Chapter 454 Invitation

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  Chapter 454: Inviting

  Thor. I wonder if Wizard Caron noticed anything unusual? Or is there something wrong with him himself?

  But if the other party is really the owner of the broken wine glass, this may also be the best opportunity to contact Caron before he discovers that there is something wrong with Blue Water Bay.

  "Penny, can you check the memory of this servant and see if the Karon wizard has left Blue Water City recently?" A

  silver butterfly flew out from Sol's eyebrows. "Of course it's no problem for ordinary people. His recent I can check all the memories. If I can't do this, wouldn't I be sorry for the cryptocrystalline brother Sol gave me?"

  Penny's voice contained a little pride.

  However, before Penny could fly out, algae suddenly burst out from the back of Sol's neck, and then used his wet tongue to write a word on the car wall.


  Agu looked complicated. He had learned so many words, but he remembered this one most clearly.

  Sol's face was expressionless, and he smiled secretly in his heart, Xiaozao, you know how to ridicule.

  Penny was so angry that she was furious, but she couldn't do anything with Xiaozao.

  This simple-minded guy doesn't even dream!

  Penny comforted herself not to argue with Mud, and flew out, then quickly flew back, "The servant remembers that Wizard Caron has not left the laboratory for a long time, and was recently invited out by the city lord." Thor thought for a moment

  , "Since you've come to invite me, let's drop by."

  Thor handed the broken wine glass to Agu, lest the Caron wizard have any way of sensing the wine glass when he brought it to the other party.

  Afterwards, Thor boarded the carriage prepared by the other party's servants and went to the city lord's mansion alone.

  Lord McCann entertained Thor in the main living room and prepared quite a lot of food and drinks. There are also beautiful maids and handsome male servants around.

  In the entire Blue Water City, there are very few families who can afford such a banquet.

  However, Sol didn't touch them at all. After introducing each other, he asked directly about the purpose of their visit.

  Perhaps he was used to the straight-forward approach of wizards. Lord McCann was not embarrassed at all. He smiled and raised his glass and said, "Actually, there haven't been any new wizards in Blue Water City for a long time. I don't know if Mr. Thor is passing by here or not." Do you want to stay temporarily?"

  Thor glanced at the silent and socially awkward wizard Charon next to him.

  "I came here to meet a friend. I've met him now and am about to leave. The city lord doesn't need to worry." Thor didn't want to reveal his identity as a visitor from the Wizard Tower now, so his words were naturally more polite than usual.

  "Oh no, no, no, that's not what I meant." Although he was indeed a little worried, Lord McCann, who would never admit it, quickly waved his hand without spilling the wine in the glass.

  "Actually, Blue Water City still hopes to invite Mr. Saul to stay here. Although our place is not particularly wealthy, it is very close to Blue Water Bay, and we also have some special witchcraft materials. And we are not far from Archaeological Site City. But it's very quiet, which is actually very suitable for wizards to live."

  The other party actually wants to recruit me?

  Thor was stunned for a moment, then realized that the concealment witchcraft cast by Goltha's mentor on him was still in effect, and the other party might have mistook him for a wandering third-level wizard.

  Moreover, there was no speculation about Thor's strength in the words. Even if Thor, a formal wizard, could not stay due to the conditions of opening Blue Water City, the most that Mayor McCann could do was to be rejected.

  Try to recruit them without losing a piece of meat, and maybe you can get some information. City Lord McCann is naturally happy to do so.

  The Karon wizard on the side lowered his head and drank a kind of juice called black mulberry throughout the whole process, staining his lips and teeth black.

  "Wizard Caron doesn't seem to care that other people will come to divide his profits. But if he is really related to the broken wine glass, he definitely doesn't want any wizard to stay." Thinking of this, Thor pretended to be a little moved, lowered his head and touched He held his chin in thought.

  At this time, Penny, who had sneaked near Caron, flew back. She got into Thor's ear and whispered: "Brother Thor, there is indeed something wrong with this Caron. He is definitely not a second-level wizard apprentice. I secretly tested his mental body. Although he hid it very well, I could tell that he should be a first-level official wizard. I was just afraid that the other party would notice, so I didn't go deep." After hearing this, Thor suddenly became polite

  . With a smile on his face, "I'm going to Archaeological Site, so I won't bother the city lord and Lord Caron anymore."

  City Lord McCann felt a little depressed when he heard this, but he had imagined this outcome before he spoke, so he quickly adjusted it He said, "In that case, please enjoy the unique delicacies of Blue Water City before leaving."

  Lord McCann began to invite everyone to eat again, and the servants also served new dishes in a timely manner.

  There is also a relatively rare black water snail, of course, the parts that can become witchcraft materials have been taken out.

  Sol pretended to lower his head to eat, but in fact everything was eaten by the algae hiding in his sleeves.

  The Soul-Eating Demon Swamp has magic resistance and poison resistance that are unmatched by ordinary life forms. The only drawback is that it is not very good against the fire element.

  The most important thing is that there are some things that Xiaowei can spit out intact after eating them.

  At that time, Thor can openly check whether there is any manipulation on it, and preliminarily determine whether the Caron wizard is harmless to humans and animals, or a sinister boss.

  But before Thor could feed Xiaozao a few more mouthfuls, a middle-aged man who looked like a knight suddenly burst in with an anxious look on his face.

  "City Lord! Master Caron! It's not good, no, it's great. The dark clouds above Blue Water Bay have begun to disperse!" The

  knight was obviously excited and a little confused.

  Mayor McCann stood up, his thigh hit the dining table, and all the wine in his hand spilled on the fish in front of him.

  "The clouds...have dispersed?"

  Wizard Caron, who had been serving as the background, immediately stood up. Hearing the knight confirm again that the clouds had begun to disperse, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

  "Master Caron, where are you going?" Lord McCann wanted to invite him to go to the beach with him, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually go towards the small garden.

  "I'm going to take the instrument to the beach for testing."

  "I'm going with you!" McCann said quickly.

  But an official next to him followed up and whispered: "Sir, we are not sure about the degree of danger yet. You can send others to inquire about the situation first." Upon hearing this, Lord McCann immediately slowed down, and then asked the proposed

  official Said: "Then please go there for me. I will stay here with Sir Sol." "

  No, City Lord, you go and do your work. It seems to be a very important matter. I will go back to find my companions." ."

  City Lord Mike was not in the mood for a banquet at this time. He did not make any reservations, but just invited: "Your Excellency Sol can stay for one more night. If the shadow really dissipates, it is something worthy of celebration. We may be there tonight. A grand banquet will be held, and your Excellency is invited to attend."

  "That's fine. I also want to know about the development of the matter." Sol said with a smile.

  The Lord of McCann City pointed out a servant and asked him to take Thor to stay temporarily. Little did he know that Thor only wanted to run away as soon as the Caron wizard and the main force of McCann City left.

  If Wizard Caron is the owner of the broken wine glass, then when he goes to check at this time, he will definitely find that the broken wine glass is missing, and it will be easy to associate it with himself.

  An official wizard who can disguise his strength and hide for countless years.

  An associate of the sinister Gudo mentor.

  Although the diary has no crisis warning, Thor does not want to confront him yet.

  However, what Thor never expected was that as soon as he stepped out of the banquet hall, he saw a long black knife falling from the sky, and with a "pop", it split the Karon wizard halfway in half.

  The black knife looked so familiar, as if he had just seen it not long ago.

  (End of chapter)

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