Chapter 48 This kind of determination is not easy to make

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  Chapter 48 This kind of determination is not easy to make.
  After a new plastic bone was born in the big box, Thor finally collected enough plastic bones.

  This accidentally discovered plastic bone is resistant to high temperatures, water immersion, and acid corrosion. After being processed twice by Sol, it has become more flexible and cannot be cut with ordinary sharp tools.

  Moreover, this material will become as soft as plasticine under continuous electric shock, which will also facilitate Sol's subsequent processing.

  After seeing off the first guest, Sol returned to the experimental platform. The solution in the crucible had been basically evaporated, leaving only a small pool of sticky substance at the bottom.

  Some are like the little bit of soup base left after the fire has reduced the juice.

  Thor carefully picked up the still hot crucible with his bone-white left hand, poured it into another bottle, and then sealed the bottle.

  In this way, his preparations are basically completed.

  Tonight, or tomorrow, we will begin the final stage of the Shaman body transformation!
  Sol sat on the chair, leaning back lazily, looking at the bottles and jars on the table in a daze.

  He had the illusion that after completing his transformation, he would no longer be himself.

  But without reform, he will never be able to control his destiny.

  I glanced at the hourglass clock on the wall, it was only four in the afternoon.

  There are still three hours...

  Thor looked back at the candle lamp on the teleportation platform.

  The candlelight was dim.

  Today's work is also over.

  "Should we give the second-level apprentice's brain to Kong Sha?" The

  second-level apprentice that Thor got when Peggy died last time has not yet been given to Kong Sha.

  He studied it for a long time and didn't understand how Kong Sha wanted to use it.

  With Thor's current knowledge base, the brain is not a very good material for witchcraft.

  It’s too easy to hide dangers inside.

  "Forget it, the second-level apprentice has already given me a big surprise anyway. Let's give his head to Kong Sha in exchange for other benefits that I can use."

  Thor walked to the cabinet and held it from inside . He took out a box and wrapped it in the light yellow leather Kongsa gave him.

  This piece of leather had dealt with the evil spirit last time, and fortunately it was not damaged, but it was inevitably stained with a stench. Even if Thor tried his best to get rid of it, it was only to the point where it was not so disgusting.

  And that mask... Thor put it away for the time being.

  He wrapped the box and walked to the door.

  Thor's hand pressed on the doorknob of the scarlet door and suddenly stopped.

  He raised his hand and said,


  He slapped himself.

  "Damn it, we've come this far, why are you still running away?"

  Sol was so strong that the right side of his face immediately swelled up.

  But the pain also kept him awake.

  He held the box wrapped in yellow leather and put it back in the cabinet, then stood in front of the experimental table again.

  "Completing the transformation one day earlier means getting out of trouble earlier. Delay and failure will lead to death! Don't wait any longer, start testing now!" It is precisely

  because Thor has prepared all the materials for the transformation of the Witch Body today, so he Been distracted all day.

  Even Keli could see that he was nervous.

  The fear of failure made Saul even subconsciously avoid starting the experiment.

  It wasn't until he reached the door that he slapped himself hard, using the pain to awaken the frightening memories of several near-death moments.

  "West Germany is still watching with eager eyes. Kongsha is not a kind person. There are not many days left for the test of Teacher Kaz. How can you waste time?" Thor took a deep breath, reached out resolutely, opened the bottle, and

  removed all the plastic bones inside. Take it out, put it in a large tray, and start shocking it.

  The electric shock instrument was a weapon engraved with level 0 tremor electric shock. After Thor bought it, the excess parts were removed and turned into experimental equipment.

  The hill made of plastic bones began to soften and collapse under the continuous electric shock.

  But it will take some time before it can be used.

  Thor opened other bottles and began to prepare a fusion liquid.

  This fusion fluid will evaporate quickly and lose its effectiveness, so Sol can only adjust it on the spot after the plastic bone softens.

  However, because I had practiced it many times before, there were no accidents in this adjustment.

