Chapter 19 19 “Dining room”

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  Chapter 19 19. "Canteen"

  After confirming the details, Shen Jinwen was ready to set off.

  Before leaving, Xu Zhi grabbed the dog's ears and said, "Be smart, you know?"

  The dog barked, and Xu Zhi thought it probably understood.

  Then Xu Zhi tapped Xiao Yi on his wrist who was pretending to be dead. Xiao Yi reluctantly spit out the core, climbed off Xu Zhi's hand, and returned to the size Shen Jinwen had seen before.

  After Shen Jinwen followed the two family members out, Xu Zhi returned to the room and took out the game console. She could always observe their progress through the perspective of the family members in the game console.

  However, the orders that have been issued cannot be changed or withdrawn. During these 7 hours, she can only see the actions of the family members through the screen, and cannot change the orders in real time. This is a disadvantage of hanging up.

  Perhaps when the family's spiritual intelligence becomes stronger, she can communicate new commands remotely through the game in real time.

  Now, she can only pray that Xiaoyi and Gouzi will be smarter.

  In the picture, it took about forty minutes for one person and two family members to arrive at the entrance of the attached middle school.

  This is the time it takes to walk in the fog. During this period, we even encountered other mutant animals that came forward to attack, which wasted a little time. If our sight and movement are not affected, walking from the attached middle school to the old residential area only takes about 30 seconds. To half an hour's time.

  "It's too close."

  Even if the Affiliated High School was farther away, Xu Zhi would not be so anxious to get rid of them.

  When Shen Jinwen arrived at the gate of the Affiliated Middle School, through the perspective of the family members, Xu Zhi also found that the iron gate of the Affiliated Middle School was wide open. There were two young students who looked like students at the door, who seemed to be standing guard. Xu Zhi guessed that they had estimated through the radio in the past two days I deceived some people and had people waiting at the door at any time just to "greet" the little lambs who were deceived.

  Primary 1 had quietly shrunk and slipped into the campus, and the boy standing guard at the door soon discovered Shen Jinwen, who was alone with a dog. He didn't even say hello to his companions who were beside him, and he was so excited walked towards Shen Jinwen.

  However, his companion subconsciously looked in the direction he walked as if he was used to it after seeing his movements. After seeing Shen Jinwen, he immediately walked in the direction of Shen Jinwen.

  After getting closer, they saw the big dog following Shen Jinwen. The two of them paused slightly, and the excitement on their faces also retreated slightly. One of them looked at Shen Jinwen first and said, "Are you here to join the survivor base too?" Shen Jinwen

  looked at the two of them and nodded: "Yes."

  "Is this your pet?" The two looked at the dog's unusual size with some caution.

  Although these lunatics have little intelligence, they are not completely brainless.


  As soon as Shen Jinwen said this, the dog suddenly pounced on the two of them without saying a word. Its fangs, which were sharper than those of ordinary dogs, bit into the thigh of one of them fiercely. He screamed suddenly. out of that man's mouth.

  Even Shen Jinwen was shocked by this scene for a moment, and then decisively drew out the knife behind his back and slashed the leg of the man next to him who kicked Gouzi.

  The battle was about to break out. If it were an ordinary person who was bitten by a dog, his leg would definitely be crippled. However, these madmen can still limp and keep moving. They are injured, but not particularly serious.

  "What an incredible physical strength. Is this still a human being?" In front of the screen, Xu Zhi watched this scene. To be honest, she was also surprised by the dog's sudden attack, but after thinking about it, she found it understandable. The beast Isn't that just like this, he will attack when he finds an opportunity, unlike humans who have to pretend to chat a few words.

  These madmen have bodies like wild dogs, and their brains are not as smart as normal people, but their thinking is obviously stuck between beasts and humans, resulting in a low IQ. This is probably one of their more obvious shortcomings.

  During the battle, Shen Jinwen and Gouzi deliberately let one of them go to report the situation. After the fight, Gouzi howled a few times on purpose. Xu Zhi thought about it and it should be able to attract some people to come out.

  The moment she saw the progress here, she cut the screen to Xiao Yi. At this time, Xiao Yi had shrunk to the size of lying on her wrist and slipped into the interior of the attached high school.

  Even though it has become smaller, its crawling speed has not weakened. Even because of the improvement in biological level, its five senses have been greatly improved. Its sight can no longer only see thermal imaging, it can even easily perceive There was a smell of blood somewhere nearby. Following this smell, Primary 1 came to the school cafeteria.

  Entering the canteen, Xu Zhi was startled by the scene inside the canteen, even just through the mosaic.

  It was all covered in blood. On the ground, on the table, and on the surrounding walls, blood and broken limbs formed a scene like purgatory on earth.

  Even the words [Canteen of the 1st Affiliated High School] written in red paint on the window were so bloody that they were almost blurry.

  "How many people died here?"

  At first glance, the stumps on the ground alone showed that there were no less than fifteen people.

  This scene made Xu Zhi feel a little weird. Even if he liked killing people, why would he make the scene like this?
  They don't eat people either, they just kill people and then dismember them. Is this some bad taste?
  Moreover, when Xiao Yiyou walked to a higher place and Xu Zhi looked down at the entire cafeteria through the pixelated game screen, she always felt that these stumps seemed to have been randomly thrown on the ground, but they were vaguely orderly, which made her very concerned. .

  Unfortunately, this was more like an inexplicable intuition, and the narrator did not appear to prove her conjecture. Xu Zhi could only write down this something wrong.

  There were a lot of lunatics in the cafeteria. Xu Zhi counted more than thirty people, which was twice as many as the dozen or so people that the student had lied to him about.

  "Are they growing as a group?"

  To be honest, Xu Zhi didn't think that the two people had to lie to him about the number of people. After all, they didn't intend to let him go to the attached middle school alive.

  What would happen if these lunatics were left alone and they continued to expand?

  Xu Zhi just thought about it in his mind for a moment, and then shook his head. It couldn't be a good thing anyway.

  The lunatics in the bloody cafeteria were sitting calmly on their chairs. Suddenly, the door was knocked open, and a man covered in blood limped into the cafeteria and shouted something. Then, seven or eight people stood up from their stools. Run towards the door.

  Their faces were not anxious, but excited. They ran towards the door less like they were trying to rescue their teammates, and more like they were rushing to snatch prey.

  Not long after they ran out, someone came out from the kitchen.

  He was wearing the cleanest clothes in the room and a pair of slightly elegant glasses. Compared to the other "people" present who looked a little crazy, he looked completely normal standing among them.

  But precisely because of this, it made him even more weird.

  (End of chapter)

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