Chapter 610 The Poor Apprentice and the Serious Senior

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  Chapter 610 The Poor Apprentice and the Serious Senior
  Byron is still accustomed to treating the accommodation as his laboratory. He took the black powder and went back to the room to study alone.

  Thor welcomed his senior whom he hadn't seen for a long time - even though the senior was no longer as powerful as him - one day later, he went to see Noah, the young apprentice who had been abandoned by him in the chaos.

  The Chaos Territory is still filled with black sand. As far as the eye can see, the terrain is gentle and undulating, and there are no mountains or woods. Only at the end of the sky can you see some black and gray undulations like mountains.

  Thor turned around and saw a crooked little house on a small hill.

  Or call it a small shack.

  The materials used to build the house were mainly some unused shelves that Saul threw to Noah.

  Marsh, the coachman who no longer drives the carriage, provided huge mushrooms. Unfortunately, these mushrooms cannot thrive in the chaotic land. It can only be grown in pots to the thickness of an index finger, barely used for food.

  Saul walked a few steps to this simple house and walked around without seeing Noah.

  He simply flew into the air and soon saw the young apprentice working with his head down in a low-lying land in the distance.

  Thor flew over and happened to see Noah pull out a dark green plant from the ground, which looked a bit like aloe vera.

  "Mentor!" Noah looked up and saw Thor, and he was so excited that tears filled his eyes.

  Life in the chaotic realm was very difficult. He wanted to meet other people, but was also afraid of meeting other people. Living alone, except for sunrise and sunset, there is almost no feeling of time passing.

  In addition, Sol did not come within a month, and Noah couldn't sleep well in the past two days. He was always worried that Sol had left him here alone.

  Looking at the tearful little apprentice, Thor also knew what he was worried about, and couldn't help but smile and touch the other's head.

  When the algae flew out from the back of Sol's neck and wrapped around Noah's belly, Sol flew back to his cabin with Noah.

  "Didn't you use the witchcraft props I gave you when you built this house?"

  Some witchcraft props can also be used by ordinary people without magic power.

  Noah shrank his neck, "I, I thought it would be better to save more magic crystals before I get familiar with this place, so I didn't want to use them."

  He was a little worried that Thor would blame himself for not trusting him.

  But Saul recognized Noah's choice, "It's okay, after all, you live here alone, it's more important to have your own opinion. What are you holding in your hand, the plants here?" Noah raised his hand, "It's

  a Plant plants with more moisture. I have tested them with the reagent you left, and they are basically safe, so I want to transplant them near the house to see if I can cultivate more." Although Sol also left a lot of food for

  Noah , but he is still trying to develop a new way of survival.

  Thor looked at the other things that Noah picked up one by one, including a small number of shriveled plants, the remains of some suspected biological corpses, and many useless stones.

  Because Noah's knowledge reserve was not enough, Thor did not criticize him for anything, but encouraged him to continue exploring, but the premise was to ensure his own safety.

  "How many basic runes have you learned now?"

  "Three." Noah immediately squatted down and wrote directly on the ground with his fingers.

  There is no way to infuse magic power or mobilize spiritual power. Now Noah can only memorize the runes by rote.

  "No one knows that you can learn two runes by yourself? It seems that your graphics talent is not bad. But when you learn compound runes in the future, this talent will not be enough."

  Thor squatted down without hesitation, " I'm going to teach you a method called the coordinate method, which will make it easier for you to remember, and most importantly, it will make it easier for you to understand compound runes in the future." There was no one around, so Thor directly used the earth to make writing on the blackboard,

  combining his experience in learning runes with these Years of experience in spellcasting reintegrated a set of coordinate methods to teach young apprentices.

  Noah's eyes widened, as if he had seen a new world. The day was passed in a hurry while studying eagerly. Thor finally told Noah to be careful of monsters and even more intelligent creatures, and then left the Chaos Realm and returned to the Pure Spirit Wizard Tower.

  Sensing Thor's return, housekeeper Hope immediately came to the door.

  "Lord Tower Master, Mr. Byron came to see you in the evening."

  Senior Byron is actually a very homely person, and he usually won't come to see you unless there is nothing wrong.

  Saul quickly found Byron and saw that his room was covered with scraps of paper.

  "..." Saul stood at the door and felt like he didn't know where to start. "You adapted very quickly!"

  Byron looked up and didn't pay attention to Saul's complaints. "Come and see this."

  Saul praised The floor was in a mess, and when he came to the table, he was shocked to find that Byron's hands were full of blisters. Some blisters have burst and are still leaking green juice.

  "Pollution?" Thor frowned immediately.

  Byron pointed to the parchment spread out on the table, "Look at this."

  Thor then moved his eyes to the paper.

  I saw that the parchment was crookedly filled with words, and at the end I came to a conclusion.

  ...The composition formula of black powder (the abbreviation of Byron for the powder that Thor brought back from the Chaos Realm and has the same pollution source characteristics as the Kuroshio) is reversible. Once you master this formula, you can combine the unique properties of Borderlands with The Kuroshio pollution is also converted into inert black powder... In the same way, by operating the reverse formula, the inert black powder can also be restored to active Kuroshio pollution.

  Sol's mouth slowly opened wide. He didn't expect Byron to come to this conclusion in just one day.

  "Look, are there any problems with my derivation? If you don't see the problem, then I will follow this direction to derive the formula. Well... it's called the lazy formula." Sol said the

  entire After looking through the formula, I didn't find anything wrong with the logic.

  His first reaction was to show it to Camus, but he rejected this idea the next second.

  He and Senior Byron had studied this inertization formula together.

  You can't rely on Camus for everything, as that will make him lose the habit of independent thinking.

  "I haven't found any problems for the time being. It may be that the time is too short. Let me take it back and study it." Thor immediately cast a level 0 copying spell to make a copy of the parchment without any magic properties.

  This was a question Saul had never thought of, and it immediately aroused his keen interest.

  If we can really turn the pollution in Borderlands into black powder that is almost harmless, will we be able to prevent ourselves and those around us from being alienated and polluted when the black tide really breaks out in the future?

  He has had too many things going on recently, and even though he had gained anti-fans long ago, he never had time to study them in depth.

  As a result, Byron suddenly pressed down the parchment copied by Thor with a "snap" of his palm.

  Juice splashed everywhere.

  "No!" Byron refused to study this topic with Thor. "You have just entered the second level, and your strength is unstable. I heard Master Kira mention that entering the second level is different from before. The knowledge system and world cognition are different. They all need to be perfected again. Before that, you'd better not participate in any research."

  Looking at Byron with a serious face, Thor raised his hands in surrender, "Okay, okay, but you'd better let me treat your hands first. . How come you’re already cooked after not seeing each other for a day?”

  (End of this chapter)

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