Chapter 397 High profile

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  Chapter 397: High-profile
  Keli answered Sol's question without thinking for too long.

  "If you call this a hidden danger, then there must be one." Keli looked very familiar and counted on her fingers, listing a total of seven kinds of witchcraft materials.

  "That's all I can think of at the moment."

  "So many?" Thor originally wanted to use the adhesive combined with blue water soul to deduce possible problems in the gray matter.

  After all, Master Gorsa had told him that gray matter was the main component of blue water soul.

  Senior Byron may have been killed due to gray matter, and it was difficult for Saul not to think of the resurrection experiment.

  He had heard before that an alternative plan for the resurrection experiment had suddenly made a breakthrough, and many mentors were busy with it.

  Although Thor was a little curious, he did not study it in depth. That plan was probably based on an area of ​​knowledge that he was completely unfamiliar with. It would be better to continue to improve his experiments than to relearn it.

  But now, Senior Byron was suddenly killed, and he had to consider whether there was any conspiracy in this resurrection plan.

  Facing Sol's doubts, Keli shrugged her shoulders, "I am just giving an example based on my understanding of this formula. There are many witchcraft materials that can truly transform the properties of potions." She looked

  at Sol frowned, then picked up the cup and put it to his lips, but he didn't drink the water just as he tilted it.

  "Knowledge in the field of poison attributes is like this. Maybe just adding a certain material will greatly increase the toxicity of the entire potion. It has many internal components and external factors. If you really want to harm people, you can do anything." But

  . Li's voice hit the water in the cup, causing ripples and sounding a little muffled.

  But after hearing this explanation, Sol relaxed.

  He secretly thought: "Yes, poisonous potions are actually prone to problems, but for this reason, it is impossible for the tower owner to ignore this part of the experiment. And with his ability, he can definitely prepare this potion himself, and Gu Duo He and Keli just need to come up with a potion formula that can pass the test."

  In this way, the focus of attention returned to the blue water soul. If he wanted to know why Senior Byron was targeted, he still had to figure out the secret of Blue Water Soul.

  Or the secrets in the gray matter.

  Gorza once said that the blue water soul was discovered by mentor Kaz, and then was researched and added by mentor Rum, who added new materials, and finally became the blue water soul. In this way, both of them may know the secrets of gray matter.

  Instructor Rum seems to hate the tower master in his heart, and is even more suspicious.

  But Mentor Kaz... Thor wasn't sure if his attitude was as unconditional support for Gortha as he showed.

  Because even Thor himself is not without reservations.

  He didn't tell Golsa at all about getting the Eye of Exile in the Elf Valley, and even Kongsa's strong hatred for Golsa was ignored.

  He will actively participate in the resurrection experiment and help Gorsa complete a long-term resurrection plan by reducing the repellency of the container.

  But if the other party still wants to attack him in the end, then Sol will have no choice but to leave himself a way out.

  Therefore, he was quite happy when he knew that there were other resurrection plans that might fulfill Gorsa's request.

  I just didn't expect that the purpose of this resurrection plan might not be pure.

  If they want to use this to deal with Golza, will Thor sit on the sidelines or choose to help Golza fight back?

  "Is that why you called me here to ask about this?" Keli saw that Sol had been silent and thinking about something, and then she looked down at her belly, which was full of water, and finally put down the cup.

  "Ah, I also want to ask you, has the antidote for the Alpha Necklace been developed?"

  Keli rolled her eyes, "It's only been a few days? How could it be so fast? But the improvement of high-quality adhesives was catalyzed by me through the weakened version of Alpha. It can be considered an unintentional good result." She squinted at it

  . Sol, "Is there anything else?"

  Sol was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "Don't worry, the birthday gift is being prepared."

  After Keli left with satisfaction, Sol immediately went to the second warehouse and used the summons Bi informed Tower Master Gorsa that his resurrection experiment was ready for preliminary verification experiments.

  Although Golza had just let go of Keli and Gudo, he still responded to Saul immediately.

  "Bring the necessary items and come to the 20th floor."

  After receiving Golsa's instructions, Thor asked Xiaozao to help him carry a body, while he took the raw materials and notes for the medicine in the warehouse and followed the path of the east tower. Take the ramp to the 20th floor.

  It was already past seven in the morning, the time when there were the most people in the East Tower corridor.

  Thor was alone in front, with a stiff corpse held up by extremely weird-looking black tentacles behind him.

  This scene frightened many low-level apprentices into not wanting to look further.

  Whether it is Sol or Xiaozao, the magic power fluctuations emanating from their bodies are extremely strong.

  Even the motionless corpse had a strange aura.

  Two third-level apprentices happened to pass by. At first, they were not as panicked as the lower-level apprentices. But when they saw the appearance of the corpse, their expressions changed drastically and they froze on the spot. They could not return for a long time until Thor left. god.

  When he finally remembered, he looked back and looked at Thor with fear.

  In fact, Sol can also hold the red candle and let the corpse move with him.

  But he was afraid that because of Hongzhu, all the corpses in the warehouse would be taken out.

  It's broad daylight, but it's really going to cause a commotion.

  The onlookers were forced to stop when Sol entered the 19th floor, but then there was a huge discussion.

  But soon, Sol, who arrived on the 20th floor, entered the bronze door on this floor.

  In the huge circular laboratory, Gorsa was sitting on the edge of a completely open sarcophagus.

  Opposite him, there is a notebook that fell to the ground. The pages were face down and stacked in a messy manner.

  It was like someone was standing here holding a book, and then the moment he came in, he was suddenly teleported away by Gorsa.

  Saul walked over and picked up the notebook naturally and handed it to Golza.

  "Throw it away, it's meaningless." Golza had no intention of taking it.

  Thor placed it on the round table in the middle of the room. While placing it, he gently hung the cover of the note on his fingertips and lifted it up a little.

  He saw it read: Discussion on the feasibility of cleaning up pollution with electric shock.

  The font was very regular and elegant, and Sol immediately thought of his mentor Monica.

  Instructor Monica is also a beauty. It can be said that she was the first person to surprise Thor in the dark wizard tower.

  He was also the first mentor to show kindness to Thor. She seemed to have immediately noticed that there was something wrong with the elements that Sol was majoring in, and secretly reminded him in a teaching way.

  Just usually, Monica's presence among the mentors is very low. She had few students and a narrow focus. At present, apart from the third-level apprentice Jero, Sol still doesn't know who else she has taken under her name.

  Perhaps this is the disadvantage of point-to-point, tough-promoted wizards.

  If you think about it carefully, Tutor Monica and Sol are actually Golza's students now.

  But in terms of attention, Monica really can't compare to Sol.

  Now Golza actually wants to throw away the "homework" submitted by the other party!
  After being treated like this, will Monica also complain about Golza?
  Thor turned around and looked at Gorsa speechlessly, thinking: "You old man really relies on your superb strength to make enemies everywhere!"

   I haven’t corrected the typos, I’ll sort them out tonight.

  (End of chapter)

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