Chapter 84 Underground

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  Chapter 84 Underground
  Kaz returned to the passage.

  His slightly stooped back looked even smaller in comparison with the huge wizard tower.

  Thor raised his head.

  The dark gray Wizard's Tower stands in front of you.

  The lower part of the tower had only walls and no windows. Thor could not judge how many floors the wizard tower had. He only felt that the wizard tower in front of him was no lower than those skyscrapers.

  It is majestic and majestic.

  The wind and frost of the years have added a mysterious and profound heritage to it.

  But for the apprentices who cannot leave the tower at will, this place is more like a prison.

  After watching mentor Kaz leave, Thor quickly put his sad feelings behind him.

  He rubbed his hands, drooled, and moved closer to the cute, credit-worthy companion flowers.

  It doesn't matter if you don't pick a companion flower that can produce white fruits. Whether it's blue or red, it's very useful, and Sol doesn't dislike it.

  He walked along the edge of the field, looking for flower buds that were close to his eyes.

  Soon Sol found a good-looking one.

  The flower stems are upright and the buds are full, which looks very energetic at first sight.

  And the flower moved obviously when Sol came close, and leaned its head towards Sol.

  Sol immediately decided that this was the flower.

  So he wrote down the location and appearance of the flower, and turned back towards the wooden house.

  While walking, Thor felt a strange touch coming from his ankle, as if something was rubbing against him.

  He looked down and saw a black tentacle as long and thin as a grass stem sticking out of the ground.

  The tentacles were smooth and soft, and it was impossible to tell whether they were plants or animals.

  But the more Thor looked at it, the more familiar it became.

  Finally, he suddenly remembered, weren't these black tentacles the same ones he saw in the mire in Tutor Rum's room?

  Although it is much smaller, the appearance is almost the same!
  This tentacle actually exists!

  Is the black mire real or fake? Is the peaceful and beautiful garden in front of me really located on plain land?
  Thinking of the image of the black tentacles dragging the corpse into the ground, Thor's scalp suddenly became numb, and the strange touch just now evolved into a caterpillar, constantly burrowing into his trouser legs.

  He hurriedly ran towards the wooden house at the entrance of the garden, ready to call the gardener for help.

  Through the window of the wooden house, Thor saw that the gardener just now was sitting inside with his back to him.

  The arm posture looks a little stiff.

  "Flower..." Sol felt something wrapped around his calf again and quickly called for help.

  But before he could say the second word, a thigh-thick black tentacle suddenly appeared in front of him, and it suddenly wrapped around his left arm and pulled him into the soil.

  The land that was flat and hard just now became as soft and collapsed as mud.


  The loose soil carried the stones and rushed towards Sol.

  No matter how hard he struggled, Thor couldn't stop his falling figure.

  In the end, he simply gave up the struggle, closed his eyes tightly, and let go of his perception.

  At the same time, recite the incantation of "Scorching Breath" and wait for the rightful owner to appear. Give it a hammer first!

  The resistance in front of him suddenly disappeared, and Thor fell into a puddle of mud with a "splat" sound, covered in mud.

  The black tentacles wrapped around his arms also disappeared.

  But the expected attack did not appear.

  Thor stood up from the mire and wiped his muddy face with his muddy hands.


  Because he had to open his mouth to recite the spell, Thor also filled his mouth with a lot of disgusting mud.

  He reluctantly opened his eyes and found that the surroundings were completely dark and he couldn't see his fingers.

  The hole above the head seemed to be blocked by something, and no sunlight poured down.

  Sol stood up and raised his hand to fumble, but didn't touch anything else.

  There was mud under his feet, and he could hear the sound of something crawling underneath.

  A slippery stick covered in mud rubbed against Sol's ankle, frightening Sol to step back and almost fall into the mud again.

  Darkness amplifies hearing and touch.

  The unknown is terrifying.

  Thor tried to calm himself down and first used his most familiar meditation to observe his surroundings.

  However, what surprised him was that the semi-immersed meditation, which had always been able to dominate the enemy, found nothing this time.

