Chapter 500 Kent’s compensation

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  Chapter 500 Kent’s Compensation
  Just when Jonah was thinking about how to persuade the dean to get Saul away quickly and politely when he went back, Saul had already packed his things and was about to leave Archaeological Site.

  He snatched An back from inside the upside-down tree. Although the opponent did not chase him to the ground, he was definitely eyeing Thor.

  In addition, Thor has already taken care of Kent. Even if the people at Baidong College don't find out anything now, they will definitely doubt him over time.

  After all, the contamination on Kent came from such a strange place.

  In less than an hour, Thor, with the help of Agu and Morton, had already sorted the bottles and cans and various materials in the room into categories and put them into storage.

  When leaving the temporary residence, Thor noticed someone staring at him, but he ignored it and ordered Marsh to drive away at a normal speed.

  When the carriage passed through the city gate, no one came out to stop Thor from leaving. Thor also saw the second-level apprentice Dumar he saw when he entered the city.

  Under Sol's semi-immersive new meditation method, Dumar's head still looked like a surveillance disk.

  When Thor turned his head and scanned the others, he found that several of them had the same problem as Dumar.

  At the city entrance not far away, there were still people queuing up waiting to enter the city.

  They had no idea what kind of world they were about to enter. Under the temptation of high salary and convenient life, maybe they won't care if they know it.

  Sol looked behind him and saw that there were only a few people leaving the city.

  Even the wizard who had been monitoring his whereabouts stopped after Thor left Archaeological Site and did not pursue him again.

  "It seems they haven't discovered the problem with the Inverted Tree yet." Sol lowered the window and turned around to take out a compressed suitcase.

  Penny had not been of much help in the previous battle, and now she finally had a chance to speak.

  "Brother Thor, you actually stole the Kent wizard's compressed luggage? Hehe, you are getting worse and worse."

  Only Penny dared to talk to Thor like this.

  Saul started to decipher the password formula on the compressed luggage without changing his expression, "This is not called stealing. Kent deliberately set an ambush in my room and made a big hole in my roof. This is called asking for compensation."

  "Yes, yes, that Kent is not a good person. He must have come here to ambush because he wanted to steal the master's things. I think he is the leader of the thieves." Penny smiled and landed on Thor's shoulder, wanting to see Baidong

  . How rich is the college's leader of thieves?

  "Don't have high hopes. Kent has a long-term residence at Baidong College. He may not bring many things with him when he goes out. They should be some witchcraft props or materials that may be used in battle." Anti-cracking properties of compressed

  luggage Not very strong.

  It uses space magic to compress a large space into a small volume.

  The biggest feature of this kind of witchcraft is that it can easily destroy the balance, causing the compressed space to return to its original state.

  As long as the cracker uses a few tricks, he can destroy the balance of the compressed bag and cause the objects inside to fall out.

  Therefore, it is much more useful to find a way to keep your compressed luggage than to add a few "locks" on it.

  It didn't take long for Thor to break open Kent's compressed luggage, and by this time the carriage was already far away from Archaeological Site.

  The gray city walls and towering buildings have become the backdrop behind the woods.

  "Ah? Is this Kent wizard too poor?" Penny came up, took a look and sighed with disappointment.

  Although it had been expected early on that Kent would not take all his belongings with him when he went out, he did not expect that there would be so little.

  Thor looked calm. He first took out the magic crystal inside and swept it with his mental power.

  Less than a hundred.

  Thor took out a few more pieces of parchment from inside, but it was not the witchcraft he wanted, but a disassembly diagram of a witchcraft circle.

  Because there is no annotation on it, Thor doesn't know what the function of this magic circle is. He handed the parchment to Agu, who was sitting opposite, to read.

  Agu turned over it twice and said hesitantly: "Maybe it's a summoning magic circle."

  "What is it summoning?" Sol asked curiously.

  "This... I can't tell for the time being, but if you have time, you can try to activate the magic circle. You don't have to go to the last step, and you can roughly know what will be summoned." "Could it be a giant tree growing?"

  Thor Some expectations.

  Dean Pound's giant tree grew very powerfully, and Sol could feel the strong pressure even when he stood next to the branches. If he hadn't launched the attack before Kent, it's not certain who would defeat whom in the end.

  "It doesn't look as complicated as the fourth-level witchcraft. But it may be that the real runes are hidden."

  Thor smiled, hearing the comfort in Agu's words.

  He looked at the remaining items in Kent's compressed luggage, only some not-so-rare witchcraft materials.

  "Although I know he won't take too many things with him when he goes out, these are too few." Penny was obviously not satisfied.

  "This also shows that the materials I gave out in exchange for the evil spirits were actually very eye-catching. The reason why Kent attacked me might not be because I didn't have those materials. It seems that I need to be more careful in the future." "Oh, brother Thor

  . I can't blame you, who would have thought that people outside could be so poor?" Penny was already bored, so she crossed the car wall and wanted to fly outside for a stroll.

  But within two seconds of leaving, it suddenly rushed back into the car.

  "Brother Sol!"

  "Shh!" Sol put his index finger in front of his lips.

  The moment Penny came back, he felt it too.

  Something snuck behind the carriage.

  That thing exuded weak spiritual power, was hiding underground, and was gradually approaching them at a speed no slower than the carriage.

  "Little algae." Thor ordered, and the black tentacle-like vines swished out of the carriage along the window, and quickly submerged into the soil and disappeared.

  The carriage did not stop, but just after driving forward for three to five meters, it heard several sounds of metal and stone hitting each other from behind.

  Just when Thor was about to transform into an octopus monster and go out to help Xiaozao, he suddenly felt the spiritual power of catching up with him. He paused, restored his human form, and jumped out of the car.

  "Wizard Char?"

  Thor felt familiar fluctuations in mental power.

  But to his surprise, the one fighting Xiaozao was the light-colored roots that had attacked them several times and had just been severely provoked by Thor!

  It's just that the number of roots in front of him far exceeds what Sol has encountered before, and they are densely packed, like green seedlings in a field.

  Xiaozao is fighting fiercely with the roots at the front.

  Roots mainly rely on entanglement to attack, and Xiaowei mainly relies on mouth bites.

  Although the algae can divide, it cannot resist the growing number of roots.

  "Char? Is that you?" Thor raised his hand, and a black knife shadow quickly formed above his head.

  The dozen or so roots at the front stopped attacking, and they gathered together, with their ends pointing toward the sky, like a person standing there.

  The other roots seemed a little confused, hovering in mid-air and did not immediately launch an attack.

  The roots that were the first to stop attacking became entangled, and finally took on a vaguely human shape.

  Thor kept the black blade in the air and took two steps closer to Char.

  "Are you... devoured by the upside-down tree?" The

  humanoid figure composed of roots sprouted new branches, forming the shape of a mouth.

  "Damn, run! It's too late!"

  Wizard Xia had never cursed anyone in his mouth.

  At this time, the word came out of his mouth, which was really full of sadness and unwillingness.

  (End of chapter)

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