Chapter 522 The way to strengthen is to commit suicide

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  Chapter 522 The way to strengthen is to seek death.

  Ou Qili counted the time and ended the conversation before the old witch came back.

  He also speeded up the progress of his experiments to prevent the old witch from discovering that he was fishing when she came back.

  But when the old witch came back with an unhappy face, she didn't care at all about the experiments that Ou Qili was responsible for.

  She shook her sparse ponytail and let the finger tied at the end of her hair hit the back of her head again and again.

  "Did you go to the entrance of the cave?" The old witch walked up behind Sol, as if if there was any question in his answer, she would immediately hit him with the wooden board in her hand.

  "I didn't go to the cave entrance. I just went to find my coachman." Thor puffed out his chest, "He was imprisoned by you." The

  old witch's eyes became complicated.

  "What are you looking for him for?"

  "I brought him into Borderlands. When this experiment is completed, I will take him out." The

  old witch stood behind Thor, not knowing whether to scold him. Being naive, you should rest assured that you have picked up an upright fool.

  "...Wait until you complete my experiment, and then think about the coachman's problem."

  In the end, the old witch did not punish Thor.

  In fact, she deliberately left the door open, just to test whether the two of them would take the opportunity to escape.

  Just strolling around here is already her tacit consent.

  In the next few days, the experiment progressed in an orderly manner.

  Sol's private work included in the reference experiment data has also been researched.

  It’s just that these studies on the witchcraft of combining flesh and spirit cannot be recorded on paper, lest the old witch and Ou Qili discover the clues.

  Sol had no choice but to let several consciousnesses act as his notepads, and write down several different experimental results abruptly.

  Another month passed like this.

  The old witch went out again for materials.

  Although she was dissatisfied with the rapid consumption of materials, the progress of the experiment was gratifying.

  Seeing that years of experiments finally saw the light of day, she could only suppress her temper temporarily.

  After the old witch left, Thor continued to conduct experiments seriously.

  Just like when she was here.

  "The flesh and blood part of the flesh-and-blood spirit combination has been prepared. But the spirit combination is more troublesome. The old witch's transformation experiment focuses on the body and does not require much of the soul. It is not convenient for me to conduct experiments with too many spirits." Thor put down a cultivation The dish was randomly thrown into the "failed product" area, thinking about how to apply for more spiritual bodies in a reasonable manner.

  "How are you thinking about it?" At this time, Ou Qili took some new samples and came behind Thor.

  After a month, he had completely changed from a researcher to Saul's assistant.

  This also made him more anxious.

  Thor's hand moved for a moment, but the experimental object was held securely.

  "I haven't thought about it yet. Although it is for the locator, it is also very dangerous." "

  A wizard who is afraid of danger will eventually die in the unknown! Do you still need me to teach you such a simple truth?" Ou Qili was almost furious. .

  Seeing that he was almost driving Ou Qili to the edge, Thor relaxed a little.

  "And I don't have a way to strengthen the locator in the short term..."

  "I do!" Ou Qili interrupted Thor immediately.

  Thor finally stopped what he was doing and looked at Ouqili with raised eyebrows.

  It could be seen that Ou Qili was trying to suppress his emotions, but his cheeks were still slightly red.

  "If you agree to start a similar plan, I will give you the method." "

  But if you don't show me the method first, how can I agree to start it?" Thor said confidently.

  He was in no hurry anyway.

  Ou Qili's face turned red again, but he raised his hand and patted his cheek to calm himself down.

  "The locator can help us stabilize our mental body and resist pollution from inside and outside the body. Some people interpret it as an anchor, which is the key to preventing us from getting lost in the ocean of knowledge. But no matter what the explanation, it will not change at all. ."

  "The locator will play a certain protective role when we encounter cognitive crises. This role will not weaken due to the increase in the number of uses. In fact, it is like our brain, the more we use it, the more flexible it becomes. .So my method is active training for the locator."

  Sol looked over coldly.

  He knew that the method to strengthen the locator would not be simple.

  But Ou Qili's method is no longer a question of whether it is dangerous or not.

  That's a crazy temptation on the verge of death!
  Are all the wizards in Borderlands so desperate?

  Well, for Ou Qili, he may have no other choice.

  "This method... is too dangerous."

  "But, this is the only way we can survive. Even if we suffer some irreversible trauma in the process, we still have the opportunity to repair it in the future. But what happens when a person dies? None."

  Thor still didn't reply to Ou Qili immediately.

  However, in order to appease the other party's emotions, Sol gave a deadline.

  Three days.

  However, within three days, something happened that made Sol change his mind.

  The old witch came back half a day later than expected.

  When she appeared at the door of the laboratory, she was covered in dust.

  The dust penetrated into every inch of her wrinkles, as if her whole body had been buried in the soil for hours.

  When Sol saw the other person, he was stunned for a moment, but decided not to ask more about the other person's experience.

  The other party may not be willing to recall those embarrassing experiences.

  "Have you found a complete soul body?"

  Ou Qili couldn't help but look sideways and lamented again that this guy really has no emotional intelligence at all.

  "Not found." The old witch said gloomily, "But it doesn't matter."

  The old witch didn't clean herself up, just walked out of the room, and came back again a few minutes later.

  But this time, she brought the dwarf out of his cage.

  The dwarf has not left his cage for a long time.

  In the past, every time the old witch came to see him, she would take part of his body tissue.

  Sometimes more and sometimes less.

  Despite his strong physique and good recovery ability, he was still extremely weak at this time.

  He never knew when this life would end. But recently it has seen the light of day.

  The new little boy, who seems to have not yet fully grown his hair, seems to have advanced the experiment to the end.

  The characteristic is that the old witch has taken more and more tissue out of his body recently.

  Although his body was seriously injured, hope arose in the heart of the dwarf.

  As long as he can get through it, there may be hope of regaining his freedom.

  Whether the old witch's experiment succeeds or the experiment fails. Life will no longer be a pool of stagnant water.

  But today, the old witch brought the dwarf directly to the laboratory.

  Oqili was working on Thor and recording data. When he saw the old witch half dragging and half dragging the dwarf over, he was a little surprised at first, but then he thought of something, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

  He tapped Sol's shoulder and said, "Just watch."

  Sol stopped what he was doing and threw one of the samples into the scrap area again.

  Next, he saw the old witch fixing the weak dwarf on the experimental table.

  "Don't you need a complete soul to conduct experiments?" The old witch raised her head and glanced at Thor, "Shouldn't you choose race?"

  Thor looked at it expressionlessly and said nothing.

  Next, the old witch dismembered the dwarf.

  The dismembered dwarf was not dead yet because of its strong vitality.

  Next, the old witch brought over her homemade soul extractor.

  It's like an upside-down cauldron with many jars connected crookedly underneath.

  This home-made instrument is quite crude and materials can be found everywhere. What is really valuable is the densely packed miniature witchcraft circle on it.

  These micro-arrays turn garbage into sophisticated instruments.

  The old witch used witchcraft to activate the instrument.

  The dwarf, who was still breathing just now, instantly lost consciousness.

  Thor squinted his eyes and saw a highly transparent spirit body between white and gray being sucked into the pipe above little by little.

  During this period, the old witch kept chanting spells carefully to ensure that the spirit body would not be broken.

  When she was done, she took off the cauldron and threw it to Thor.

  "Here you go, the complete spirit body. Although it is deformed, there is no missing fragment."

  (End of this chapter)

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