Chapter 480 The Hidden Monster

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  Chapter 480 The Hidden Monster
  On the way back to the temporary residence, Thor had determined that the scorpion tail that had been included in the diary had been destroyed and absorbed, and he was very depressed.

  In the past, Thor had removed the scorpion tail needle and then included An in the diary. But the situation was urgent today, and An suddenly lost control, making Thor wonder whether the pollution attached to the scorpion tail affected An's sanity during the battle.

  Coupled with the root monster at his feet that might continue to attack at that time, Thor could only deal with An's problem as soon as possible and take the person away.

  However, compared to the loss of the Scorpion Tail Needle, the sudden attack of the root-bearded monster on An was more serious.

  Each of those roots looks thin and soft, but in fact they are extremely tough, and ordinary weapons cannot cut them.

  And when he saw that An's scorpion tail needle had no effect on the roots, he frowned even more.

  Those roots are not afraid of contamination by evil spirits.

  The most important thing is... those are just roots. What is connected behind the roots?
  Was it the big tree that Kismet wanted to "give" to him?

  After hurriedly returning to the temporary residence, Agu hurriedly greeted him, "Master, why are you back suddenly?"

  Saul told Agu what happened in the woods today.

  At this time, An also recovered.

  "An, why did you suddenly lose control just now?" Sol asked her.

  An Zai is still in a trance in his diary.

  [I'm not very sure, I just feel like there are suddenly a lot of thoughts in my consciousness... There seems to be something disgusting in those tree roots. ]

  "Tree roots, are you sure they are tree roots?"

  [Well, when I was unconscious, I could vaguely feel that the plant connected behind the roots was a big tree. ]

  "Can you find where exactly that tree is?"

  [No, the tree was far away from me, and I wasn't very conscious at the time.

  At this time, Herman, who was watching on the sidelines, said with some fear.

  [These rhizomes are so powerful. If that big tree appeared, wouldn't they all reach the second level of strength? ]

  Agu, who was sitting next to Thor, shook his head, "The master met the root monster in the city and also in the suburbs outside the city. It would be fine if the monster could move, but if it couldn't move..."

  Mo Dunzai added to Agu's unfinished words in his diary.

  [If the big tree cannot be moved, the reach of its roots will be too large.

  Thor understood what they meant. Based on the strength of the roots and the range of the roots, that big tree might be enough to rival the combat power of a city.

  If a city could be wiped out in one fell swoop, wouldn't it mean that Dashu already had third-level strength?
  Thinking of this, Sol immediately had the urge to leave here.

  But after thinking about it, he didn't really run away.

  The city was founded less than a year or two ago, and there were no rumors that any wizards were in trouble because of tree monsters.

  Besides, in the wizarding world, it is normal for a monster to appear. Can he choose a safe place to stay? In a place like that, there simply wasn't enough witchcraft material for Thor to study.

  Thor took a deep breath and said, "It's still unclear why the tree monster attacked An. An should not go out casually during this period, and the same goes for you, Agu. I'll go to Baidong College to find out more information." Just do what you say,

  Thor Go directly to Xia Ya.

  People like Char who always feel that others will harm them generally don't like to go out. Saul came directly to find someone.

  Sure enough, Char was at home, but this time he didn't let Sol in.

  "...Tree roots?" Xia Ya was stunned for a moment before hesitatingly said, "I had heard that there was a big tree in Archaeological Site, but that tree was set on fire many years ago." "Burn

  . Did it happen?" Saul had some doubts that the big tree might not have been burned down. "Then there haven't been incidents of plant roots attacking people before?"

  Char spread his hands, "Everything can attack people in Archaeological Site, plants, animals, monsters... Even if the root system attacked people before, we can't be sure whether it is the root system of the same plant." Thor thought for a while and asked again

  . : "Why do so many evil spirits appear in Archaeologists? Is there no other way to prevent it besides arresting them?"

  When asked about this sentence, Xia Ya's expression was a bit wrong. He licked the corner of his mouth and said, He lowered his voice and said, "If you really want to know, just ask Dean Pound. Archaeologists' current prosperity is entirely due to Dean Pound's initiative."

  He stood in the shadow under the eaves, his expression Obscure and unclear, "You always have to pay some price to get something, right?"

  Xia Ya should know some truth, but he was obviously unwilling to tell Thor.

  After Sol left, he actually followed Chara's suggestion and went to find Dean Pound.

  But he did not ask about the strange cause of Archaeological City. Even if he asked, Dean Pound would not tell him.

  Thor used the accident of being attacked in the suburbs to ask the dean if there was any new progress in the research on root monsters last time.

  He noticed that Dean Pound looked panicked for a moment when he heard the root monster appeared in the suburbs.

  However, the other party quickly concealed his panic as surprise, and expressed suspicion that the monster that appeared in the underground waterway last time had left the city.

  He told Thor that he could tell Kent the whole story. Kent is responsible for the evil spirits that are difficult for the sweepers to deal with. He will gather people, share intelligence, and organize people to focus on conquering the evil spirits that are difficult for wizards to resist.

  After Thor learned about it, he asked casually, "Is Kent always responsible for the evil spirit incident?"

  The dean told Thor that it was another wizard before, but that wizard died unexpectedly in a battle with the evil spirit. After the middle, it was Kent who took over.

  After Kent took over, very few wizards died fighting evil spirits.

  Dean Pound told Saul that if he found a threat, he could tell Kent. He was still very enthusiastic.

  A wizard? enthusiastic?

  Thor ostensibly thanked the dean, but actually left Baidong College with complicated thoughts.

  Now he is basically sure that the dean knows about the root monster. Dean Pond might even be the one who cultivated the root monster!

  Last time, he specifically called Thor to the bell tower and showed him the roots trapped in the test tube. He was probably testing his knowledge of root monsters in turn.

  Test to see if he has access to part of the root system.

  And the witch Beth who appeared in the bell tower at that time should also be related to this hidden monster.

  There are many wizards in Archaeological Site, and Thor is not the only outsider. They are so wary of Thor, and they are probably still worried about Gorsa behind Thor.

  This also shows in disguise that the troubles hidden in Baidong College cannot be solved by a formal wizard.

  After this incident, Thor showed no abnormality after that. He even participated in sweeper missions more frequently, just to collect new evil spirits.

  Although the scorpion tail needle was accidentally consumed without achieving any merit, it also proved that Thor's idea of ​​​​soul weaponry was correct.

  He wants to take advantage of his days in Archaeological Site to collect as many evil spirit fragments as possible, and it is best to arm all four consciousness bodies!

  During this period, I don't know if his several "complaints" aroused the vigilance of people in the dark, but he never encountered the root monster again.

  At the same time, after several actions, Thor also discovered that when an evil spirit is just born, it can be conquered in the easiest way.

  Since new evil spirits are always born in Archaeological Site, Thor can completely break away from the security team and find his own way to find new evil spirits.

  So Penny the Nightmare Butterfly was sent out by Thor to look for abnormal spirits that breed in dark corners every night.

  But what Thor didn't expect was that the first person to bring him news of the new evil spirit was not Penny, but Xiaozao!

   Chapter 2 It was still at night and I was really tired from going out.

  (End of chapter)

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