  No spirits, no weirdness.

  Shockingly clean.

  At this time, something suddenly moved under Sol's feet.

  He was so excited that he quickly raised his feet and hid behind him.

  As he waved his hand back, he touched a hard stone slab.

  It appears to be a stone platform raised above the mud.

  The countertop was a little damp to the touch, but it was better than standing in mud.

  Sol held up his hands, avoided the tentacles under his feet, and climbed onto the high platform.





  The moment Saul stood on the high platform, candle lights suddenly lit up at the four corners of the high platform, illuminating the underground space.

  The land above his head was at least three meters away from Sol's position.

  When he first fell, luckily there was mud on the ground and the unknown black tentacles, so Thor was not knocked down.

  The soil was supported by some force. Except for a little bit of dirt and gravel, nothing else fell with Thor.

  The area around the light was a spacious space. Except for the high platform at Sol's feet, the rest was filled with black-gray mud.

  From time to time, black tentacle-like and vine-like things surged through the mud. Except that there was no body, the scene was similar to the scene Thor saw at Mentor Rum's place.

  The black tentacles in the mud don't seem to harm living humans. Apart from rubbing against Sol's arms and ankles, he had not made any real harmful moves.

  I don't know why it had to tear Thor off.

  "Oh... the mud has flowed into the collar. It's really uncomfortable. I must learn to clean it for the next witchcraft."

  Thor took off his robe, carefully avoided the mud on it, and wiped it with the clean part. Got a face.

  "Forget it, let's learn the lighting technique first. If you encounter a place without lights, you will become blind immediately."

  Because of the familiar candlestick, Thor's fear of this underground space has dissipated a lot.

  The presence of a candlestick means that this is also the territory of the Wizard's Tower. Just the dust and moss on the high platform showed that no one had used it for a long time.

  Thor turned around and finally noticed the appearance of this high platform.

  This is a square high platform with a side length of about five meters. There are two experimental benches in the middle. There are some broken utensils scattered on the table.

  Thor walked over and saw a sunken groove in the ground between the two experimental platforms.

  He measured it and found that this groove could probably accommodate an adult of normal size.

  "Someone should have done experiments here, but for some reason, it was abandoned."

  A string of mud marks was left on the high platform, destroying the originally dark moss.

  Thor walked around the edge of the high platform. There was mud all around, and the distance beyond was beyond the range that could be illuminated by candlelight. The land was vague, and there was no way out.

  "It doesn't feel safe to walk around." Sol raised his head, "Why don't you try to leave from above."

  Sol went over and lifted one of the experimental benches. It was heavy, but he could barely lift it.

  He was standing on the top of an experimental platform and could not reach the top of the space. If he stacked two experimental platforms, he should be able to grab the soil above his head.

  I hope there is somewhere I can borrow some strength from above, or I can find a way to seek help from outside.

  Although Sol disappears for a long time, the gardener should come looking for him, but Sol is not someone who will just stand there and wait for rescue.

  He lifted a corner of one of the experimental tables and tried to drag it over first.


  a sharp voice sounded, and the legs of the experimental table left several black marks on the high platform.

  It seemed that the movement was getting louder, and the mud around him began to bubble.

  Sol quickly stopped and observed the movement around him.

  Although those tentacles didn't attack him just now, they still have to proceed with caution. Thor now has no confidence in defeating this monster that cannot be seen clearly from beginning to end.

  Black tentacles emerged from the mud, twisting and stretching towards the high platform, but they seemed to be subject to some restrictions and could not extend within the range of the high platform.

  Thor waited for a while to make sure those things would not run onto the high platform before continuing to move the experimental bench.

  However, there was a "pop" sound, and something fell on his left shoulder, and something cool and small slid across Sol's cheek.

  His movement of lifting the corner of the experimental table suddenly froze, and his eyes slowly looked to the left.

  Something like seaweed was spreading its teeth on Thor's shoulder.

  No, it has no teeth, just black thread-like tentacles. If it weren't for its small size, it would look a lot like the huge tentacles in the mud.

  (End of chapter)

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