Chapter 510 The one who strikes first survives

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  Chapter 510 Whoever strikes first will survive.

  Because my best friend has been missing for many days, so I just borrowed money from a random stranger on the street to look for him?

  This idea is equally strange.

  However, in view of the fact that refusal might dissatisfy the little girl, Thor still put his hand into his pocket.

  Just when Sol was about to take out the silver coins from the storage device by reaching into his pocket, he suddenly noticed a woman walking angrily not far away.

  Sol raised his eyebrows, and immediately took out his pocket, which was cleaner than his face, and said to the little girl: "I'm so sorry, I really want to lend it to you, but I don't have a single silver coin." Seeing that Sol didn't take out anything

  , , the originally angry woman softened her expression.

  After her hopes were dashed, the little girl puffed up her cheeks and said, "You are so old, why do you still have no money? What a useless adult!" The woman behind came up and knocked the little girl on the head



  The sound was very loud.

  "Why do you borrow money from strangers casually? What if you borrow money and run away, and disappear like little Claude?" "

  I was wrong, mom." The little girl covered her head, not daring to contradict the woman. Able to cast malicious eyes on Thor.

  Thor immediately leaned over and touched the little girl's head, "Let's do this. You are young and it is not safe to go out. I will help you find little Claude." The little

  girl suddenly became happy, "Little Claude is me. Best friend, you must help me find him!"

  Thor nodded "Yeah", "But before that, I need to understand some characteristics of little Claude and think about where to find him.

  " The girl immediately jumped up and said, "Little Claude is the most naughty. He likes to play hide-and-seek with me, hiding anywhere and asking me to find him." The

  girl's mother obviously had a bad opinion of little Claude.

  "He is a liar. He said he could make the tree obey his command and turn into the appearance of the village chief. I think he always pretended to be the village chief, and was finally locked up by the village chief," the woman said

  . She looked at him, her face darkening, "Maybe he was locked up and killed."

  Saul changed the subject again, "Where is the village chief's house?"

  The woman pointed to the most beautiful white house at the end of the road, "That's right there. "

  Saul immediately said goodbye to the two of them and walked towards the village chief's house.

  "Dong dong dong!" He knocked on the door of the white house.

  "Ring, ring, ring..." A string of ethereal and melodious ringtones rang.

  Soon the door was opened.

  However, when he saw the person opening the door, Thor was startled.

  Herman: [This person? ]

  The person who opened the door had messy red hair, and a huge nose that made his eyes and mouth very small.

  But the difference between this man and little Claude is that he looks to be in his thirties.

  Not a little boy.

  "Hello, I'm looking for the village chief."

  The man opposite showed a gentle smile, "I am the village chief, Big Claude."

  Although I know that in some places, people with the same name will add the size before the title to distinguish their identity, but The characteristics of these two people are too similar, right?

  Thor asked tentatively: "I heard that Little Claude is missing. I came to look for him. May I ask about you and him?"

  Big Claude sighed softly, "I am his brother."

  The age gap between these two brothers is really big. big.

  "Village chief, do you know how little Claude disappeared?" Saul continued to ask.

  "Come in and talk." Big Claude invited Thor in. "I don't know why he disappeared, but I should be the last person to see him."

  The village chief was neatly dressed and had no manners. Too much like a person from a small village.

  "Today, a wizard passed by and took a fancy to little Claude's talent. He wanted to accept him as his apprentice and take him away. Alas, but little Claude didn't want to. I was afraid that the wizard would be angry, so I scolded him. As a result, He ran out suddenly. He hasn't come back yet. I searched many places but couldn't find it."

  Just after he finished speaking, Big Claude saw Thor staring straight at him, "What's wrong?"

  "You ? When did little Claude disappear?"

  "This morning, if you want to ask for the exact time, it was around 10 a.m." The other party obviously didn't understand what Sol meant, and thought about it carefully.

  Agu: [This village chief also has a problem. Others said that little Claude had been missing for many days, but he said that he just disappeared today.

  An: 【Could this Big Claude be Little Claude? So he didn't know he was missing? ]

  Agu: [But he is the village chief, and others still know that the village chief is not missing. ]

  "Maybe it's not that complicated." Thor murmured.

  "What?" Village Chief Claude asked without hearing clearly.

  A black blade suddenly appeared behind the village chief, and then cut off the village chief's neck!

  Herman and four others: [? ! ]

  Saul stood up, moved the village chief's body to a corner where he could not see the window, then opened the door and walked out.

  "The village chief and others have different perceptions of the time when little Claude disappeared. It may be that the village chief died earlier than others."

  Saul returned to the street and didn't go far when he saw the peasant woman who had killed him. Come out happily.

  At the same time, a young man climbed out of the window of the house and got into the path between the two houses.

  Sol recognized it at a glance. The man was the man who was stabbed to death by a farmer's iron fork and fell from the second floor.

  Saul followed the man into the gap between the two houses. The man in front vaguely felt that someone was following him, but before he could turn around, a black blade cut off his head.

  After a while, Saul came out and knocked on the door next door.

  "Are you here?" The farmer was very happy to see Sol come back. "My old lady just went out to buy soup base. When she comes back, you can have delicious soup." Sol smiled and thanked the farmer, and followed the farmer

  . Enter the room.

  A few minutes later, the peasant woman came back and saw Sol sitting alone in the living room. She looked at the unfamiliar face and was a little wary, but she quickly remembered something.

  "Hello young man, you are the guest that my old man invited back, right? Where is my old man?"

  Saul stood up, "Yes, hello, madam. Mr. John went upstairs."

  "Oops," the peasant woman covered her head She smiled, not panicking at all this time, "How can I call you madam? You look like a teenager, you can just call me aunt." The peasant

  woman smiled and went to the kitchen to make soup for Sol.

  Sol followed, "What kind of soup is Auntie making?"

  The peasant woman came to the stove and opened the lid of the soup pot. "We farmers don't have any good ingredients. We just pick up big bones that others don't want..." "

  Gudong" !"


  As soon as the peasant woman finished speaking, her head fell into the soup pot.

  Sol exited the kitchen and closed the door.

  He glanced at the stair cabinet that had begun to leak bright red liquid, and exited the farmer's house again.

  When Thor suddenly killed the village chief Big Claude, the four conscious bodies were only surprised, but now they are silent.

  Next, Thor's black blade turned into the scythe of death, killing those who were alone without any communication.

  If you encounter two or three people acting together, divide the black blade into many and kill them simultaneously. Don't give the other party a chance to raise murderous intent at all.

  On this bloody road, Thor has become more comfortable controlling the Dark Soul Blade. He can even divide the Dark Soul Blade into dozens of pieces.

  Harvesting life feels completely different from simply practicing witchcraft. He can get feedback from the other party that the spirit body is being torn apart.

  This makes the Dark Spirit Blade, which itself is a dark attribute witchcraft, progress rapidly.

  When Thor fought his way to the outermost edge of the village, he saw two guards still chatting under the outermost hut.

  Two black shadows appeared silently on the backs of the two guards' necks.

  The black shadow flashed past, and the two headless corpses fell limply.

  Saul slowly walked out of the small village. "As long as I kill everyone here, no one will be able to kill me anymore."

  He left the last house and stood at the end of the only street in the village, looking back. The village was completely quiet.

  "So, the rule here is, the one who strikes first will survive."

  (End of Chapter)

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