Chapter 679 Advancement Ceremony

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  Chapter 679 Advancement Ceremony
  "In the blink of an eye, brother Sol will advance to the third level!"

  Silver butterflies danced around him.

  It's just that Penny's chattering mouth sometimes doesn't match its elegant dancing and elf-like appearance.

  "I still remember the first time I met Brother Thor when he was a first-level apprentice. At that time, I was thinking that this little wizard's dream looks so special. I really want to eat it in one bite!" Thor laughed and said: "Thank you

  . I didn't act rashly at that time. I might not have had the strength to rescue you from the dream at that time... Wait, so you have recovered your previous memories long ago, right?" "

  Huh? Hahahahaha..." Penny started to pretend to be stupid.

  It fell to the edge of the wizard tower's circular platform and looked ahead.

  Outside the Rhine City—the name Thor arbitrarily gave to his own settlement—there were hundreds of low-level wizards busy.

  Some of these hundreds of wizards were sent by Herbert and Pearl, but more were from the Stargate Council of Iscape.

  I have to say that sometimes power is still fascinating. A single order from the other party made so many wizards put aside all their research and come to the dangerous Borderlands to arrange a promotion circle for Thor alone.

  But Sol just sighed a little and stopped thinking about it.

  Anyway, no matter how many people come to set up the promotion circle, whether he can successfully withstand the first wave of crisis after opening the door still depends on himself.

  If you are not strong enough, even if you forcefully push a person up, he will be quickly crushed by the ensuing force.

  The person presiding over this circle is an acquaintance.

  With an expressionless face and wearing a gorgeous blue tutu, Corey stood on a makeshift platform and looked down.

  From time to time, she would guide a wizard to improve the work he was doing.

  The witchcraft circle for promotion to the third level is very complicated and normally requires a third-level wizard to preside over it.

  However, it is not convenient for the Stargate Council to send another third-level wizard in, and apart from providing resources and being present, Herbert and Peer will not take action personally.

  This is also to avoid suspicion.

  Therefore, this difficult task finally fell on Corey, who is currently closest to the third level.

  As the protagonist, Thor only needs to check it personally after the promotion circle is arranged.

  The rest of the time, he needs to keep himself in perfect condition and full of energy.

  At this time, Thor saw Corey looking up at him.

  He raised his hand to say hello, and the other person nodded slightly, and then returned to work.

  "Brother Sol, this little witch is not bad. She looks like a cute doll. Do you like it?"

  Penny started to be naughty again.

  "I like you better." Sol ended Penny's teasing with one sentence.

  There were footsteps behind him, and he turned around to see Byron ascending the last step to the top of the tower.

  "When is the promotion ceremony scheduled?" Byron asked.

  "If nothing else happens, it will be in five days." For some reason, Sol always felt a little uneasy when he saw his senior, but after thinking about it, he couldn't figure out where the uneasiness came from.

  "I haven't asked you for a long time, how is your inerting experiment going, Senior Byron?"

  Byron thought for a moment and replied: "Small-scale inerting can be completed in the laboratory. But when it comes to measurement, it would be difficult to The experiment will not achieve the effect. It should be that after the amount of inerting is increased, the energy consumed increases exponentially. At present, there is no suitable consumption-type energy source that can provide the corresponding energy in a short time." At this

  point , he paused for a moment, "Well, not yet, but I will continue to look for suitable materials and conduct experiments."

  Thor also knew that the time consumed by such experiments is often measured in years. Now it's good to be able to complete a small-scale purification.

  Like last time, he used the method provided by Byron to inert the polluted energy near the eye of the storm for a short period of time and create an escape opportunity for Kismet.

  It's just that the kid Kismet didn't live up to his expectations. If he was given a chance, he would actually use it to be in a daze?

  After complaining about Kismet, Thor came to his senses and gave Byron a little suggestion.

  "Senior, there is actually a difference between small-scale experiments in the laboratory and large-scale experiments in actual application scenarios. For example, if we do not pursue the complete purification of pollution, but pursue the pollution to the point where the wizard's body can bear it, it can be considered The inertization is completed."

  Byron's eyes lit up, "Good idea. I was too pursuing perfection before. According to your idea, I now have a way to complete large-scale inertization. But this method is one-time. We still need to continue looking for other suitable energy supply materials."

  As soon as Thor was about to ask what one-time material was so powerful, he felt a powerful wave of mental power coming from behind him. He looked back and saw that it was Pei'er, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, coming on the wind.

  This time she still did not land on the wizard tower, but landed next to Corey.

  But after falling, she nodded slightly in the direction of the wizard tower.

  It was as if she was telling Thor that she would be waiting for him.


  The wind demon, who did not need to participate originally, added one more test of the magic circle before Thor's inspection.

  Use actions to show how much she values ​​this promotion ceremony.

  It's just that it seems a little strange to outsiders. Pei'er came here specially to help Sol check the magic circle, but the two never spoke, and the distance between them was never shorter than ten meters.

  However, the strange relationship between the two did not affect the progress of the promotion ceremony.

  Five days later, Herbert brought a dozen wizards to the shores of Lake Rhine again.

  At this time, Thor also completed three rounds of inspections of the magic circle.

  Although Corey was once a competitor of Thor, she has always done her best in the arrangement of the magic circle without any adulteration.

  Of course, in return, she also got all the knowledge points of this promotion auxiliary circle.

  It's just that this magic circle consumes a lot of resources. If it weren't for the behemoth Stargate Council, the average wizard would have to spend many years to accumulate such resources.

  The ceremony is about to begin.

  Thor took off from the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower on Diudiu, crossed the Rhine Lake, and landed at the center of the giant magic circle.

  The diameter of this magic circle is one hundred meters. Almost every basic structure and every witchcraft rune is equipped with corresponding witchcraft materials.

  The entire array is one meter below the ground, and the excavated sand is processed into pillars, which become the energy supply points for the entire array.

  Each pillar is engraved with the patterns of the magic circle and inlaid with a large number of magic crystals.

  Looking at such a gorgeous appearance, if Sol hadn't known that this was a witchcraft circle prepared for him, he would have wanted to step forward and sneak away some resources.

  There were many people surrounding the magic circle.

  These people include wizards and apprentices who settled in the Rhine Lake settlement, as well as hundreds of wizards who came to help build the advanced magic circle, and Saul's "friends" - Gaga Gu and Brando also came over.

  Including Senior Byron, they all stood together with the consciousness bodies.

  Promotion to the third level may not be seen once in a hundred years.

  Although these people are just watching, they may also gain certain knowledge from it, which will help improve their own strength.

  Therefore, as long as they were related to Thor and had contributed to the magic circle, they all chose to stay and watch.

  Corey was still standing on the high platform where she once presided over the arrangement of the magic circle.

  She looked at Sol and finally couldn't help showing a hint of envy.

  But when she spoke, the complicated emotions in her heart had disappeared.

  "Thor, let's activate the magic circle from the outside. When all the energy towers are lit, you can receive the magic power transmitted by the entire magic circle."

  Sol nodded. They have gone through the process of operating the magic circle several times, but facing Corey's reminder again made Thor not impatient.

  The energy tower is the pillars in the magic circle. These pillars will gather the power of the entire wizard tower and transmit it to Thor in the middle.

  And Thor needs to control these powers and completely open the door in his body for him.

  There was silence.

  Even Pearl and Herbert stared at Sol for a moment.


  (End of Chapter)

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