Chapter 567 The Judged

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  Chapter 567 The judged

  big fish was bitten by the "fishhook".

  Sol waved his hand and asked Xiaozao to send it to the laboratory on the underground floor. He picked up the mushroom chair and walked to the lake.

  "Long time no see, Jiajiagu." He first greeted his old acquaintance, then looked at the new second-level wizard, "Hello." "Hello." The second-level

  wizard opposite actually nodded in return. "Wizard Thor."

  Thor secretly looked at this strange second-level wizard. The wizard robe on his body looked more complicated and solemn, not too similar to the local clothing style of Stat Continent.

  Jia Jiagu quickly introduced Saul, "Wizard Sol, this is the second-level wizard, Master Justin. He comes to see you, uh... uh..."

  Jia Jiagu hesitated to speak.

  Justin took Jiajiagu's words and directly expressed his intention, "I would like to ask you to help me treat the injuries and pollution on my body." "I have

  some research on cleaning up pollution, but you are a second-level wizard after all, and my means and methods may not necessarily be the same." It can meet your needs."

  "Also, I'm not very good at treating injuries. I think since you are a second-level wizard, you should be better at healing witchcraft than me." After half a year of

  opening, Thor wanted to keep this place. new patients.

  Just explain your strength in advance and don't let the other party have too high expectations, lest the business turn into hostility.

  "I have already heard about your abilities from Jia Jia Gu, but my situation is indeed special."

  Justin stopped mid-sentence and glanced sideways at Jia Jia Gu.

  "Haha, you two adults will talk first, and I'll go find Butler Hope to hand over the goods." Jiajia Gu was very sensible and left on his own, leaving space for Sol and Justin.

  After Gaga left, Justin slowly took off his metal mask.

  This person's face is actually sunken inward!

  The bridge of the nose, which should have been high, is deeper than the eye sockets. It was as if someone had cut off the entire bridge of his nose and then hit the wound with a hammer.

  In the deepest part of the nose depression, there are a few yellow-green stains.

  "I'm from the Nephrite continent and entered the Borderlands five years ago. To be precise, I escaped."

  Justin's voice was calm and his eyes were calm, as if he was telling someone else's experience.

  "I am a wanted criminal who was ordered to be eliminated by the Tribunal."

  Saul had heard of the Tribunal, but the purge order...

  He thought of the wizard Jassim who killed two wizards with a black blade and then committed suicide.

  The other party is from the tribunal.

  Seeing the change in Sol's eyes, Justin knew that the other party had heard of the name Tribunal.

  "You don't have to worry that treating me will anger the Tribunal. They will not enter the Borderlands, which is why I took the risk to enter here."

  Jassim's words were full of information.

  The Inquisition does not enter the Borderlands.

  There are no barriers or checkpoints here. Even wizard apprentices and ordinary people can enter and exit at will - as long as they do not encounter any danger of death.

  It seems that this place is called Borderlands not only because of the pollution and terrible rules it contains, but also for other reasons.

  Justin paused for a moment, leaving Sol enough time to think before continuing.

  "I was injured by the adjudicator of the Tribunal while escaping. My solid metal protection was almost destroyed. After I entered the Borderlands, the wound was corroded by the pollution here. In the past few years, I have tried my best to treat the injury and suppress it

  . Pollution, but my body still reached its limit very quickly. If there is no way to solve it, I'm afraid I won't live for more than a year." I don't know if it's a

  habit or despair, but when he said that he was not going to die soon, Justin remained calm.

  This actually made Thor admire his magnanimity.

  Few people can feel so calm while feeling the slow approach of death.

  "Mr. Thor, your reputation has spread in this area, but to be honest, few people dare to come to you for treatment."

  Thor touched his chin and readily admitted, "Indeed."

  "Remove pollution Just expose your weaknesses to others. Most people won't come to you."

  "That's right." Thor nodded.

  However, being a doctor is just a cover. If too many people come to him, it will be a problem.

  "But I'm different. I've basically tried all the possible methods. The remaining ones are either too dangerous or there is no way at all. So I came to you. This is probably my last attempt." Thor did not give any advice

  . Promise, "Can you let me see your injuries and contamination first?"

  "Yes, but I need to take some protection." Justin said calmly.

  Thor agreed.

  So, Justin recited the spell silently, and a golden metallic liquid appeared under his feet.

  This liquid extended around the feet of the two people, forming an equilateral triangle, and then grew diagonally upward from each side, eventually forming a closed tetrahedron.

  Thor was observing the fluctuations of magic power when Justin performed witchcraft from beginning to end.

  He found that the opponent's method of casting spells was very thick and smooth, but there was a hint of tremor and uneasiness hidden in his magic power fluctuations, which was as worrying as the anthills in the dam.

  Then, Saul stepped forward, ready to check Justin's injuries, but the latter suddenly turned around and sat on the ground.

  Then, he slowly lifted the scalp on the back of his head.

  There was a harsh sound like tearing tape.

  Thor tried to calm himself down and look more professional.

  The skin on the back of Justin's head is voodoo-treated fake skin. And the back of his head all the way to his neck is made of metal.

  Not Keli's metallic skin, but real hard, cold metal.

  But this metal, which should have been smooth and shiny, actually had a thick layer of yellow-green impurities.

  The shape is irregular and the surface is rough.

  Sol took out a glass rod and swept it gently, and saw some small pieces falling down.

  He quickly caught it with a petri dish.

  "If you don't mind, can I do some simple tests on these first?" "

  Of course." Justin raised his hand, his nails turned into metal-like sharp knives, and he took it upon himself to cut off a piece with impurities for Sol. The metal surface comes down.

  Thor noticed that the other person's metal back was still made of metal, and he wondered if there was still traditional flesh and blood.

  These newly exposed metal layers are smooth and bright, but after being exposed to the air for a few seconds, they begin to develop some dull colors, and soon turn to the familiar yellow-green.

  The surface also starts to get rough.

  Thor compared the petri dish with the newly grown substance on the opponent's head. From the appearance, it was the same kind.

  "Something looks like the metal is rusted," Saul said.

  Justin covered his scalp again, and then stood up, but still turned his back to Thor.

  "Yes, I major in metallic witchcraft. The word rust you use to describe it is actually very vivid. I am rusting rapidly, non-stop, and repeatedly. And this phenomenon has spread from the initial nose to To my whole head."

  When his back was turned to Sol, Justin's eyes showed a little vulnerability.

  But when he turned around, the fragile look in his eyes was completely covered up.

  Thor stopped staring at Justin.

  He has begun to study the properties of the material in the petri dish.

  He had already seen that this wizard, who looked calm and calm on the outside, was actually very proud on the inside.

  Although he can bravely reveal his most vulnerable physical side, he refuses to show any psychological vulnerability for this purpose.

  In this case, Sol naturally had to politely avoid it.

  (End of chapter)

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