Chapter 45 Declared Failure

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  Chapter 45 Declare Failure
  "Humph, you are quite cautious." The other party snorted and rolled his eyes impatiently, "Because you are cheap, and the one next door may need me to use two corpses to kill him." Well, it turns out that you are cheap

  . He's pretty cheap.

  Thor took a look and saw that the corpses of the other two first-level apprentices seemed to have begun to be selected.

  "Go quickly, don't waste time." Senior Sister Leng Bing urged.

  Thor had no choice but to hold the soft leather mask and walk towards the corner.

  Just before he was about to step into the magic circle, a crashing sound suddenly made his movements freeze in place.

  The hard-cover book grew in size and flew in front of him, unfolding.

  The joking words resurfaced again.

  [July 11th, 314th year of the New Moon Calendar.
  Today is such a good day. I know you are short of materials, so someone sent you a corpse.

  You obediently take the "Girl's Pure Absolute Domain" with you, sit honestly in the magic circle, and carefully observe the three corpses.

  Hey, why can't you see the existence of evil spirits? Turning around again, are you dazzled? Why is the evil spirit on Peggy?
  Oh are indeed dazzled, that evil spirit of mysophobia is clearly on you!
  Tonight, Peggy will write in the task register: A total of three first-level apprentice corpses were disposed of today.

  Saul knew that good things like pie in the sky would not happen to him easily! ! !

  Anyone who preaches high benefits without cost is a big liar!

  Don’t be greedy for petty advantages and don’t be fooled!

  Saul decisively decided to give up and refuse this assistance.

  The words on the diary appeared again, and when Thor saw it, his eyes were about to burst.

  Good guy, this time it was the senior who turned against him and killed him directly.

  "What are you waiting for? Why don't you go in?" Paige behind her said with obvious impatience in her tone.

  Thor turned around slowly, with a smile that was uglier than crying.

  "Senior sister, I think one first-level apprentice's body is not enough."

  Peggy's eyes widened and she asked in disbelief: "You want two?"

  "No, no, no, I'm not that greedy. I just did experiments recently. I'm short of a few materials on hand."

  The names of the materials came out of Sol's mouth one after another, but his brain was quickly thinking of ways to deal with them.

  Destroy the magic circle?

  No, the hard-cover book mocked Thor's intelligence and told him that he would die under the joint attack of the evil spirit and Peggy.

  Sol thought of two more ways, but they were both rejected by the hardcover book.

  "What a mess, where can I get the materials now?"

  Sol smiled bitterly and continued to delay.

  "Senior, are you in a hurry? I think it should be written in your task register today: Today we processed the body of a first-level apprentice. Isn't that right?" Peggy narrowed her eyes


  "You are smart. Yes, I will hide the body of this second-level apprentice. If you report me afterwards, I have many ways to kill you." As she said this, she

  took out a bulging silver bag from her arms and threw it into the rope. In your arms.

  Thor caught it, and there was a crunching sound in the bag.

  This is actually a big bag of magic crystals!

  "You can buy at least ten copies of these things. The materials you just mentioned. Hurry in! If you wait any longer, I will break your legs and throw you in." "Thank you, senior." Sol put the money bag in


  arms Here, holding the mask, he walked into the magic circle and sat down obediently.

  "Put on the mask!"

  Peggy urged again, her voice unable to conceal the murderous intent.

  "Okay, let me find out the pros and cons."

  Thor turned the mask over in his hands, and at the same time opened the seal of the small bottle in his palm with his nails.

  It was a last-minute solution he came up with, and the hardcover didn't mock his death again.

  "The absolute realm of girlish purity" and "the evil spirit of mysophobia" reminded him of the bottle of "the ultimate filth of elemental fairies" he kept in his arms.

  When the evil spirit and Peggy's senior sister are far more powerful than him, Thor can only gamble on the escape path selected for him by the hard cover book.

  When flipping the mask, Thor also poured more than half of the potion on the mask.