  Other bits and pieces are also ready.

  While staring at the softening of the plastic bones on the plate, Thor took off his shirt and casually placed it on the back of the chair.

  Thor raised his left hand, which was already bone-white up to the wrist.

  The plastic bone had completely softened, and Thor quickly poured it into the fusion fluid.

  He watched as the plastic bone continued to become smaller and softer under the influence of the fusion fluid, taking on a cement-like form.

  Sol picked up a few jars of potions on the table and drank them.

  He even took a small drop of the potion Kongsha gave him that could quickly absorb elemental particles.

  Finally, he reached out and grabbed a handful of softened plastic bones directly from the fusion fluid, and began to smear it on the left hand of the white bones.

  The fusion fluid burned part of Thor's skin, and blood mixed in, turning the clear liquid dark red.

  Thor gasped in pain.

  But his own flesh and blood was also part of the transformation, so he could only endure the pain and continue.

  As more and more plastic bones were applied to Sol's left hand, the left hand, which had been unconscious for a long time, began to feel pain.

  Pain is better than numbness.

  Saul kept his eye on the hard-cover book.

  The fact that the latter stayed quietly was the greatest affirmation of Saul.

  Finally, all the plastic bones were smeared on his left hand, and Thor's right hand was already dripping with blood.

  But he didn't stop, and continued to use his right hand full of wounds to shape the softened plastic bone.

  This step is like kneading plasticine or making pottery, but the materials are more special.

  With Sol's efforts, a hand gradually took shape. In order to make the prosthetic hand look better, Sol also played with mud in private.

  With the internal white bones as support, a bloodshot artificial hand quickly took shape.

  This hand is slightly larger than Thor's right hand, but when Thor grows up, it shouldn't be so awkward.

  After completing the connection between the bones and the skin, Thor extended his left forearm into a large jar filled with solution.

  A puff of white smoke came out, blocking people's sight.

  The aroma of roasted meat penetrated Sol's nose, but it failed to evoke his memories of food.

  There is no way, it hurts too much.

  Just holding back from taking his hands out took all of Sol's willpower.

  In order to distract himself, Soldu began to think wildly.

  "It's so painful for me just to modify one hand. What horrors have I experienced like Senior Sister Kongsha? And Mentor Monica, is she really unconscious of the electric shocks all the time on her body?" "By the way

  , There is also Fenda, who I have only seen once. Does he have no skin, just like in horror stories, and can only use bandages to make skin..." The hourglass clock

  reminded him that time was up.

  Thor pulled his arm out, and because of the excessive force, he fell backwards to the ground.

  His back hit the ground, and Sol held his left hand in his right hand, curling up and rolling on the ground.

  After finally waiting for the pain to subside, Sol was sweating profusely and slowly sat up. The drops of water on the ground were rubbed mercilessly.

  He propped up his body with his right hand, pulled the legs of the experimental table, and stood up little by little.

  The extreme pain made his brain swell.

  The pain seemed to start to spread from his left hand to his whole body, and Thor felt uncomfortable everywhere in his body.

  There is even an illusion that one will die after a serious illness.

  But the quietness of the hard-cover book made Sol realize that he was still alive.

  Shivering, he went to get the last potion.

  That was the heart obtained from the second-level apprentice who was possessed by an evil spirit last time.

  A heart that grows on a dead person but is still alive.

  Thor has tested the heart and found that it is not poisonous. There is even unused potion in it, and it is that potion that keeps the heart active.

  Saul analyzed that after the second-level apprentice was seriously injured, he took some kind of life-saving witchcraft potion and insisted on returning to the wizard tower. But he didn't know that he was possessed by an evil spirit, and he died at the last moment, and brought the evil spirit back to the wizard's tower.

  Of course, there are more sinister ideas.

  The second-level apprentice came back alive, but was beaten by Peggy who wanted to pick up materials for free.

  Now, everything is cheaper Sol.

  (End of chapter)

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