Chapter 643 Three candidates

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  Chapter 643: The three candidates

  Nephrite continent has mostly mountainous terrain, but the tallest building on the entire continent is not the highest peak of these mountains, but the surveying platform of the Stargate Council.

  Alik, the president of the Stargate Council, almost always sits in the high-backed chair at the top of the surveying platform.

  From this angle, as long as you raise your head slightly, you can see the infinite starry sky, and if you lower your eyes slightly, you can overlook the surging sea.

  Alik is already the incarnation of thunder and lightning in the minds of the Stargate Councilors, and therefore, there is always a clear sky on the Council's surveying platform.

  You can observe changes in the starry sky at any time.

  An assistant named Merich, who was less than a hundred years old, came over holding a book of information.

  He was once a second-level wizard who majored in wood-attribute witchcraft, but since he came to the Star Gate Council and became Ackerley's assistant, he has not touched any wood-attribute witchcraft books for more than ten years.

  Now he has just turned 100 years old. He is also a relatively young presence in the Star Gate Council, and he is also one of the recognized geniuses here.

  It's just that the once high-spirited boy now has white hair, and only his face still looks like a young man.

  But his eyes suddenly changed during stargazing. The eye sockets protruded outward, like two telescopes, and the eyes inside turned into completely transparent glass.

  After being rescued, he didn't care. He said it was more convenient for him to observe the stars and he could see more clearly.

  "Speaker, Miss Lucy sent back the message from the Borderlands. Wind Demon Pearl proposed that Thor, Gortha's apprentice, be the candidate for the next third-level wizard. Councilor Norton also agreed. But Councilor Norton also recommended Another member of the Glow Family, Corey, became one of the candidates."

  Alik, who was looking up at the stars, turned his golden eyes to Meric, "Thor?"

  "This is the first time I have heard this name."

  "It seems Golza is keeping him well protected."

  "Do you think Golza has been planning this for a long time?" Meric's eyes retracted and he looked down at the information in his hand, "Yes, a little boy majoring in dark attributes, age... 17 years old. Sure enough, It's a puppet that was cultivated by one hand."

  Meric tapped his fingers on the book, making a dull sound.

  "Even if we help him, such a person can't open the door in his body. This is a waste of resources!"

  Meric looked at Saul's name on the paper and wanted to put a big mark on it like an experiment. cross.

  "Maybe." Alik was not as angry as Meric. He was still calm and calm, just like the starry sky above his head that remained unchanged for thousands of years.

  "However, it is very difficult for us to open the door to the starry sky. We are not even 30% sure yet."

  Merich hesitated, then said reluctantly: "How can he be compared with the research on the star gate."

  Alik seemed to He didn't hear it, but still whispered: "Push the door in the body, open the connection channel between the magic power inside the body and the magic power outside the body; push the door in the starry sky, open the channel between this world and another world... If the third level door fails to be pushed, it will be We become monsters under the agitation of internal and external magic. If we fail to push the door..."

  Meric also knew how difficult their research was, but he had long passed the stage where he would be defeated by the difficulties.

  "That's just falling on the path of pursuing truth."

  Alik smiled.

  This was exactly why he chose a young man like Muric as his assistant.

  Maybe Muric's character and ability are not the best among all assistants, but he never gives up.

  Through Meric, Alik thought of Golza again.

  That young man is also a guy who never gives up.

  It's just that the research path he didn't give up was so horrifying that even Alik once thought he was crazy.

  But now I think about it, it is an unparalleled bravery to be able to go on a road that everyone in the outside world thinks will be contaminated and will become crazy.

  "Then let Thor also become a candidate." Seeing Speaker Alik looking at the stars and thinking again, Meric knew that he was no longer interested in the third-level candidate for Borderlands.

  As long as the Speaker does not object, Meric himself has no right to reject the third-level wizard's proposal.

  However, since both the Wind Demon and the Glow Family have proposed their favorite candidates, as another major force in the Stargate Council, they naturally have the right to propose a candidate.

  Several names swirled in Meric's mind, and finally, his eyes stretched out and he spit out a name.

  "Speaker, why don't you let Luke participate in the selection?" Speaker Alik nodded slightly. He didn't really care about this kind of thing.

  Meric smiled and said: "It just so happens that Thor, like Luke, is a wizard who majors in dark attributes. Let them compete fairly."

  After Meric left, Alik continued to look up at the stars.

  "The Star Gate has appeared..."


  After seeing off Brando, Thor welcomed Gaga Gu, who had not arrived for a long time.

  Jiajiagu was very enthusiastic this time and gave Sol a lower price, which made Sol confused.

  I stayed overnight in Jiajiagu to check the pollution on his body.

  Saul was delighted to find that the gaga drum itself was virtually free of contamination.

  After Sol cleaned the puppet behind him that was responsible for filtering pollution, he let Gagagu leave.

  But recently, the Jingling Wizard Tower seems to be particularly popular. Not long after Jiajiagu left, the white mushroom once again released spores as a warning.

  Only this time, Thor waited until the spores in the air had dispersed, and Thor did not wait until the guests appeared on the shores of Lake Rhine.

  "Master Tower Master, should I go take a look?" Marsh still had a knife in his hand and was cooking.

  "I'd better go and have a look."

  There was no other way. There were only a few people in the entire Wizard Tower who could cross the Rhine Lake. Marsh had no other hard skills except his luck.

  Sol also didn't want to instruct Senior Byron, although the other party did not reject Sol's orders.

  So, more than a year after the wizard's tower was established, Thor still could only greet guests in person.

  He whistled softly.

  The giant pale yellow bird that was preening its feathers on the top of the tower immediately flew down and stretched out four long beards like insect legs.

  Thor grabbed one of the long beards and was carried into the air by the giant bird that suddenly rose up.

  The giant bird flew very fast. Almost in the blink of an eye, he crossed the Rhine Lake and landed next to the mushroom forest where the warning had just been issued.

  While falling, Thor did not forget to put on a layer of armor on himself and at the same time released Herman from his body.

  Herman's silver figure immediately turned into silver lightning and shuttled through the mushroom forest.

  Soon, Herman rushed out of the mushroom forest. He looked shocked but couldn't help but gloated to Thor: "It's Kismet! Master, he was seriously injured and fainted in the mushroom forest." !"

  Saul was not as happy as Herman when he heard the news.

  He had a serious look on his face, which made Herman stop smiling.

  Thor rushed into the mushroom forest, and sure enough, under a huge mushroom on the periphery, there was a man who was so thin that he was almost a skeleton.

  His breath was weak and his mental power fluctuated very little.

  If it weren't for the slightly curly silver mid-length hair, it would be really difficult to recognize Kismet from the appearance.

  Thor fell in front of Kismet. Kismet, who had been unconscious just now, suddenly opened his eyes and showed a weak smile to Thor.

  "Still alive?"

  "Come to the master for help."

  "Who hurt you?"

  "Ophelia, Lord of Sky City." Kismet curled his lips, showing a look of complete grievance, "In order to completely kill you Clark, help Master clear the stumbling blocks on your way to promotion. Brother, I will risk my life!"

  (End of Chapter)

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