Chapter 518 The shock from the top student

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  Chapter 518 The shock from the top student

  left the room where everyone was detained, and there was an extremely primitive passage outside.

  There is soil all around, and traces of the reinforcement of the magic circle are faintly visible.

  The lighting equipment is still only the glowing plants at the feet.

  Thor followed the old witch closely, passing the first door, the second door, and then walked for about five minutes before seeing the third door.

  The third door is half a meter away from the fourth door, followed by another long and dark passage.

  "I should be underground or in a mountain." Thor silently estimated, trying to feel the direction of the air flow to determine the direction of the exit.

  The old witch stopped in front of the third door and pushed it open first.

  Behind the door is a laboratory, but most of the equipment is relatively primitive.

  You don’t see many glass products here, most of them are made of wood. Considering the problem of liquid penetration, a coating of unknown ingredients was painted on them.

  "Since you said you are good at witch body transformation, then do a simple project for me to see first." The

  old witch pushed Thor in and asked him to sit down at a table.

  Then, the old witch took out a large basin from the cabinet against the wall and threw it heavily in front of Thor.

  Inside the large basin were piles of parchment rolls.

  Sol took the initiative to hold up all the paper rolls, and saw something like dough covered underneath.

  But if you look closely, you can see that the dough is actually moving.

  Sol poked it with his finger, and the dough immediately dented and did not rebound for a long time.

  But when Thor turned his head to look at the contents of the parchment, the dough regained its shape in an instant.

  "Since your talent is so strong, there should be no need for me to explain it. I will come see you at this time tomorrow. If you fail to perfect this transformation idea, I will knock you into a basin." The old witch did not explain to Thor either

  . , directly let him review the question himself.

  Seeing Sol, he had no doubts and went directly to the room next door without even closing the door, convinced that Sol could not leave.

  Saul only had one day to review and solve the problem. But he took his time and spread out all the parchments one by one.

  If the table area is not enough, put it on the floor.

  "Next, everyone will have ten pieces of parchment. It doesn't matter if you don't have any ideas for the time being. Let's straighten out the questions first."

  Thor twisted his neck and turned his wrist, and suddenly seemed to be back to what he once was in the wizard's tower, where he only needed to study. period of time.


  one day passed.

  The old witch sighed and slowly stood up from the ground.

  Although she has been saying outside that her witch body transformation experiment will be successful. But only she knew that her experiment had been stuck at a critical step for more than a year.

  Ou Qili, who once brought new breakthroughs in her experiments, has not been used for a long time, and every time she puts forward ideas, they are useless.

  "I hope that boy can have some new ideas. No, even if he can only solve one of the small problems." "

  If he spends a day but can't solve anything, can't see... I will... no, forget it. Well, the news has been a bit tight recently, and it's too dangerous to go out and arrest people. Otherwise, give that kid a few more chances. After all, isn't Ou Qili, the master of medicine, unable to solve my problem?" The old witch shook her head, and just as she was about to take a step

  , But his left foot failed to keep up with the movement of his right foot, and he almost fell.

  Suddenly, her expression twisted, as if she was suppressing her anger.

  She lowered her head and lifted up the pants near her left foot, and saw that her ankle was constantly deforming. It was as if someone was kneading her calves like dough.

  The old witch bared her teeth, and her huge chin almost covered the upper half of her face. She raised her hand and slapped her calf several times so hard that she almost heard the sound of bones breaking.

  But the next second, the old witch used witchcraft to heal her injuries, and her legs no longer deformed wantonly.

  She raised her head, adjusted her pants, and walked out of the room as if nothing had happened.

  Go out, turn left, and enter.

  She saw Sol sitting at the round table with his chin in his hands.

  All the parchments were opened and spread on the floor. The pile of waste paper on the table has piled up into a small mountain.

  Sol frowned, and there were a few drops of sweat on his forehead. The absorbent pen in his hand kept shaking in mid-air, and the ink was about to fall off, but he never finished writing.

  The old witch frowned when she saw this, and thought to herself: "Does he have no idea at all? How dare he say that he is good at witchcraft transformation?" This

  made her feel angry that she was being tricked. When she took the first step , I still wanted to tear people apart and use them as materials, but when I took the second step, I had already changed my mind.

  "Forget it, just find any reason to let him get away first. If it takes three days...or ten days...or a month. If he doesn't have any ideas for a month, just..." Thinking of this, the old witch was

  already He saw the paper in front of Sol clearly.

  It’s so dense that I wrote a whole article!

  The old witch was stunned, and immediately quickened her pace and walked to Sol's side.

  But Sol was still lowering his head and thinking at this time, seemingly not realizing that the old witch had come to him.

  The old witch looked at the handwriting on the paper. At first she looked at it with the attitude of an inspector, but as she looked at it, she took it in.

  A novel and excellent problem-solving idea is more attractive than the gossip between Fire Lord and Wind Demon.

  The old witch read it from beginning to end. When she finally saw a drop of ink falling on the paper, she was still wondering what kind of novel rune it was. After thinking for a long time, she realized that it was just ink dripping from the tip of the pen.

  "What's next? Why don't you write it?" The old witch scratched her head in discomfort, and at the same time she was shocked by Sol's novel ideas.

  She even wanted to take off Sol's head to see what was inside.

  Sol seemed to be startled, and the absorbent pen in his hand fell on the table.

  He looked up at the old witch's ugly face so close, and then looked at the messy papers on the table. His voice was trembling, "I, I encountered a difficulty. It may take a while." The old witch turned her head stiffly like a tape

  . , looking at Sol's childish face, he couldn't say the words "You've almost completed this transformation theory?"


  What the old witch gave Thor was not just any random transformation project.

  What she gave Thor was exactly what she was currently researching, a witch body transformation experiment that wanted to integrate the specialties of multiple races to achieve a perfect body!
  She has been trapped here for many years, and this transformation experiment is her only way to turn around. How can she think about other transformation projects?
  In addition, not telling Saul the true situation of this transformation experiment was also to prevent Saul from being under too much psychological pressure and having no idea at all, even though he knew that the question was too difficult.

  This is also the lesson the old witch learned after taking a dozen prisoners.

  But she never expected that Sol would break through the obstacle that had kept her trapped for a year in just one day, and he would also deduce the transformation formula to the last step.

  The old witch opened her mouth with difficulty, and she seemed to hear her upper and lower teeth fighting.

  "You, how long will it take for you to overcome the final difficulty?"

  Thor opened his mouth, closed it, opened his mouth again, and carefully stretched out a finger.

  "One month... okay?"

  The old witch opened her mouth, closed it, and opened her mouth again.


   Thor: Knowledge changes fate.

  (End of chapter)

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