Chapter 65 Hello, backer, this is my new backer

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  Chapter 65: Hello, backer, this is the truth that my new backer
  Kong Sha is not satisfied with Sol.

  "Really~~" she said in a long voice, and another eye appeared, staring at Thor, "Then why did he come here to collect the body for you? And you seem to be very sure that he will come?" Thor was stared at by the eyeball

  . Sweat broke out on his forehead, "I've explained this before, Senior Sister Kong Sha. After the test, my strength will be exposed, and it will be difficult for him to target me secretly. As the last chance to make a move, he will probably appear to confirm my Death."

  Sol was so stressed out by being stared at that he wanted to hide behind Senior Byron.

  "Oh?" Her red lips raised, and Kongsha's smile became brighter. "Why do I feel that you took what West Germany was looking for, so he keeps staring at you?" A "swish" sound appeared behind Sol

  . A thin layer of sweat breaks out.

  "It's a pity that you two have tacitly agreed not to mention a word." Kong Sha stretched out her white hand and gently touched Sol's cheek, "Then, are you willing to tell me and Byron?" However, at this time

  , Byron on the side suddenly reached out and took away Kongsha's hand.

  "Byron, what do you mean?" Kong Sha immediately opened one eye and looked over.

  She thought to herself: "If you hadn't definitely been able to see that there was something wrong with the two of them, I wouldn't have interrogated Sol in front of you! Now, you are ruining my good deeds!" But on the surface,

  Kong Sha was gentle Smiling, "Aren't you interested in Thor's secret?"

  Byron shook his head firmly.


  Kong Sha stared at Byron, her eyes popping up one after another.

  Byron was not afraid at all and looked back at Kongsha with a dead face.

  In terms of momentum, Byron was worse, but Kongsha was the one who retreated first.

  "Since you are not interested, then go back with West Germany's body. I also want to heal my little friend."

  Byron just shook his head, "Hmm~"

  Kong Sha raised a hand, and dots of ice crystals condensed in it.

  "Have you forgotten who is the most powerful Level 2 apprentice?"

  Thor suddenly poked his head out from behind Byron and smiled at Kong Sha: "Of course it's you, because Senior Byron is already a Level 3 apprentice."

  The cold air that spread all over Kong Sha's body suddenly stopped, and the ice crystals in her hand turned into little stars and dissipated.

  "You..." Kongsha couldn't help but take a half step back, turned to Thor, and then to Byron, "Aren't you thirty years old?"

  Byron scratched the back of his head, and the throat opened automatically without cutting, revealing The sharp teeth below said, "I was just promoted this month."

  Looking at Byron's throat, Kong Sha knew that the other person was not lying. He could already use his human skin more freely.

  "It's not that your locator cannot be integrated..."

  Byron raised his finger and pointed at Thor.

  "Because of him?" Kong Sha already felt that she didn't have enough brains. "Impossible!"

  Suddenly Kong Sha pursed her lips and didn't ask or say anything more. She looked at Sol with several eyes, as if she was the first one. Meet this new person for the first time.

  A few months ago, he begged her for help with a look of fear and fear... Now he has completed the transformation of the witch body one after another, climbed up to Byron, and killed West Germany!
  Seeing that Kong Sha seemed to be shaken, Sol walked out from behind Byron and said, "Senior sister, do you still need your brain next month?"

  Kong Sha was silent for a moment, then suddenly put away the terrifying aura around her body, smiled with her red lips, "Yes, why not? Moreover, if there is another chance like this in the future," she shook the head in her hand, "remember to call me." After saying that,

  Kong Sha straightened her clothes that were a little messy due to the battle, and pointed her index finger Gently hook up the collar and pop it open again.

  "Little guy, you know how to find a backer."

  Sol smiled politely on his face, but thought in his heart: "I will scare you to death if I tell you about my real backer!"

  Kong Sha left with a complicated expression.

  Byron turned to Thor with a complicated expression.

  Thor looked at Byron's face which was obviously very gloomy, but somehow felt honest, and smiled: "Senior, do you want to know why Sid is dealing with me?"

