Chapter 9 The dead are trash

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  Chapter 9 The dead are trash.

  The newly promoted first-level apprentice dormitories are located on the sixth to ninth floors, but most people live on the sixth floor.

  Thor thought that when he returned to the dormitory, he would see servants bringing textbooks and other things. Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar face at the door of his room 604.

  Sid, the second-level apprentice in charge of the test, was crossing his arms and looking at Thor who was walking side by side with Keli.

  His face was full of sarcasm.

  Sol's heart tightened, and he quickly glanced at the hard-cover book on his left shoulder.

  The latter was floating honestly, with no intention of opening it.

  He breathed a sigh of relief, braced himself, faced West Germany's cold eyes, and walked to the other party.

  "Senior, are you looking for me?" Sol lowered his head slightly and stared at Sid's hand.

  Second-level apprentices generally do not appear here.

  Many new apprentices were alarmed and stood in the distance, watching in surprise.

  They were all shocked by the way West Germany killed the little fat man. For children from outside, even if they were just watching, it was like a nightmare.

  Even Keli stayed three meters away, looking here expressionlessly.

  Sid lowered his hand, the sarcastic smile on his face growing.

  He leaned forward and lowered his mouth to the top of Sol's head, "I know how you cheated and passed the test."

  Sol suddenly raised his eyes and looked at West Germany from an extreme angle.

  "However, I will not cancel your apprenticeship." Sid straightened up, crossed his arms, and his tone seemed to soften.

  "Do you know? People who have mental power but no magic talent become apprentices... they will only die worse! Hahahaha..."

  Syd did not lower his voice deliberately, and Thor could already hear someone starting to talk about him behind him.

  "I'm looking forward to hearing about your death. If you die beautifully, I wouldn't mind helping you make a wax figure of your body and put it on the fourth floor to warn those lowly servants." "No, crazy! Heart! Delusion! Fantasy

  ! "

  Saul only felt his skin numb from head to toes.

  Sid was very satisfied with Sol's pale face. He took a half step back and looked at Sol as if he were appreciating a work.

  "Then, I look forward to meeting you next time."

  He sneered, his face completely darkened, and he turned to leave.

  All the apprentices in the corridor got out of the way and stood close to the wall, fearing that any part of their body would block the senior's path.

  When the person disappeared around the turn of the ramp, Thor let out a long breath, and then felt his stiff limbs regaining consciousness.

  He lowered his head and prepared to go back to the room. He didn't look at the eyes of the people around him. It wouldn't look good if he thought about it.

  It was his choice to become a wizard apprentice, and he knew that his qualifications and talents were not good. Therefore, even in the face of everyone's doubts and ridicule, Thor will not give up.

  He reached out to open the door, but another hand slapped on the door panel.

  Thor looked up and saw Duke's twisted face.

  "Shan Qi... he actually lost his life because of a loser like you?" Duke's chest kept rising and falling, "People without talent are not qualified to learn witchcraft! Go back to your pile of servants to rot and mold!"

  A fire rises from my heart, burning so hard that my throat starts to smoke!
  Thor suddenly stretched out his left hand.

  The bone-white palm tightly clamped Duke's head, like a rubber ball!
  The hair and skin were slightly dented by the squeeze of the white bones, and even the skull was making a fragile sound.

  Duke's curse words turned into whines.

  "Ah! Ah! Ah -"

  He was forced to kneel down little by little under Thor's huge, irresistible force.

  "Those who lost their lives...are the trash!" Thor said through gritted teeth.

  He raised his eyes and looked at the people in the corridor with different expressions, and his men began to exert force again.


  Duke's wailing became more and more sharp, like a needle drilling into everyone's brain.

  Everyone couldn't help but retreat.

  However, a hand suddenly rested on Thor's left arm.

  Sol turned his head with red eyes, only to realize that Keli had arrived behind him at some point.

  She looked at Sol with an indifferent expression, as if Sol was not killing people, but eating.

  Keli raised the apprentice rule book in her hand and waved it in front of Thor's eyes.

