Chapter 62 The real master appears

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  Chapter 62: The Real Master Appears
  As Thor activated the spell, the tip of the wand quickly condensed an ice crystal as long as his index finger.

  The front of the ice crystal was as sharp as an awl, exuding waves of cold air, and shot towards Rocky's unprepared head.


  Rocky's head was pierced by the cold ice pick in one fell swoop, leaving a bloody hole but was immediately frozen.

  Double screams sounded from Rocky.

  A short, abrupt end.

  A sharp sound, like an echo, that goes on and on.

  "Fight the undead!"

  Thor immediately cast another witchcraft.

  With his current 13 joules of magic power, he can perform level 0 witchcraft without any pressure.

  The sharp whistle turned into white smoke in the black light of witchcraft.

  Take out the enemies.

  Thor did not stop. He glanced at the dagger still held in Rocky's hand, immediately squeezed Rocky's hand, and stabbed an inconspicuous place below Rocky's body with the poisonous dagger.

  The dagger was stained with blood and rapidly darkening.

  Thor covered the wound on Loki's body and put Loki's hand aside, revealing a conspicuous dagger stained with black blood.

  Now, just wait for the oriole to appear.


  Duke stood with his back against the wall.

  He felt that his legs were shaking. If he didn't stand like this, he would soon slide to the ground.

  "Rocky has already entered. They should be fighting, right?"

  He turned his head and looked towards the corridor on the second floor of the East Tower.

  After bypassing the motionless big man, the door closest to the ramp was ajar, and there was a clanging sound inside, and one could hear a fierce fight.

  Duke looked down at the stone he held in his palm—the Burst Fire Stone, the stone West Germany had given him.

  It is very convenient to deal with apprentices without protective spells.

  Duke only has one such stone, and it must be used at critical moments.

  Suddenly there was a sharp roar in the corpse room, and it was impossible to tell who was screaming.

  "Is the battle already over?"

  Duke knew he had to go. If Rocky killed Thor, then everything would be fine.

  But if Thor kills Rocky, then he must take this opportunity to make a sneak attack!

  Otherwise, under normal circumstances, he would definitely not be able to defeat Thor.

  Duke had no time to think about how the situation had developed to this point. He held the explosive flint tightly and used magic power to activate the mechanism above.

  Then he quickly ran to the door of the third corpse room and raised his hand to throw the flint out.

  Explosive flint will explode immediately if it is hit hard.

  No matter who is alive inside, or everyone is alive, it doesn't matter, if the flint stone is fired, no one will survive!

  Duke ran to the door, glanced inside, and raised his arms...

  but he still stopped.

  Because there was no one standing in the room.

  The stench flooded into Duke's nostrils, which made his confused brain clear up a little.

  The person lying on the ground was Rocky, with an ice hole on his face, and the dagger... there was blood on the dagger!

  Okay, no problem now.

  Duke's eyes lit up. He had handed the dagger to Rocky, and he naturally knew what was on it.

  But just in case, Duke didn't leave. He scanned the room, always ready to throw the flint.

  "Where's Thor?"

  But wherever he looked, Duke didn't see Thor.

  "Did he escape? But I was watching from the corridor?"

  The room was in chaos. The table was tilted and there were many empty boxes scattered on the floor.

  A huge box fell to the ground, big enough to hide an adult.

  "Is Thor hiding over there?"

  Duke vaguely saw a hand beside the box, which should be the injured Thor.

  Counting the time, it was time for him to have a seizure and fall to the ground.

  Duke licked his lips and smiled excitedly.

  He took another step forward.

  Suddenly, a hand wrapped around Duke's right hand holding the flint, and held it tightly, preventing Duke from throwing the flint.

  Before Duke could be surprised, a hand appeared in front of him, and then he grabbed his throat fiercely!

  The boy's fragile neck was torn apart!
  Blood spurted out, and Duke stared at the scattered blood in front of him. At the last moment, he only had doubts in his mind: Why did he appear behind me?
  Let Duke's body fall, Thor just squeezed the other man's right hand to prevent the flint inside from falling out.

  The method Thor used to hide his figure just now was a level 0 witchcraft and magic trick that he had specially learned for this day.

  This wizardry is flexible and can change the way it is presented based on the nuances used to build the wizardry model.

  What Sol chose was an effect that concealed his body shape.

  When Duke came in, he was actually standing next to the door, leaning against the wall, but Duke just ignored his presence.

  This witchcraft seems very powerful, but in fact, no matter what effect it has, it has little lethality and can only temporarily confuse people's five senses.

  Therefore, it is attributed to level 0 witchcraft.

  Another reason to lower it to level 0 is that it's hard to control how it looks. Sometimes you want to pull a rabbit out of a hat, but what comes out is a toad.

  But through Thor's precise coordinate analysis method, he can control the presentation effect of this spell at will.

  In addition to the specially learned level 0 witchcraft, Thor also prepared other props.

  The wand that just cast the Ice Dagger is a witchcraft prop.

  Witchcraft props are basically disposable items with a relatively powerful witchcraft sealed on them. They can be used through simple magic stimulation and do not require the user to master that witchcraft.

  It's a pity that in order to deal with Rocky as soon as possible, Thor used the witchcraft props he prepared for West Germany in advance.

  The explosive flint held by Duke is also a type of witchcraft prop, but it is much more powerful than the ice dagger and affects a wider range.

  Thor carefully took out the explosive flint from Duke's hand and dispelled Duke's magic attached to it.

  The explosive flint that was ready to move finally settled down.

  Thor sighed softly.

  It's not a good thing to have explosive flint exploding in a charnel house.

  He was about to put away the flint, and subconsciously checked it with his eyes in a semi-meditative state - he would do this every time he collected materials from a corpse.

  Then, Thor's movements stopped.

  Under his observation, a black-gray insect crawled out of the flint in his palm. It quickly attached to Thor's left hand, opened its huge mouthparts and bit it...well, it didn't bite


  Thor silently placed the flint on the table, then took the bug in his palm between his thumb and forefinger, and squeezed it hard!

  The black-gray illusory bugs turned into fine dust and dissipated in the air.

  "What is this?"

  The diary did not appear, and Thor could not see the use of this insect.

  The diary's eyes are higher than the top, and it has never been able to see ordinary little things.

  But Thor felt that this little bug was unusual and must be part of West Germany's killing move.

  Outside the quiet corpse room, there were slight footsteps.

  Thor narrowed his eyes and knew that the real owner was coming!

  He immediately staggered to his cabinet and rummaged through it to find several small bottles, making a clanging sound.

  Then he quickly took out a few spare reagents from his clothes, uncorked the bottles, and poured them all into his mouth.

  After drinking the reagent, Thor clutched his chest in pain and walked towards the door, stumbling as if looking for help.

  The door was pushed open and a figure appeared at the door.

  Seeing the other party, Thor's expression changed drastically, he backed away repeatedly, knocked away the console, and almost tripped over the corpse next to the teleportation platform.

  As his back hit the conveyor belt, Thor's expression changed again, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of black blood.

  Then he looked desperate, looked behind the door, and shouted angrily: "Sid, it really is you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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