  Byron's throat cracked, "The conflict in the wizard's tower is happening every day. , nothing more than resources and power. I have lost my curiosity."

  He has been in the morgue for more than ten years and has handled the corpses of many acquaintances.

  "By the way, senior, can you speak now without cutting your throat?"

  "I'm already at Level 3 now." Byron touched his throat, "I couldn't speak casually before because I couldn't control my skin. . But with the transformation plan you provided, I have new ideas." "

  Before, I always wanted to merge with it and use it to cover up my true self. But I forgot that I am independent and it can become me. My weapon, my shield, is the only one that cannot become myself. Perhaps after I figured this out, I was able to integrate my own locator and successfully advance to level three." "Is it actually of such

  great use? No wonder the senior is so excited. You owe me 100 credits. But if you help this time, the credits will be offset."

  Thor looked at West Germany's headless body on the ground and felt a little painful.

  He used the one-time witchcraft props obtained from Keli and Kong Sha, spent a lot of money to buy fake death potions, and also spent a lot of money to invite Kong Sha and Byron to help.

  Now he is really as poor as before liberation.

  However, West Germany, a serious thorn in his side, was finally eliminated.

  Not only did West Germany attack Thor several times, making him uneasy, but he also knew that the Death Wizard's Diary existed and was an enemy that must be eliminated!
  The other party seems not to know the true function of the diary, but his knowledge is a hidden danger to Saul.

  Many secrets cannot be shared with anyone, especially this secret is a treasure.

  The human heart cannot be tested, and it is best not to test it.

  I just don’t know if anyone else besides West Germany knows about the existence of the Death Wizard’s Diary.


  As Thor stared at Sid's headless body in a daze, Byron suddenly called his attention back.

  "You have to remember that what you own is more precious and important than any other treasure."

  Thor's heart skipped a beat.

  Does Senior Byron know?
  Byron continued solemnly.

  "Knowledge and life are the most important things for a wizard."

  Thor opened his mouth slightly, as if he had missed the point.

  Senior Byron is teaching him!

  "I understand, senior."

  Life is deliberately juxtaposed with the knowledge pursued by wizards. Is it because without life, everything is in vain?

  Senior Byron's views are as unpretentious as ever.

  Byron was very satisfied to see that Sol had seriously considered his warning.

  "By the way." Byron suddenly took out the booklet from his mouth again and continued to record, "According to the agreement, this time I will offset all the credits owed."

  But he made two more strokes.

  "But in the end, you were the one who solved West Germany yourself, so you should deduct 20%, so there are... 16 credits left."

  "No problem!" Saul was not polite at all.

  16 credits are equivalent to more than five months of his basic salary!

  Byron took away everything from Sid's body, leaving only a stripped corpse for Thor. He also said that the belongings of the second-level apprentice were still dangerous to Thor.

  If he hadn't seen the sparkle in Byron's eyes, Saul would have really believed this honest man!
  When dividing the spoils, Thor asked about the elf sculpture, but Byron shook his head repeatedly and warned Thor to stay away from anything related to elves before he became an official wizard.

  Next, Byron helped Thor examine the body and deal with the other people in the morgue.

  The body of the infatuated boy Rocky was not alienated.

  Once possessed by a ghost, he is now unrecognizable.

  Saul didn't know what he had experienced and why he was possessed by ghosts. In short, he was just a poor man who was being used.

  Byron said that someone had secretly placed a ghostly lodging on Rocky. The ghosts took advantage of Rocky's uncertainty and mental instability and invaded his mental body.

  In the end, the two found a cracked magic crystal in Rocky's wallet.

  That magic crystal was the ghost's lodging, and I don't know who put it in Rocky's pocket.

  Now that the ghosts have been eliminated by Thor, the lodging has naturally been destroyed.

  In fact, this low-level boarding is easy to distinguish for a second-level apprentice.

  For a first-level apprentice with a stable mental body and strong mental strength, it will not cause serious damage.

  It was entirely because Rocky's condition and abilities were not good enough that his consciousness was easily taken away.

  "How pitiful." Thor sighed, and then put Rocky's wallet into his arms.

  (End of chapter)

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