other party discovered her, and maybe even observed her for a while to make sure that she was not one of those fanatical believers, and then chose to show up and talk to her.

  The other party also behaved very cautiously. He did not walk directly in front of her as soon as he came up. Instead, he stood some distance away and shouted, "Hey, can the person in front of you hear me?"

  One of Xu Zhi's purposes is to see how other extraordinary beings in the city are currently doing. She will naturally respond to the other party, and the fact that the other party does not rush over directly but greets her from a distance and keeps a distance is enough to show that the other party is Not those low-level fanatics.

  Xu Zhi said about the sound energy and stood there without moving. It was a spiritual body anyway and there was nothing to gain so far. She had no pressure and could stand where she was and show friendship.

  But what surprised her was that after she expressed her friendship, the other party only paused for a moment, not knowing what he had done, and then asked her a very familiar question: "Are you alone? Do you want to join us?" Huh?"


  In Xu Zhi's confused voice, there was a voice that sounded like a rebuke. It might be that the person who asked this question was reprimanded by his companions.

  Then came a slightly calm middle-aged male voice: "I'm sorry, she's a bit too reckless."

  Xu Zhi paused: "Well, that doesn't matter."

  "But do we have to keep shouting like this?"

  Shouting like this It’s really weird to keep shouting!

  (End of chapter)

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