  "Rule three, apprentices are not allowed to kill each other, and those who violate it will have their skin peeled off. If you really want to kill him, let's go to a place where no one is around next time." Keli did not lower her voice, and

  asked Sol and Du who were kneeling on the ground. Ke, you can all hear it clearly.

  Maybe it was the slight coolness between the beauties, or maybe it was the breeze brought by the book, but Sol felt that the fire in his heart was not so violent.

  He let go of his hand and looked at Duke, who had deep finger marks on his face, rolling and crawling away into the crowd.

  "You're right." Saul looked at Duke's fleeing back and said loudly, "Kill him again in a place where no one is around!"

  Saul stopped looking at the people around him and opened the door and returned. Go to your dormitory.

  When he turned around to close the door, he found Keli ducking down and slipping in under his arm.

  Sol made a move and slowly closed the door.

  "Didn't you bring any luggage?" Keli walked around Sol's room with her hands behind her hands.

  Sol said nothing.

  Keli walked back to Sol. She was still in her teens, and she looked a little taller than Sol.

  "How did you cheat? Did you pretend to be faint and escape the magic test?"

  Thor turned his head.

  Keli turned to Sol again and asked, "Aren't you talented in magic?"


  To Keli, who was the only one standing next to him, Sol did not lose his temper, but snorted.

  "It's a bit tricky if you don't have good magic talent. You may not be able to cast a few spells and witchcraft before you become ineffective." Keli said firmly.

  "But your mental talent is still the best in the test that day."

  Keli suddenly extended her right hand to Thor.

  "Geniuses should walk with geniuses. Hello, I am Keli, who ranked first in the magic talent test." "

  ... Thor."

  After a moment of silence, Thor put his right hand up.


  Inexplicably, an inexplicable friend appeared.

  After Keli left, Saul sat at the table, recalling the somewhat unfaithful scene just now, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

  But he quickly calmed down.

  Unlike Keli, who is still known as a genius, his reputation for cheating will probably spread and become a bad thing.

  But Thor has no time to consider other people's opinions. In order to become an apprentice, he is in a mystery that he can't even see clearly.

  The anger just now came more from the fear of West Germany.

  Now sanity is back online.

  Sol tore off a piece of paper, took a pen and wrote a few names on it.


  West Germany.




  Brown has been deliberately targeting himself. And all this seems to be driven by someone from behind.

  Saul wrote the word "enemy" after Brown's name.

  West Germany has a deep hostility towards Saul. Saul even suspected that Sid was the man behind Brown.

  The hardback book also reminded Thor that Sid would kill him after testing his magical talent. Coupled with West Germany's action of blocking his door today to spread the word about his talent...

  Saul wrote the word "mortal enemy" after West Germany's name. It's a pity that Thor currently has no way to fight against this mortal enemy.

  He could only be thankful that after he became a wizard's apprentice, it would be difficult for the other party to attack him directly.

  "Next...Kongsa" Thor whispered the name of the person who changed his destiny.

  He wrote a question mark after Kongsha's name.

  Kongsha's terrifying appearance and mysterious methods made Thor deeply afraid of her. At present, Sol still doesn't know what Kongsha wants him to do.

  Being weak, he could only take one step at a time.

  Sol bypassed Keli's name and turned to the last one.


  Even though I had already vented my anger once, I still felt uncomfortable seeing this name.

  He raised his pen and wrote quickly after his name: "Dasha..."

  "Dong dong dong!"

  A knock on the door interrupted Saul's movements. He crumpled the paper on the table into a ball and put it in his pocket.

  The door opened, and a beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old appeared in front of Saul. She was wearing a very revealing maid outfit, with her breasts raised and her butt raised, and she was pushing a car in an extremely boyish posture.

  The car was piled half a person's height with books, school supplies and daily necessities.

  She lowered her head and smiled at Sol. The angle was standard and sweet. "Good afternoon, Mr. Sol. These are the books and props you need to study. Do you need me to help you push them in?" Sol took the handrail of the car and said,

  " No, thank you."

  The maid bent down deeply, and her towering breasts almost touched Sol's nose.

  "Do you need any other services from me, sir?"

  (End of chapter)

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