147. Chapter 147 147 Death!

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  Chapter 147 147. Death!
  As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Yan's attack came straight towards Xu Zhi's face. Xu Zhi, uncharacteristically, did not dodge or block with his knife. He just turned slightly sideways to avoid the fatal position and let the attack fall on the left side. At the shoulder, she took a step forward and walked straight in front of Ye Yan.

  When the distance between the two was less than one meter, Xu Zhi's left shoulder suddenly seemed to be struck by an invisible blade. Blood splashed out from the wound. Ye Yan almost cut Xu Zhi's shoulder in two without holding back at all. Half a year later, she didn't hesitate at all when she suffered such a severe trauma. She moved closer, then raised her right hand and pressed it on Ye Yan's head.

  Ye Yan was young, and due to his stunted growth, he was a head shorter than Xu Zhi, so Xu Zhi only had to see the right moment and put his hand on his head without much effort.

  The hard part is what comes next.

  Xu Zhi's five fingers squeezed Ye Yan's head tightly, thanks to Ye Yan's ability and his companions who weakened her, otherwise Ye Yan's head would have been crushed directly with her full strength, but now it is It couldn't be that direct, but it still made Ye Yan's head slightly deformed.

  The pain was self-evident, and Ye Yan immediately wanted to cut off Xu Zhi's hand and move away, but before he could raise his hand, Xu Zhi squeezed his head hard and made him look up into his eyes.

  So at that moment, Ye Yan saw a pair of gray eyes and a gray moth flying out of the depths of the gray eyes.

  Ye Yan's struggle stopped instantly, but it wasn't that he didn't want to struggle anymore, it was just that his struggle changed from physical to mental.

  Xu Zhi has always remembered clearly that the function of [Moth] is not only mental control, but also attribute conflict.

  Therefore, she had not used the moth's ability too much on the supernatural beings in the residential area before.

  It's just that the advanced [Moth] can be controlled by her to determine whether it will cause attribute conflicts, but it doesn't mean that it will no longer cause conflicts at all.

  Now is the time to take advantage of this feature.

  She may not be able to defeat the three archbishops in terms of physical damage, but in a 1V1 with mental strength, she will definitely win.

  Xu Zhi outputted a large amount of [moth] extraordinary energy at one time, condensed a moth and planted it in Ye Yan's body. Combined with some of the moths that had been dormant in Ye Yan's body, Xu Zhi guided it and directly rushed into it. The extraordinary ability of the [cup] attribute that is constantly circulating in Ye Yan's body.

  The outbreak of attribute conflicts occurs in an instant. At the Archbishop level, the super energy in the body is so huge that it is not easy to cause attribute conflicts in their bodies. Xu Zhi's move can be said to be a drain on the fire, and he has also paid a lot of effort. price.

  What makes her even more confident that she can succeed is that she has some understanding of the attributes of [Cup] and can even see clearly the route of energy movement, so she can accurately guide attribute conflicts.

  This was a killer move she came up with on the fly during the battle.

  After all, before the actual battle, she didn't know what abilities the archbishops had, so she could only adapt to circumstances.

  The moment Ye Yan's body movements froze, Xu Zhi knew that he had succeeded.

  Even though she can't fight 1 on 3 physically, she is invincible in a 1V1 with her mental power!
  Moreover, when an attribute conflict breaks out, the extraordinary abilities from other people will only intensify the conflict. If you can't handle it yourself, then you really have to send it.

  And Xu Zhi was right in front of Ye Yan, how could he possibly resist?
  The gray moths kept setting off waves of attribute storms in Ye Yan's body. Ye Yan's eyes had lost their luster at some point, and he was not even aware that Xu Zhi had let go of his hand.

  Through the [Peeping Eye], Xu Zhi could clearly see the irreversible damage caused to Ye Yan's body and spirit when the [Cup] attribute collided with the [Moth] attribute. This inevitably made Xu Zhi recall Reminds me of the feeling I had after coming out of midnight.

  Even she couldn't bear it, and thinking about it, Ye Yan wasn't much better. It was indeed as Xu Zhi thought. At this moment, Ye Yan had lost the ability to think. Under Xu Zhi's intentional control, the attribute conflict in his body broke out faster than ordinary people. The sudden burst of severe pain in his body was mixed with the loss of control of his extraordinary abilities. The mental shock caused Ye Yan to lose consciousness at that moment.

  After Ye Yan lost consciousness, the formation he had maintained was shaky, but it persisted for two or three seconds and then completely dissipated.

  When his mind and body were crumbling due to the conflict between attributes, suddenly, an illusory and reduced blood-colored staircase appeared in Ye Yan's mind. His spiritual world, which was on the verge of collapse, slowly stabilized after the staircase appeared.

  Xu Zhi raised his eyebrows slightly: "Isn't that right?"

  What are you doing?
  It’s really getting treated more and more like the protagonist in a novel!
  Xu Zhi's eyes widened: "Have you ruined my good deeds?"

  She casually grabbed a handful of [Light] attribute high-level cores from the warehouse, opened Ye Yan's mouth and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

  After thinking for a while, she was afraid that it was not enough, so she added an additional [Moth] attribute core.

  "I won't kill you!"

  Then he controlled the moth and headed towards the bloody staircase in Ye Yan's mind.

  Xu Zhi stuffed a [Lamp] into Ye Yan's mouth just to cause trouble. After all, as we all know, [Lamp] and [Cup] are mortal enemies, and the core attribute of this [Lamp] is more useful than Xu Zhi thought. Be better.

  As soon as the extraordinary energy of [Lamp] entered Ye Yan's body, he rushed towards the bloody staircase as if he could smell it.

  Although compared to the huge [Cup] attribute energy of the ladder, these [Lamp] attribute energies are like hitting an egg against a stone, but it is enough. [Lamp] only needs to pry open a small opening, and [Moth] will fly in along the crack. .

  This bloody staircase is not an entity, but an illusion. To be more precise, it is the [foundation] of Archbishop Ye Yan.

  And Xu Zhi's current level is higher than him. After absorbing the fragment, his foundation is no worse than that of Ye Yan, who was directly promoted by [Cup]. When [Moth] sneaked in along the wound opened by [Lamp], Ye Yan The originally blood-colored stairs in Yan's mind gradually turned gray. From the bottom up, the corpses of moths emerged, clinging tightly to the steps, slowly and completely dyeing them gray, turning into pieces as if they were decaying. of stones.

  When all the stairs of nothingness turned into gray, the stairs themselves could no longer withstand it and turned into rubble and collapsed piece by piece, which also meant Ye Yan's complete failure.

  This time, it was no longer Xu Zhi who controlled him to kneel down, but he was no longer able to support his body and fell to his knees completely, lowering his heavy head that was constantly churning with moths.

  If someone could see through Ye Yan's brain at this moment, they would find that there are no organs in the brain, and there are only moths filling the whole head.

  And when Ye Yan knelt down, countless gray moths flew out of his body that had stopped breathing, emitting a gray shimmer in the dim environment. This scene actually had a bit of eerie beauty.

  It was as if countless gray butterflies emerged from the cocoons of Ye Yan's corpse.

  (End of chapter)

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