  When he put on the mask, a faint fishy smell rushed into his nose.

  The mask seemed to be sticky and immediately stuck to Thor's face.

  "I have polluted this absolute realm. If you are really mysophobic, please don't come to me!"

  On the other side.

  Paige was already about to go crazy, but the damn new apprentice finally sat down in the magic circle she drew.

  Of course, the magic circle that Thor is sitting on actually has no purpose. What really works is the mask on his face.

  With a straight face, Paige endured the throbbing pain caused by the friction between her thighs and walked to the middle of the candles.

  She took off her loose robe, revealing the pajamas-like skirt underneath and her white calves.

  He kicked off his short boots, revealing a pair of equally white feet.

  The skin was delicate and almost the same color as the mask on Thor's face.

  "Pay attention to those three corpses. If you see black smoke coming from the body of that corpse, remember to tell me! The evil spirit moves very quickly, and I must determine the location of the other party immediately." "Yes." "Start.



  Yang He raised his hands, each hand quickly making different gestures.

  At the same time, she began to recite a spell silently.

  All the candles on the ground suddenly burned.

  The magic circle runes above the head, on the walls, and on the ground twitched like living insects.

  Only the magic circle around Sol was silent and motionless.

  Thor looked dutifully at the three bodies.

  The changes in the room were growing.

  The flames of the candles soared by one meter and kept twisting, as if a living person was being burned, and faint screams reached Thor's ears.

  The black lines on the ground kept separating and reorganizing, like a group of stick figures dancing around a campfire.

  Sol felt in a daze that those stick figures seemed to have stood up from the ground, dancing with their flat bodies, cheering for the leap in quality of life.

  "Tell me! Where is the evil spirit?"

  A sharp female voice sounded, interrupting Thor's observation.

  Sol shifted his gaze and stared at Paige motionlessly.

  "On your body, senior sister!" he said coldly.

  Paige paused and turned around suddenly, her face covered in black silk, like a demon.

  "Look again!"

  In Thor's eyes, those black threads pulled away from Paige's skin and quickly formed a twisted and ferocious face.

  The empty eye sockets of the ghost face were as big as the cracked mouth. After gathering in the air, they immediately rushed towards Thor's location.

  It opened its mouth wide, and black silky saliva flowed from the corners of its mouth.

  Thor's body leaned back suddenly, as if something rushed into his body, and a dizzy and cold feeling came from the mask.

  But before he could recover, the touch felt like his hand touching a red-hot iron pot, and he suddenly retracted it.

  He endured the pain and soreness in his eyes, opened them with tears and looked over, and saw the black evil spirit crawling back into Peggy's body with a painful expression on his face.

  "Ah——" Peggy screamed in horror, "How could this happen!?"

  The black evil spirit's face was stamped hard on Paige's face, and then Paige's voice became hoarse and unpleasant.

  "Evil!!! So disgusting!! So disgusting!!!" Paige's body twitched, her mouth opened wide, and she spat out thick black water.

  "How could there be such disgusting filth! You woman, you actually lied to me. She was not the purest virgin at all! She was a disgusting man!!!" "Go away,

  you wretched evil spirit!" Paige was also there Try your best to break free from the evil spirits.

  Two souls fight in Peggy's body.

  In the corner, Thor pulled the mask off his face and gasped.

  It wasn't that he wanted to prove that he was a pure virgin, but that the mask had become extremely stinky after being briefly possessed by an evil spirit. Even people like Thor who were already immune to the smell of corpses couldn't stand it.

  Every second he wears it, he feels so sick that he wants to die!

  In the confusion, the hardcover book ran out.

  [On July 11, 314th year of the new lunar calendar, Qingzhen

  had a wonderful reaction.

  A fresh girl's skin, a bit of elemental fairy filth, and a trace of a cursed spirit with a mysophobia, turned into a shocking mask of a necromancer!

  But you have to find a way to get rid of the odor on it first.

   Did you see me on 2022.11.29~
  (End of this chapter)

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