Chapter 506 The Eye of Exile

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  Chapter 506: Eyes of Exile

  Marsh struggled to control the horse.

  The horses used by wizards are different from ordinary horses. During the breeding and breeding process, their ability to tolerate radiation is specially enhanced.

  But such a horse cannot survive the erosion of evil spirits and pollution for long.

  Marsh himself became increasingly uncomfortable as he laughed, and the mushrooms on his head began to wither.

  He could only try his best to speed up, not even caring whether he would hit the face emerging from the ground.

  Saul was sitting in the car, and the algae on his body had already crawled all over the inner wall of the car.

  He listened to the laughter around him getting louder and louder, and then he was thrown behind the carriage again.

  Sol poked his head out of the car window and saw that the road ahead had disappeared, while the road behind him was filled with laughter.

  After the laughter was left behind, the nervous Xiaozao and Marsh gradually returned to normal.

  Not long after, a huge crack appeared on the mountain wall in front of them, as if someone had used an ax to cut down the middle of the mountain, all the way to the ground.

  The fissure goes deep into the mountain, and it is deep and shapeless. But when the carriage passed by, Thor felt strong mental fluctuations from inside.

  I'm afraid there are a lot of evil spirits entangled here, and they are not at the same level as the ones we just saw on the road.

  Morton: [Master, you can’t go in. ]

  Sol nodded slightly and told Marsh to pass here quickly.

  But when passing by the crack, Thor still looked inside the crack.

  This time he did not use meditation rashly, but observed the scene near the crack with his naked eyes.

  He took out a piece of paper and wrote down his observations.

  There are obviously a large number of evil spirits in this crack, but these evil spirits are huddled in the deepest part.

  Don't know what binds them.

  The carriage once again left the rift behind.

  Along the way, Sol passed by several obviously abnormal places. But with Morton's tips, they were always able to avoid the most dangerous places.

  "We're almost at the exit of Borderlands." Thor came out of the carriage and stood on the carriage next to Marsh.

  Marsh was nervous all the way, and now he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth, so he could only nod heavily.

  Agu: [Borderland is a place without unified order. The rules of survival here are complicated. Here, official wizards may encounter fatal danger, but some special ordinary people may live well. ]

  Morton: [In short, after entering the Borderlands, Master, no matter what you see, don’t rush to get close. It’s best to observe, understand the rules, and then make plans.

  "Observe and find the pattern?" Saul remembered the two people's reminders.

  Then, the mountains on both sides of the canyon suddenly disappeared and were cut into two like pieces of tofu.

  Sol's carriage finally drove out of the Handle Valley and entered a new world.

  "Here is..." Sol originally stood on the frame to guard against danger. But he didn't expect that this place turned out to be an open grassland.

  The grass is green and the breeze is gentle.

  The sunlight that was originally blocked by the mountain walls on both sides of Chuishou Valley also shines down unscrupulously.

  "Is this the Borderlands?" Thor always felt that something was wrong.

  He squinted his eyes and looked closer. The vegetation on the ground was swaying slightly, but there was nothing unusual about it.

  But when Sol looked into the distance, he saw that the boundary between the grassland and the blue sky was somewhat blurry.

  He carefully released his spiritual body and spread it little by little along the ground. But the feedback received was nothing unusual.

  "There is no problem in the nearby area, but it is not necessarily the case in the distance. It is still unclear where the boundary between normal and abnormal is." "Sir?"

  Marsh left the weird Hanging Hand Valley and felt like seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him. Feeling relaxed, he turned his head to look at Sol, wondering where to go next.

  "Wait for me here first. Don't run around. If anything goes wrong, retreat to the inside of Chuishou Valley." "

  Huh?" Marsh obviously felt that Chuishou Valley was much scarier than here, but he was obedient, even though he felt sorry for him in his heart. Chuishou Gu was still afraid, but he nodded, "I understand, sir."

  Thor jumped off the carriage, thought for a while, took out a witchcraft item from the storage that he had never used before, and held it in his hand.

  Eyes of Exile.

  This was given to him by Kongsha before he died, telling him that if he found out that Gorsa was going to attack his soul, he would swallow this Eye of Exile. Although he would die, at least he would not have to be tortured after death. .

  At first, Thor thought that the diary asked him to agree to Kong Sha's invitation just for this Eye of Exile. But when the Wizard Tower rebelled, Thor did not use the Eye of Exile.

  So later he thought clearly that the real purpose of the diary asking him to go to the Elf Valley was probably to allow him to see the true face of the planet he was on, and to accept the final gift from the half-elf and be promoted to an official wizard.

  If his strength does not reach the level of a first-level official wizard, it may be difficult for him to persist in the wizard tower rebellion until Master Gorsa suppresses the pollution.

  However, after Thor's later research on the information, he discovered that the Eye of Exile was not specifically used to pollute people's souls. In fact, it has many uses in itself.

  Through it, you can see the true trend of power without being confused and disturbed by the disguise of the outside world.

  After Sol got off the carriage, he lightly scratched the palm of his left hand with the fingertips of his right hand, and a crack opened in his left hand. A few strands of blood with gray glitter flowed down.

  He placed the Eye of Exile on the wound, and the ordinary-looking, slightly hard eye quickly integrated into the wound.

  The blood stopped immediately, and his eyes turned in a circle in Thor's palm. When the black pupils turned outside again, Thor felt as if he had lost control of his palm.

  It was as if someone had dug out the palm of his hand.

  But when Sol tried to move his fingers, he felt that his fingers were flexible and unrestricted.

  He raised his hand to face the distance, and then connected his spiritual power little by little along his arm to the Eye of Exile.

  Suddenly, the picture in front of Sol's eyes shook slightly, and a third perspective appeared. Even when the black eye moved uncontrollably, Thor himself could still be seen.

  But it's not just him.

  From the perspective of the Eye of Exile, Thor saw a colorful halo surrounding himself.

  That halo shows vivid color contrast even in sunlight. These haloes were constantly changing, like the hot, twisting air above the flames.

  Through the perspective of his left hand, Thor could clearly see that these haloes were close to him, changing positions from time to time, approaching and then moving away.

  He didn't know yet what these halos were, but he could feel that he was being watched.

  Sol narrowed his eyes, controlled his curiosity, and did not turn his head to look.

  He opened the diary in his mind and turned to the page where he had obtained the Eye of Exile.

  The last sentence in the diary that day was:
  [Don’t look at them.

  "The price of using the Eye of Exile is that I will see some things that I can't see myself. Although I can see them through the Eye of Exile, I can't look at them myself." As the time of using the Eye of Exile changes

  , For a long time, Sol's own eyes also vaguely saw some colors that were not of this world.

  "The Eye of Exile needs to observe the world, and at the same time, I need to observe myself. Once the halo in front of me floats in front of me, I have to be careful not to look at them." Thor summed up the experience of using this time in his mind, reminding himself that he

  should Pay attention to something, then spread out your left hand and walk towards the grassland.

  From the perspective of the Eye of Exile, he saw a village suddenly appearing about five hundred meters away.

  Near the village, the grass suddenly turned into brown land, and the two boundaries were connected unnaturally like wrongly put together puzzle pieces.

   Chapter 2: At night, try to do it before ten o'clock
  (end of this chapter)

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